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Vol 199
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Rationale for assessing the degree of fracturing rock mass by gpr based on mathematical modeling

V. V. Glazunov1
S. M. Danilev2
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The possibilities of GPR method to assess the degree of fracturing rocks.  The mathematical modeling of the wave electromagnetic fields of rock fracture arrays. We formulate the classification of the wave electromagnetic fields on the rock mass, with varying degrees of fracturing. The prospects of applying the method of GPR in the study of rock fractures.

Go to volume 199


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  2. Нейштадт Л.И. Методы геологического изучения трещиноватости горных пород при инженерно- геологических исследованиях. М. – Л., 1957.
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