Well damper
2008 Yu. D. Muraev, M. I. Kuzmin
Complex system of quality control of electric energy at the enterprises on mining and processing of minerals
2008 B. N. Abramovich
Dynamic and energy indices of control systems of asynchronous drive of mining equipment
2008 V. V. Alekseev, V. N. Yazev
Influence of engine damping properties on dynamics of mechanical part of combine harvester
2008 A. S. Solov'ev, Ya. P. Grinberg, V. S. Solov'ev
Improvement of heat treatment regimes of cutters of road-headers for increase of their wear resistance
2008 V. I. Bolobov, V. V. Gabov, D. A. Zadkov, A. V. Tetervak
Determination of quantity of coal grains by equations of total characteristic of coarseness
2008 A. B. Nezametdinov