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Vladimir V. Glazunov
Vladimir V. Glazunov
Dr.Habil., Professor
Saint Petersburg Mining University
, Dr.Habil., Professor
Saint Petersburg Mining University


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Improving the reliability of 3D modelling of a landslide slope based on engineering geophysics data

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Landslides are among the most dangerous geological processes, posing a threat to all engineering structures. In order to assess the stability of slopes, complex engineering surveys are used, the results of which are necessary to perform computations of the stability of soil masses and assess the risks of landslide development. The results of integ-rated geological and geophysical studies of a typical landslide slope in the North-Western Caucasus spurs, composed of clayey soils, are presented. The purpose of the work is to increase the reliability of assessing the stability of a landslide mass by constructing a 3D model of the slope, including its main structural elements, identified using modern methods of engineering geophysics. Accounting for geophysical data in the formation of the computed 3D model of the slope made it possible to identify important structural elements of the landslide, which significantly affected the correct computation of its stability.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Burlutsky S.B., Shuvalova R.A., Zhdanov S.V. Improving the reliability of 3D modelling of a landslide slope based on engineering geophysics data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 257. p. 771-782. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.86
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Results of Comprehensive Geophysical Studies on the Search for Crypts on the Territory of Suburban Necropolis of Tauric Chersonese in the Karantinnaya Balka

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The article presents the results of comprehensive studies carried out by the research team of Saint Petersburg Mining University in cooperation with the specialists from the State Museum-Preserve "Tauric Chersonese" in 2019. The purpose of the work was to discover and map antique and medieval crypts (ancient burial structures) on the territory of suburban necropolis of Tauric Chersonese in the Karantinnaya balka. The complex of geophysical methods included continuous ground penetrating radar sounding at two center frequencies of 350 and 500 MHz and contactless electrical tomography. To minimize spatial errors in the process of studies, topographic and geodetic works were carried out. For the first time wave electromagnetic effects were identified, which indicated the positions of hidden underground crypts. Geological factors were established that are favorable for cutting crypts in the layered thickness of Sarmatian limestones. The obtained results allowed to justify the feasibility of continuing geophysical works at the necropolis in order to study interior space of the discovered crypts and to determine the boundaries of archaeological heritage.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Ageev A.S., Gorelik G.D., Sarapulkina T.V. Results of Comprehensive Geophysical Studies on the Search for Crypts on the Territory of Suburban Necropolis of Tauric Chersonese in the Karantinnaya Balka // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 247. p. 12-19. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.1.2
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Collaborative interpretation of the data obtained by resistivity and ground penetrating radar methods for assessing the permeability of sandy clay soils

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A method for estimating the filtration factor of sandy clay soils is considered on the basis of a joint interpretation of the data of a set of methods of engineering electrical exploration, including electrical resistivity tomography and ground penetrating radar studies. The solution of this problem is based on the use of known empirical connections between the imaginary and real parts of the complex dielectric permittivity, specific electrical resistance, and Q factor. An example of the effective joint use of the ground penetrating radar and non-contact electrical resistivity tomography shows how to obtain qualitative and quantitative estimates of a changing filtration factor in a draining road layer. It is necessary to use precise engineering geological information in order to provide the required estimates. The proposed approach makes it possible to describe continuous profiles of a pavement and underlying layers by ground penetrating radar and electrical resistivity tomography, as well as to assess soil properties when conducting an electrical survey from the surface of asphalt concrete pavement. Recommendations for the implementation of the developed methods of complex engineering and geophysical research are given for solving issues of repair work design, supervision, and quality control of road construction.

How to cite: Lalomov D.A., Glazunov V.V. Collaborative interpretation of the data obtained by resistivity and ground penetrating radar methods for assessing the permeability of sandy clay soils // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 229. p. 3. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2018.1.3
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Rationale for assessing the degree of fracturing rock mass by gpr based on mathematical modeling

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The possibilities of GPR method to assess the degree of fracturing rocks.  The mathematical modeling of the wave electromagnetic fields of rock fracture arrays. We formulate the classification of the wave electromagnetic fields on the rock mass, with varying degrees of fracturing. The prospects of applying the method of GPR in the study of rock fractures.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Danilev S.M. Rationale for assessing the degree of fracturing rock mass by gpr based on mathematical modeling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 199.
Application of the modern geophysical technologies for prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits
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Application of the gpr-method for estimation of the condition of fastening of the backslope of soil dams

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The GPR-method showing high resolution, great performance and sensitivity to minor variations in the composition and conditions of soils and material has assumed a role of the leading geophysical method for looking at the upper part of the geological section. This paper presents the advanced directions of GPR prospecting for engineering problems solution.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Danilev S.M., Efimova N.N. Application of the gpr-method for estimation of the condition of fastening of the backslope of soil dams // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 167.
Geology and geophsics
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Application of the gpr method for investigetion of barring condition and outbarring spaces «Оctyabr’skiy» mine

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Results of the first application of GPR surveys of a mine cage for the purpose of an estimation of a technical condition barring and outbarring spaces on an example of a ventilating trunk «VC-1», mine «Octyabr’skiy» are considered.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Danilev S.M. Application of the gpr method for investigetion of barring condition and outbarring spaces «Оctyabr’skiy» mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 15-18.
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Georadar investigations of shallow depth оf geological section and engineering constructions

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The GPR-method showing high resolution, great performance and sensitivity to minor variations in the composition and conditions of soils and material has assumed a role of the leading geophysical method for looking at the upper part of the geological section. This paper presents the advanced directions of GPR application for engineering problems solution.

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Efimova N.N. Georadar investigations of shallow depth оf geological section and engineering constructions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 231-234.
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Адаптивный фильтр обнаружения геофизических аномалий трубок взрыва

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Аномалии геофизических полей трубок взрыва часто имеют небольшую ин­ тенсивность и соизмеримы с полями-помехами, которые связаны с локальными неоднородностями верхней части геологического разреза ...

How to cite: Glazunov V.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1992. Vol. 130. p. 78.
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Разложение магнитной аномалии лТ И Za трехмерного источника на естественные ортогональные компоненты

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Аномалию гармонического приближения величины лТ трехмерного источ­ника в общем случае формируют пять компонент магнитного поля ...

How to cite: Glazunov V.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1984. Vol. 101. p. 62.
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Магнитное поле трехмерных источников произвольной формы на негоризонтальной плоскости

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Детерминистические способы интерпретации разрабатываются, как правило, на основании формул, справедливых для горизонтальной поверхности. Но физи­ческая поверхность может быть сколь угодно сложной, и ее чаще и с меньшей погрешностью можно аппроксимировать наклонной, а не горизонтальной плоско­стью ...

How to cite: Glazunov V.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1982. Vol. 92. p. 80.
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Аналитические способы определения координат центра и направления намагниченности шара по аномалии Z

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Для решения сформулированной задачи обычно используют магнитное поле по одному профилю, проходящему над центром шара и через экстремумы анома­лии Z ...

How to cite: Glazunov V.V., Zakharov V.P. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1981. Vol. 89. p. 74.
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Геофизические исследования на археологических памятниках

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Бережное отношение в нашей стране к историческим памятникам, закреп­ленное принятым в 1976 г. Президиумом Верховного Совета СССР законом «Об охране и использовании памятников истории и культуры", настоятельно тре­бует внедрения в полевую археологическую практику новых методов, которые без ущерба для изучения памятников позволили бы удешевить и ускорить по­лучение информации, необходимой археологу ...

How to cite: Glazunov V.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1978. Vol. 76. p. 46.