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Oleg I. Kazanin
Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Saint Petersburg Mining University
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Professor, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
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Saint Petersburg Mining University
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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Ensuring the excavation workings stability when developing excavation sites of flat-lying coal seams by three workings

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On the basis of analysis of mining plans and field studies at mines of JSC SUEK-Kuzbass, it is shown that in conditions of increasing the size of excavation columns during the development of flat-lying coal seams the stress-strain state of the rock mass along the workings length changes significantly. The necessity of predicting the stress-strain state at the design stage of the workings timbering standards, as well as subsequent monitoring of the workings roof state and its changes in the mining operations using video endoscopes, is noted. The results of numerical studies of the stress-strain state of the rock mass during the development of excavation sites by three workings for various combinations of width of the pillars between the workings for mining-geological and mining-technical conditions of the “Taldinskaya-Zapadnaya-2” mine are provided. The stresses in the vicinity of the three workings are compared with the values obtained during the development of the excavation sites by double drift. A set of recommendations on the choice of the location of the workings, the width of pillars, timbering standards that ensure the stable condition of the workings throughout the entire service life at the minimal losses of coal in the pillars is presented.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I., Ilinets A.A. Ensuring the excavation workings stability when developing excavation sites of flat-lying coal seams by three workings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 253. p. 41-48. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.1
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Improving the efficiency of the technology and organization of the longwall face move during the intensive flat-lying coal seams mining at the Kuzbass mines

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The reasons for the lag of the indicators of the leading Russian coal mines engaged in the longwall mining of the flat-lying coal seams from similar foreign mines are considered. The analysis of the efficiency of the longwall face move operations at the JSC SUEK-Kuzbass mines was carried out. A significant excess of the planned deadlines for the longwall face move during the thick flat-lying seams mining, the reasons for the low efficiency of disassembling operations and the main directions for improving the technology of disassembling operations are revealed. The directions of ensuring the operational condition of the recovery room formed by the longwall face are considered. The recommended scheme of converged coal seams mining and a three-dimensional model of a rock mass to justify its parameters are presented. Numerical studies using the finite element method are performed. The results of modeling the stress-strain state of a rock mass in the vicinity of a recovery room formed under conditions of increased stresses from the boundary part of a previously mined overlying seam are shown. The main factors determining the possibility of ensuring the operational condition of the recovery rooms are established. It is shown that it is necessary to take into account the influence of the increased stresses zone when choosing timbering standards and organizing disassembling operations at a interbed thickness of 60 m or less. A sufficient distance from the gob of above- or undermined seams was determined to ensure the operational condition of the recovery room of 50 m, for the set-up room – 30 m. Recommendations are given for improving technology and organization of the longwall face move operations at the mines applied longwall mining of flat-lying coal seams with the formation of a recovery room by the longwall face.

How to cite: Meshkov А.A., Kazanin O.I., Sidorenko A.A. Improving the efficiency of the technology and organization of the longwall face move during the intensive flat-lying coal seams mining at the Kuzbass mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 249. p. 342-350. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.3.3
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Decrease in coal losses during mining of contiguous seams in the near-bottom part at Vorkuta deposit

