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Vol 237

Vol 236
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Normalization of Thermal Mode of Extended Blind Workings Operating at High Temperatures Based on Mobile Mine Air Conditioners

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Thermal working conditions in the deep mines of Donbass are the main deterrent to the development of coal mining in the region. Mining is carried out at the lower technical boundaries at a depth of almost 1,400 m with a temperature of rocks of 47.5-50.0 °C. The air temperature in the working faces significantly exceeds the permissible safety standards. The most severe climatic conditions are formed in the faces of blind development workings, where the air temperature is 38-42 °С. It is due to the adopted coal seam mining systems, the large remoteness of the working faces from the main air supply openings, the difficulty in providing blind workings with a calculated amount of air due to the lack of local ventilation fans of the required range. To ensure thermodynamic safety mine n.a. A.F.Zasyadko we accepted the development of a draft of a central cooling system with ground-based absorption refrigerating machines with a total capacity of 9 MW with the implementation of the three types of generation principle (generation of refrigeration, electrical and thermal energy). However, the long terms of design and construction and installation work necessitated the use of mobile air conditioners in blind development faces. The use of such air conditioners does not require significant capital expenditures, and the terms of their commissioning do not exceed several weeks. The use of a mobile air conditioner of the KPSh type with a cooling capacity of 130 kW made it possible to completely normalize the thermal working conditions at the bottom of the blind workings 2200 m long, carried out at a depth of 1220-1377 m at a temperature of host rocks 43.4-47.5 °С. It became possible due to the closest placement of the air conditioner to the face in combination with the use of a high-pressure local ventilation fan and ducts, which ensured the air flow produced by the calculated amount of air. The use of the air conditioner did not allow to fully normalize the thermal conditions along the entire length of the blind face but reduced the urgency of the problem of normalizing the thermal regime and ensured the commissioning of the clearing face.

How to cite: Alabyev V.R., Novikov V.V., Pashinyan L.A., Bazhina T.P. Normalization of Thermal Mode of Extended Blind Workings Operating at High Temperatures Based on Mobile Mine Air Conditioners // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 251. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.251
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Geological and Geomechanical Model of the Verkhnekamsk Potash Deposit Site

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Major accidents at OJSC Uralkali raised the question of the need for a detailed study of the geological structure of the Verkhnekamskoye potassium salt deposit, the identification of anomalous complex zones in the oversalt rocks and, above all, in the water-blocking layer (WBL). The article proposes a method for isolating weakened zones in the WBL and potash reservoirs, based on the combined use of geomechanical (laboratory core tests) and geophysical (acoustic broadband logging in wells and surface seismic exploration) studies. It also describes the method of zoning of WBLand potash reservoirs on the physical and mechanical properties to obtain their specific values. This technique will help solve the most urgent problem of ensuring industrial safety in the development of the Verkhnekamskoye potassium salt deposit (the safety of the WBL). The implementation of the proposed method is considered for the Romanovsky site of the Verkhnekamskoye deposits of potassium and magnesium salts. The research included 2D seismic explorations, physical and mechanical properties testing, and finding statistical dependencies between static and dynamic geomechanical parameters. Based on the processing of seismic materials and the obtained dependencies, a geological and geomechanical model of this area was created, and zones with different physicomechanical properties were identified.

How to cite: Kashnikov Y.A., Ermashov A.O., Efimov A.A. Geological and Geomechanical Model of the Verkhnekamsk Potash Deposit Site // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 259. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.259
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Improving Methods of Frozen Wall State Prediction for Mine Shafts under Construction Using Distributed Temperature Measurements in Test Wells

