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Vol 237
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Strategic approach to assessing economic sustainability objects of mineral resources sector of Russia

A. O. Nedosekin1
E. I. Rejshahrit2
A. N. Kozlovskij3
About authors
  • 1 — Si-Holding LLC
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 3 — Saint-Petersburg
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The article gives a new definition of economic systems (ES) stability with its distinct strategic content. The main approaches to assessment of sustainability, based on the use of strategic cards, including Balanced Scorecard (BSC), are considered. Synchronous management of effectiveness, risks and chances of the ES exhausts the agenda of managing economic sustainability of ES when it operates in the face of a wide range of challenges. BSC in mineral resources sector (MRS) can be built during the aggregation of BSC by industry and individual enterprises. The use of 4 ´ 6 matrix formalism is proposed as the main tool for modeling economic sustainability of the ES.

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