Mechanization of blasting operations at underground mines in Gornaya Shoria and Khakassia began in the 1970s using granulated explosives and pneumatic charging equipment. Mines tested charging machines UZS-1500, UZS-6000, UZDM-1, 3MB, ZMBS-1 and ZMBS-2 developed by NIPIGormash company.
How to cite:
Mashukov I.V., Topkaev A.N., Goltsov G.V., Nikitin V.N., Karapetyan Y.M., Dzhalov V.K., Filippov P.A. Directions for the development of comprehensive mechanization of blasting operations in the mines of Mountain Shoriya and Khakassia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 68-71.