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Development of mineral deposits under complex geological and hydrogeological conditions is often associated with the need to utilize specific approaches to mine shaft construction. The most reliable and universally applicable method of shaft sinking is artificial rock freezing – creation of a frozen wall around the designed mine shaft. Protected by this artificial construction, further mining operations take place. Notably, mining operations are permitted only after a closed-loop frozen section of specified thickness is formed. Beside that, on-line monitoring over the state of frozen rock mass must be organized. The practice of mine construction under complex hydrogeological conditions by means of artificial freezing demonstrates that modern technologies of point-by-point and distributed temperature measurements in test wells do not detect actual frozen wall parameters. Neither do current theoretical models and calculation methods of rock mass thermal behavior under artificial freezing provide an adequate forecast of frozen wall characteristics, if the input data has poor accuracy. The study proposes a monitoring system, which combines test measurements and theoretical calculations of frozen wall parameters. This approach allows to compare experimentally obtained and theoretically calculated rock mass temperatures in test wells and to assess the difference. Basing on this temperature difference, parameters of the mathematical model get adjusted by stating an inverse Stefan problem, its regularization and subsequent numerical solution.

How to cite: Levin L.Y., Semin M.A., Parshakov O.S. Improving Methods of Frozen Wall State Prediction for Mine Shafts under Construction Using Distributed Temperature Measurements in Test Wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 268. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.274
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Modeling of the Welding Process of Flat Sheet Parts by an Explosion

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The list of materials subject to explosive welding is very extensive and amounts to several hundred combinations of various alloys and metals, and the variety of explosive welding schemes has more than a thousand options. In almost all technical solutions, the process involves the sequential creation of physical contact of the materials to be welded and their connection due to plastic deformation of the contacting surfaces. The strength of such a connection depends on the mode of the welding process. With the correct selection of the parameters of the mode, it is possible to obtain a high-quality connection of the required strength. However, the experimental selection of such options is a very laborious and costly process. Computer simulation and application of mathematical models for solving dynamic problems of explosion mechanics simplifies the search for optimal parameters and allows to predict the expected result in the shortest possible time. The article discusses the issues of modeling of explosive welding of metals, calculations related to the parameters of the process of formation of the weld using the Ansys Autodyn software package. A model is presented for analyzing the deformation process of explosion welding of a plate and its connection with a matrix. The main parameters of explosion welding (velocity, pressure, time) are determined. The adequacy of the obtained values was evaluated in the systems aluminum – copper and copper – steel. It also provides a comparative analysis of simulation results and field experiments. Based on numerical calculations, a conclusion was substantiated on the suitability of the model obtained for a preliminary analysis of the main welding parameters at the preparatory stage.

How to cite: Marinin M.A., Khokhlov S.V., Isheyskiy V.A. Modeling of the Welding Process of Flat Sheet Parts by an Explosion // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 275. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.275
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Development of the Composition of the Process Fluid to Eliminate Bit Seizure

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During well construction, one of the most complicated types of accidents is the bit seizure as a result of which oil and gas companies incur significant losses due to the abandonment of a portion of the drill string in the well, cutting of an additional wellbore, and sometimes loss of the well. In the case of the elimination of seizure due to packing a positive result can be achieved by pumping portions of the process fluid into the seizure area. Destruction of the packer during the physicochemical effect of the process fluid, in general, allows for complete or partial softening of the packer, changing the pressure in the seizure area and significantly reducing the force required to release the stuck tool. The article presents the results of laboratory studies on the effect of various compositions of process fluids on the packer to eliminate the bit seizure. The effectiveness of the packer destruction was estimated by reducing the tangential stresses after the physicochemical effect of various compositions of process fluids for the same period. A 10% aqueous solution of hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid with an addition of 0.5% surfactant alpha olefin sodium sulfonate is recommended as a process fluid to eliminate packer seizures.

