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Vol 153
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Hydrogeomechanical analysis of the tectonics and topography of the carbonate massif

S. N. Tagiltsev1
T. N. Kibanova2
About authors
  • 1 — Ural State Mining and Geological Academy
  • 2 — Ural State Mining and Geological Academy
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The possibility of using the hydrogeomechanical analysis to establish water-bearing zones and heterogeneity of carbonate rocks on the example of the limestone massif near the Bilimbay settlement in the Middle Urals is considered. Based on the hydrogeomechanical analysis established the main directions of the maximum stresses on the nature of fracturing limestones. The analysis of lineaments of the hydrographic network of small and large rivers in the region was widely used to reveal structural-tectonic features of the territory under study. It is noted that during the development of karst processes only at the initial stage, the orientation of tectonic stresses is of decisive importance. It is emphasized that the development of karst occurs along the tectonic disturbances of shear character.

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  1. Тагильцев С.Н. Влияние напряженного состояния массива известняков на развитие карста / С.Н.Тагильцев, А.И.Зевахин, М.Г.Морозов // Изв. УГГГА. Сер.: Геология и геофизика. Вып. 8. Екатеринбург, 1998. С.195-198.
  2. Тагильцев С.Н. Основные теоретические положения и методика определения ориентировки осей главных напряжений по данным изучения трещиноватости // Проблемы геотехнологии и недроведения (Мельниковские чтения): Докл. междунар. конф. / УрО РАН. Екатеринбург, 1998. С.205-208.

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