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Sergei V. khokhlov
Sergei V. khokhlov
Ph.D., Associate Professor
Sainr Peterburg mining university
, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Sainr Peterburg mining university
Sainr Peterburg
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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Optimization of specific energy consumption for rock crushing by explosion at deposits with complex geological structure

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The selection of efficient drilling and blasting technology to achieve the required particle size distribution of blasted rock mass and reduce ore dilution is directly related to the accurate definition of rock mass properties. The zoning of the rock massif by its hardness, drillability and blastability does not consider the variability of the geological structure of the block for blasting, resulting in an overestimated specific consumption of explosives. The decision of this task is particularly urgent for enterprises developing deposits with a high degree of variability of geological structure, for example, at alluvial deposits. Explosives overconsumption causes non-optimal granulometric composition of the blasted rock mass for the given conditions and mining technology. It is required to define physical and mechanical properties of rocks at deposits with complex geological structure at each block prepared for blasting. The correlation between the physical and mechanical properties of these rocks and drilling parameters should be used for calculation. The relation determined by the developed method was verified in industrial conditions, and the granulometric composition of the blasted rock mass was measured by an indirect method based on excavator productivity. The results demonstrated an increase in excavation productivity, thus indicating the accuracy of given approach to the task of identifying the rocks of the blasted block.

How to cite: Vinogradov Y.I., Khokhlov S.V., Zigangirov R.R., Miftakhov A.A., Suvorov Y.I. Optimization of specific energy consumption for rock crushing by explosion at deposits with complex geological structure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2024. Vol. 266. p. 231-245. EDN RUUFNM
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Conducting industrial explosions near gas pipelines

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The problem to ensure the safety of objects which are in the area of blasting operations, ensuring the destruction of hard rocks, remains relevant. The article presents the results of a large-scale experiment to determine the safe conditions for conducting drilling and blasting operations near the active gas pipeline. The simplest and most reliable way to ensure the safety of the protected object from seismic impact is to reduce the intensity of the seismic wave, which is achieved by changing the parameters of drilling and blasting operations. This requires research to determine the impact of blasting operations on the parameters of seismic waves and the development of methods for measuring these parameters. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the seismic blast wave impact on the displacement of the ground and the model gas pipeline. The features of seismic monitoring during blasting operations near the active gas pipeline are shown. The seismic coefficients and attenuation coefficient of seismic waves are determined. It is proved that the readings of the seismic receivers on the surface and in the depth of the massive differ by two or more times.

How to cite: khokhlov S.V., Sokolov S.T., Vinogradov Y.I., Frenkel I.B. Conducting industrial explosions near gas pipelines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 247. p. 48-56. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.1.6
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Modeling of the Welding Process of Flat Sheet Parts by an Explosion

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The list of materials subject to explosive welding is very extensive and amounts to several hundred combinations of various alloys and metals, and the variety of explosive welding schemes has more than a thousand options. In almost all technical solutions, the process involves the sequential creation of physical contact of the materials to be welded and their connection due to plastic deformation of the contacting surfaces. The strength of such a connection depends on the mode of the welding process. With the correct selection of the parameters of the mode, it is possible to obtain a high-quality connection of the required strength. However, the experimental selection of such options is a very laborious and costly process. Computer simulation and application of mathematical models for solving dynamic problems of explosion mechanics simplifies the search for optimal parameters and allows to predict the expected result in the shortest possible time. The article discusses the issues of modeling of explosive welding of metals, calculations related to the parameters of the process of formation of the weld using the Ansys Autodyn software package. A model is presented for analyzing the deformation process of explosion welding of a plate and its connection with a matrix. The main parameters of explosion welding (velocity, pressure, time) are determined. The adequacy of the obtained values was evaluated in the systems aluminum – copper and copper – steel. It also provides a comparative analysis of simulation results and field experiments. Based on numerical calculations, a conclusion was substantiated on the suitability of the model obtained for a preliminary analysis of the main welding parameters at the preparatory stage.

How to cite: Marinin M.A., Khokhlov S.V., Isheyskiy V.A. Modeling of the Welding Process of Flat Sheet Parts by an Explosion // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 275. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.275
Manufacturing machinery and equipment
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Evaluation of gas parameters in explosive type displacement pumps

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Gas explosion and detonated waves parameters were determined for an ideal gas in an enclosed volume with rigid walls in gas systems on the border between explosive gases and liquids for different boundary conditions. Examples of the explosion of the combustible mixture of methane and air, with full and partial oxidation of methane have been considered.

How to cite: Nezametdinov A.B., Menchzhulin M.G., Khokhlov S.V., Shishkin P.V. Evaluation of gas parameters in explosive type displacement pumps // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 78.
Industrial safety and health care in mining
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Influence of personal factors on neadekvatne of action of officials of mines

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In article the method of definition of personal factors of inadequate actions which lead to traumatism cases at the mountain enterprise is opened. For definition of personal factors the data received at poll of experts are used.

How to cite: Rudenko G.V., Panchenko I.A., Khokhlov S.V., Kostromin O.V. Influence of personal factors on neadekvatne of action of officials of mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 134.
Without section
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Model of the granulometric composition of the fractured mined rock at the edge

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The formation of the structure of the chipping zone can be investigated using the method proposed by B.V. Zamyshlyaev to determine the structure of the cavitation layer during explosion of explosives in water near the free surface. The method is based on the use of the laws of disintegration of an arbitrary discontinuity during the interaction of a stress wave with a free surface. As a result of the interaction, a shock wave will propagate in the air, and a rarefaction wave will propagate along the condensed medium from the interface toward the explosion chamber. The maximum tensile stress in the rarefaction wave is determined by the method of mirroring the explosion source with the introduction of an imaginary charge.

How to cite: Menzhulin M.G., Paramonov G.P., Khokhlov S.V. Model of the granulometric composition of the fractured mined rock at the edge // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 71-76.