How to cite: Rogov E.A. Development of the Composition of the Process Fluid to Eliminate Bit Seizure // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 281. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.281
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Technology of Blasting of Strong Valuable Ores with Ring Borehole Pattern

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The ores of non-ferrous and precious metals, represented by hard rocks, has a peculiar feature, that is the effect of segregation, that is the tendency of ore minerals to break down into small size classes, which in the underground mining method accumulate in significant quantities on uneven surface of bottom layers and subsequently are lost. When mining valuable non-metallic materials, there is an acute problem of overgrinding, when fines do not meet the requirements for the quality of the final product. It is well known that the granulometric composition of the ore depends mainly on the technology and parameters of drilling and blasting operations. In underground mining of ore deposits, the main method of drilling and blasting is the borehole blasting with continuous construction charges with the ring pattern. The main drawbacks of the method are: uneven distribution of the explosive along the plane of the broken layer and the expenditure of a significant part of the blast energy of the charges of the continuous structure on the blasting effect, necessarily associated with over-grinding the ore. To solve these problems, the authors proposed a blasting technology, the essence of which lies in the fact that the uniform distribution of the energy concentration of explosives in the broken layer is ensured by the dispersion of charges by air gaps and a certain order of their placement in the ring plane. For the practical implementation of the technology, a method has been developed to form dispersed charges in deep boreholes that do not require a significant increase in labor costs and additional special means. A special technique has been created that allows defining the dispersion parameters, ensuring the sustained specific consumption of explosives over the entire plane of the broken layer. Experimental studies of the proposed technology in the natural conditions of an underground mine for the extraction of valuable granulated quartz were carried out. As a result, the possibility of a significant reduction in the specific consumption of explosives (by 42 %) has been established. At the same time, the yield of the commercial product increased by 10.7 % in total, and the yield of the fraction most favorable for further processing increased by 33.7 %.

How to cite: Sokolov I.V., Smirnov A.A., Rozhkov A.A. Technology of Blasting of Strong Valuable Ores with Ring Borehole Pattern // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 285. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.291
Metallurgy and concentration
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Sintered Sorbent Utilization for H2S Removal from Industrial Flue Gas in the Process of Smelter Slag Granulation

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Authors suggest removing hydrogen sulfide from the hot industrial gas at temperatures 200-300 °C and its subsequent interaction with Fe 2 O 3 . For this purpose the following sorbents have been proposed: a mixture of iron oxide and fly ash; iron oxide and pumice; different samples of red mud (bauxite treatment residues containing iron oxide). To prevent dusting and loss of absorbing capacity, the sorbents were shaped into porous granules with other metallic oxides. Materials utilized in the study were obtained the following way: mixing of Fe 2 O 3 with fly ash; sintering of the mixture with red mud. The blend contains aluminum oxide and silica, which can act as matrix shapers, alkali oxides and fluxing agents that reduce the temperature during metal sintering. After the samples had been saturated with sulfur, they were positioned in a venting reservoir, where under the temperature 600-700 °C desorption to the initial state occurred by means of passing an air flow through the sorbent layer. In the process of this operation, sulfur dioxide was released and reactive metal oxides re-emerged. Desorption also generated a small amount of elemental sulfur and sulfuric acid. Absorbing capacity was assessed at higher temperatures, efficiency of H 2 S removal reached 95-99.9 %. Proposed technology of air cleaning is recommended to use in metallurgic processes with elevated atmospheric pollution, e.g. granulation of melted blast-furnace slag.

How to cite: Lebedev A.B., Utkov V.A., Khalifa A.A. Sintered Sorbent Utilization for H2S Removal from Industrial Flue Gas in the Process of Smelter Slag Granulation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 292. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.292
Metallurgy and concentration
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Modern Physicochemical Equilibrium Description in Na2O–Al2O3–H2O System and Its Analogues

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Equilibrium and non-equilibrium states of systems Na 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O and K 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O are crucial for establishing key technological parameters in alumina production and their optimization. Due to a noticeable discrepancy between experimental results and thermodynamic calculations based on materials of individual researchers the necessity of systematization and statistical processing of equilibrium data in these systems to create a reliable base of their physicochemical state, analysis and mathematical modeling of phase equilibria is substantiated. The tendency to a decrease of the hydration degree of solid sodium aluminates with increasing temperature and the transition of systems from the steady state of gibbsite to equilibrium with boehmite is revealed. The paper contains approximating functions that provide high-precision description of equilibrium isotherms in technologically significant area of Na 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O and K 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O concentrations. Approximating function can be simplified by dividing the isotherm into two sections with the intervals of alkaline content 0-0.25 and 0.25-0.4 mole/100 g of solution. The differences in solubility isotherms for Na 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O and K 2 O–Al 2 O 3 –H 2 O systems provide are associated with changes in the ionic composition solutions that depends on concentration and temperature, as well as differences connecting with alkali cation hydration, which is crucially important for thermodynamic modeling of equilibria under consideration.

