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A. V, Turysheva
A. V, Turysheva
Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Saint Petersburg State Mining University


Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Study start-up of synchronous drives oil and gas industry

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The problems of various factors on the process of launching high-voltage synchronous motors. Possibilities of optimization of start electromechanical systems with synchronous motors. A mathematical model of the electromechanical complex, which implements various starting methods.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Ustinov D.A., Plotnikov I.G., Turysheva A.V. Study start-up of synchronous drives oil and gas industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 218.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Substantiation of schemes of the electrical supply of remote areas of oil extracting

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Problems of an electrical supply of objects oil extracting remote areas are considered. Application of local systems of an electrical  supply with application as the energy carrier of passing oil gas is proved. The analysis of applied local system of an electrical supply is made and recommendations about its perfection are made. Results of imitating mathematical modeling of start of the synchronous generator from the storage battery are presented.

How to cite: Ustinov D.A., Turysheva A.V., Plotnikov I.G. Substantiation of schemes of the electrical supply of remote areas of oil extracting // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 277.
Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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Substantiation study about the rational circuit of power supplyof machines and complexes of the oil and gas producing enterprises

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The problems of power supply of the distal oil and gas producing enterprises are considered. Application of local system of electro-power supply with using passing oil gas is based. The analysis of system of electro-power supply in operation is executed and recommendations on its perfection are given by realization of automatic sectioning overhead power line on a basis decentralized algorithm of work of multipurpose automatic slice post.

How to cite: Ustinov D.A., Turysheva A.V. Substantiation study about the rational circuit of power supplyof machines and complexes of the oil and gas producing enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 224.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Electrical supply of power installations of oil extracting from independent power stations

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In article the imitating model of the closed system of an independent electrical supply with the energy carrier in the form of passing oil gas, with which help probably is presented: to establish parities of capacities of microturbine installation and погружного the electric motor for system work in a nominal mode; to eliminate the higher harmonious components of a current and pressure for maintenance with the electric power of the remote areas of the oil extracting satisfying with GOST 13109-97.

How to cite: Turysheva A.V. Electrical supply of power installations of oil extracting from independent power stations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 186. p. 156-160.