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V. K. Dzhalov
V. K. Dzhalov
OAO Evrazruda
OAO Evrazruda


Blasting, explosives and means of mechanization of their application
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Complex mechanization of blasting operations at underground mines of Mountain Shoria and Khakassia

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For decrease in a share of manual skills, increase of productivity on all operations of processing explosive, reductions of number of the workers involved from other sites and restriction of a circle of persons, admitted(allowed) to the reference with explosive on underground mines Mountain Shorie and Khakassias 70-80 years have been developed and introduced circuits complex mechanization of explosive works.

How to cite: Mashukov I.V., Myunkh A.F., Dzhalov V.K., Filippov V.N., Loskutov A.L. Complex mechanization of blasting operations at underground mines of Mountain Shoria and Khakassia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 160-163.
Blasting, explosives and means of mechanization of their application
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Increase of efficiency and quality of block stripping in difficult mining and technical conditions at underground mines

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The paper deals with the issues of increasing the efficiency of drilling and blasting operations in difficult mining and technical conditions at underground mines through the use of non-electric blasting initiation means - SINV-SH and vertical concentrated charge stripping technology. The results of research for the mines of the Khakassia Mountain Shoriai are given.

How to cite: Mashukov I.V., Myunkh A.F., Dzhalov V.K., Konyakhin V.I., Filippov V.N., Loskutov A.L., Zamyatin S.G. Increase of efficiency and quality of block stripping in difficult mining and technical conditions at underground mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171. p. 222-225.
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Directions for the development of comprehensive mechanization of blasting operations in the mines of Mountain Shoriya and Khakassia

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Mechanization of blasting operations at underground mines in Gornaya Shoria and Khakassia began in the 1970s using granulated explosives and pneumatic charging equipment. Mines tested charging machines UZS-1500, UZS-6000, UZDM-1, 3MB, ZMBS-1 and ZMBS-2 developed by NIPIGormash company.

How to cite: Mashukov I.V., Topkaev A.N., Goltsov G.V., Nikitin V.N., Karapetyan Y.M., Dzhalov V.K., Filippov P.A. Directions for the development of comprehensive mechanization of blasting operations in the mines of Mountain Shoriya and Khakassia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 68-71.