How to cite: Sizyakov V.M., Litvinova T.E., Brichkin V.N., Fedorov A.T. Modern Physicochemical Equilibrium Description in Na2O–Al2O3–H2O System and Its Analogues // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 298. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.298
Metallurgy and concentration
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Thermodynamic Model of Ion-Exchange Process as Exemplified by Cerium Sorption from Multisalt Solutions

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A complex heterogeneous process of ion exchange can be defined with an isotherm-isobar equation of the chemical reaction, which describes differential affinity between the process and its effect – the law of mass action. Ion exchange includes processes accompanied by changes in the charge of ions and functional groups caused by the passing of ionic bond into covalent one. Hence isotherm equations of ion exchange for such processes must differ from conventional stoichiometric equations, but they can be obtained by classical study approaches to ion exchange equilibrium. The paper describes a new thermodynamic model, based on linearization of mass action law, modified for the ion exchange equation. The application of this model allows to define stoichiometry of ion exchange and the shape of ions adsorbed by the solid phase of ion-exchange resins, as well as to estimate equilibrium constant and Gibbs free energy of the process. Comparative analysis has been carried out for the thermodynamic model of cerium sorption in the form of anionic complex with Trilon B from a multisalt solution with ionic strength of 1 mol/kg (NaNO 3 ) under рН = 3 and temperature 298 K on a test sample of weak-base anion-exchange resin Cybber EV009. Experimental isotherm of the sorption has been obtained. Calculations of thermodynamic parameters have been performed using Langmuir, Freundlich, Dubinin – Radushkevich, Temkin and Flory – Huggins models, as well as thermodynamic model of linearized mass action law, proposed by the authors. Calculated values of the equilibrium constant and Gibbs energy – K = 9.0±0.5 and ΔrG 0 298  = –5.54±0.27 kJ/mol – characterize the sorption of EDTA cerate ions by ion-exchange resin. The shape of adsorbed ions has been defined in Stern-Helmholtz layer of CeTr, and total capacity of anion resin EV009 for EDTA cerate ions has been estimated as q ∞  = 2.0±0.1 mol/kg.

How to cite: Cheremisina O.V., Schenk J., Cheremisina E.A., Ponomareva M.A. Thermodynamic Model of Ion-Exchange Process as Exemplified by Cerium Sorption from Multisalt Solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 307. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.307
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Non-linear Electrical Load Location Identification

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The article discusses the issues of identifying the location of non-linear loads in electrical networks which makes the main contribution to the distortion of the non-sinusoidal voltage and current in the distribution network of an industrial enterprise, including mining enterprises. The existing methods for determining the location of the source of higher harmonic components in voltage and current are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are revealed. The main disadvantages of the methods used include the low accuracy and incorrectness of their use in existing enterprises. When developing a new method, the authors were faced with the task of simplicity of its use in the conditions of industrial operation of electrical equipment and the absolute correctness of the results obtained. The proposed method of identifying the source of higher harmonics is based on the variation of the parameters of the power system, in particular, the change in resistance of power transformers taking into account their transformation ratio. It is shown that by varying the transformation ratio during regulation under load, the total coefficient of the harmonic components of the voltage changes. Based on the constructed dependencies, the variation of the derivative of this function with different variations of the parameters of sources of higher harmonics is analyzed and a method is developed that allows determining the share contribution of consumers to the total harmonic component of the voltage.

How to cite: Pirog S., Shklyarskiy Y.E., Skamyin A.N. Non-linear Electrical Load Location Identification // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 317. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.317
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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The Concept of Development of Monitoring Systems and Management of Intelligent Technical Complexes

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Conceptual approaches to improving the system of monitoring and managing the functional capabilities of intelligent technical complexes of buildings and transport and technological machines of mining enterprises are defined. Criteria are proposed for the efficiency of functioning of automatic systems for controlling the movement of transport-technological machines, taking into account the probabilistic nature of system-forming factors. The scheme of scientific and methodological research on the improvement of automation systems and traffic control in the automotive transport is presented. The perspective directions of the formation of control functions for the movement of vehicles based on the use of intelligent automated systems are substantiated. The stages of the life cycle of technical systems for monitoring the movement of vehicles, taking into account the features of their operation. A technique has been developed for the optimal use of technical means of control in the field of providing control and supervisory functions in the operation of vehicles, and the dependence of determining the financial costs of maintaining their efficiency has been determined.

How to cite: Safiullin R.N., Afanasyev A.S., Reznichenko V.V. The Concept of Development of Monitoring Systems and Management of Intelligent Technical Complexes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 322. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.322
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Improving Transportation Efficiency Belt Conveyor with Intermediate Drive

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Modern industry in the XXI century requires high-performance and fully automated technology. The best way to meet these requirements is the introduction of new progressive technologies in the process of transportation. One of the possible ways to increase productivity, as well as automate the process of transportation, is the transition from cyclic machines to continuous transport, namely to belt conveyors. However, with the increase in the length of the conveyor there is a need for stronger belts. This can be avoided by using intermediate drives of various designs. The article describes the principle of operation of the intermediate linear drive with transverse partitions, provides formulas for calculating the values of the tractive effort, gives comparative graphs showing the effectiveness of the use of an intermediate drive in various conditions. The possibilities of increasing the capacity of an intermediate linear drive are described.

How to cite: Trufanova I.S., Serzhan S.L. Improving Transportation Efficiency Belt Conveyor with Intermediate Drive // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 331. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.331
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Determination of the Operating Time and Residual Life of Self-propelled Mine Cars of Potassium Mines on the Basis of Integrated Monitoring Data

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Statistical data on the reliability of self-propelled mine cars (SPMC), operating in the potassium mines of the Verkhnekamskoye potassium and magnesium salts deposit are analyzed. Identified the main nodes that limit the resource SPMC. It has been proven that the most common failures of self-propelled cars are the failure of wheel hubs, bevel gears and traveling electric motors. The analysis of the system of maintenance and repair of mine self-propelled cars. It is indicated that the planning and preventive system of SPMC repairs is characterized by low efficiency and high material costs: car maintenance is often carried out upon the occurrence of a failure, which leads to prolonged downtime not only of a specific haul truck, but of the entire mining complex. A method for assessing the technical condition of the electromechanical part of a mine self-propelled car by the nature of power consumption is proposed. This method allows you to control the loading of the drives of the mine self-propelled car, as well as to assess the technical condition of the drives of the delivery machines in real time. Upon expiration of the standard service life of a mine propelled car specified in the operational documentation, its further operation is prohibited and the car is subject to industrial safety expertise. As part of the examination, it is necessary to determine the operating time and calculate the service life of a mine self-propelled car outside the regulatory period. A method has been developed for determining the residual service life of mine car on the basis of instrumentation control data in the conditions of potash mines.

How to cite: Shishlyannikov D.I., Romanov V.A., Zvonarev I.E. Determination of the Operating Time and Residual Life of Self-propelled Mine Cars of Potassium Mines on the Basis of Integrated Monitoring Data // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 336. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.336
Geoeconomics and Management
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Improving Methodological Approach to Measures Planning for Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil Fields

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Goal of the research is development of an integrated approach to the planning of hydraulic fracturing (HF) treatment taking into account geo-technical, hydrodynamic, technological and economic criteria for the selection of wells for inclusion in the programs of HF with increasing importance of economic criteria. Stages of formation of the program for HF of the oil company are selected, systematized and analyzed. It is shown that high potential effectiveness of enhanced oil recovery method in fields with hard-to-recover reserves, on the one hand, and the complexity and high cost of application, on the other, determine the need to optimize the parameters of this business process at all stages of implementation and improve its planning methods. The priority directions for improving the hydraulic fracturing planning were justified: a clear definition of the criterion for the payback period of hydraulic fracturing activities, taking into account their technological features, improving the procedure for calculating the costs of implementing this technology and improving the reasonableness of selecting candidate wells for inclusion in the hydraulic fracturing program. Feasibility of using an additional criterion in the formation of hydraulic fracturing programs – marginal minimum cost-effective wall capacity – has been shown and a method for calculating it has been developed. The use of this criterion will allow to take into account not only technological limitations, but also limits of economic efficiency of conducting hydraulic fracturing at each specific well and, at the preliminary selection of candidate wells, exclude a priori unprofitable measures. It is advisable to take into account proposed directions for improving planning of hydraulic fracturing in the development of corporate regulatory documents, which will help to improve the quality of planning geological and technical measures, minimize investment risks, make more rational use of oil companies' resources for improving oil recovery, choosing the best management decision.

How to cite: Burenina I.V., Avdeeva L.A., Solovjeva I.A., Khalikova M.A., Gerasimova M.V. Improving Methodological Approach to Measures Planning for Hydraulic Fracturing in Oil Fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 343. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.343
Geoeconomics and Management
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Strategic approach to assessing economic sustainability objects of mineral resources sector of Russia

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The article gives a new definition of economic systems (ES) stability with its distinct strategic content. The main approaches to assessment of sustainability, based on the use of strategic cards, including Balanced Scorecard (BSC), are considered. Synchronous management of effectiveness, risks and chances of the ES exhausts the agenda of managing economic sustainability of ES when it operates in the face of a wide range of challenges. BSC in mineral resources sector (MRS) can be built during the aggregation of BSC by industry and individual enterprises. The use of 4 ´ 6 matrix formalism is proposed as the main tool for modeling economic sustainability of the ES.

How to cite: Nedosekin A.O., Rejshahrit E.I., Kozlovskij A.N. Strategic approach to assessing economic sustainability objects of mineral resources sector of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 354. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.354
Geoeconomics and Management
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Key Factors of Public Perception of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Projects

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One of the major challenges of the modern world is the problem of global warming, the solution of which requires the implementation of a set of strategic projects in the field of transition of the energy sector to the path of environmentally balanced development. One of the ways to implement this transition is the development of technologies for capturing and storage of technogenic carbon dioxide, which is recognized as the main one of greenhouse gases. At the same time, in the Russian context, the most expedient is the implementation of technological chains for capturing and storing CO 2 which are aimed at enhanced oil recovery, the effectiveness of which has been proven by world practice. Implementation of these projects requires consolidation of efforts of many parties, including government agencies, enterprises-issuers (power generating facilities and energy-intensive industry), oil-producing enterprises, non-state environmental organizations, media and public. World practice has many examples when uncoordinated actions of one of the stakeholders led to the closure of such a project, and therefore it is necessary to develop a mechanism of interaction between them, taking into account the specifics of Russian conditions. One of the least studied and controversial aspects of this interaction is to involve the public in the implementation of national carbon intensity programs and the local population in the implementation of a specific project. Research in this field has been conducted in the world over the past 14 years, which allowed the current research base to be used to develop fundamental principles for the development and promotion of CO 2 capture and storage technologies in Russia. Key factors affecting the perception of such projects by public were also analyzed and systematized. The research identified the main arguments for and against the development of CO 2 capture and storage technologies. The analysis made it possible to formulate key principles that should be considered when developing a strategy for the development of these technologies in Russia.

How to cite: Fedoseev S.V., Tcvetkov P.S. Key Factors of Public Perception of Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage Projects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 237. p. 361. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.3.361