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The problem of formation of extended zones with high rock pressure (HRP) from safety pillars at the boundaries of extraction pillars formed due to the mine layout of complex geometry is considered at the example of JSC Vorkutaugol mines. A detailed analysis of the remaining reserves of the near-bottom part of the deposit was carried out to estimate losses and the impact of HRP zones from the Chetvertyi protective seam to mining operations on the Troinoi upper seam along with the possibilities for the reduction of sizes of HRP zones at the account of expanding the underworked space. Due to research on the near-bottom part of the Vorkuta deposit, within the framework of the accepted layout, a zone at the Komsomolskaya mine and two zones at the Zapolyarnaya-2 mine were singled out, at which losses at the boundaries of the extraction pillars amount up to 13-22 % of the total resources of the mine field. The high volume of losses in these pillars indicates the relevance of research on the priority extraction impact of protective seams on the efficiency and safety of mining operations in the working area of underworked and HRP zones. Based on the analysis of foreign and Russian experience in the pillar cleaning-up at the boundaries of working areas and the methodical guidelines and instructions, a technological scheme was developed that allows increasing the coal mining recovery factor in the near-bottom part of the Vorkuta deposit from 0.75 to 0.9 without fundamental changing of the ventilation and transport networks and also without purchasing any additional mining equipment. The conducted economic calculations confirmed the effectiveness of implementing the new technological scheme for cleaning-up reserves at the boundaries of extraction districts. The economic effect is from 0.079 to1.381 billion rubles of additional profit from coaxial extraction pillars, depending on the mining and geological conditions and the size of the pillars.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I., Yaroshenko V.V. Decrease in coal losses during mining of contiguous seams in the near-bottom part at Vorkuta deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 244. p. 395-401. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.4.1
Mining education: traditions and perspectives in the XXI century
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Mining education in the XXI century: global challenges and prospects

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An analysis of development prospects for the world mining industry is presented, requirements to mining technologies are formulated, as well as key trends of technologic development in the mineral resources complex. The paper demonstrates the role of mining industry and professional education as essential components of sustainable territorial development. Global challenges have been formulated, which must be taken into account when forming general approaches to the development of mining education. Distinctions of mining education in Russia, Germany, USA and other leading mining countries have been analyzed. Professional standards for mining engineers have been reviewed for different countries, along with their relation to educational standards. It has been shown, what role professional communities play in the development of professional education and stimulation of continuous professional development of mining engineers. Authors point out the need for international integration in the issues of training and continuous professional development of mining specialists, as well as international accreditation of educational programs for mining engineers and their certification. Information is presented on international organizations, performing the function of international accreditation of engineering educational programs, history of their establishment and role within the context of economic globalization. The paper contains examples of successful international cooperation and modern integration processes among universities, aimed at unification of requirements and improvement of existing systems of training and continuous professional development of mining engineers.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I., Drebenshtedt K. Mining education in the XXI century: global challenges and prospects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 225. p. 369. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.3.369
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On the design features of underground multiple gassy coal seam mining

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The analysis of the industry regulatory requirements and the world design experience of underground multiple coal seam mining is provided. The main problems of intensive longwall mining of multiple flat gassy coal seams as well as methods for determination of high rock pressure zone parameters and seams interaction are considered. The examples of a number of mines in the Kuzbass and Pechora coal basins show that the design of multiple seam mining and the choice of longwall panel parameters were often made without taking into consideration influence of surrounded seams that leads to essential complication of conditions for mining operations and decreases the technical and economic indicators of mining. The existing industry regulations do not allow considering complex influence of factors in multiple coal seams mining fully. On the basis of field, laboratory, and numeric research results it is noted that recommendations for pillar positioning in contiguous seams ensuring efficiency and safety of multiple seam longwall mining can significantly differ in case of liability of coal seams to spontaneous combustion, high natural gas content, influence of multiple seam mining onto daily surface, and difficult conditions of entries maintenance. The importance of having information on the stress-strain condition of the rock mass at a design stage and its changes in the process of multiple seam mining is shown. The need for industry regulations updating for the purpose of a more detailed definition of a form, size and a location of high rock pressure zones as well as stress parameters in these zones is noted. A set of recommendations for effective and safe multiple seam mining is developed.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I. On the design features of underground multiple gassy coal seam mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 215. p. 38.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Assessment of the longwall face length influence on gas emission at longwall panels of the OJSC «Vorkutaugol» coal mines

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Results of researches of the longwall face length influence on gas emission at the coal seam «Chetverty» longwall panels of the OJSC «Vorkutaugol» mines are given. Dependences of the longwall production and longwall face length are specified. Range of rational values of the longwall face length according to the gas emission control efficiency is determined.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I., Sufiyarov A.M. Assessment of the longwall face length influence on gas emission at longwall panels of the OJSC «Vorkutaugol» coal mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 36.
Geotechnology for development of solid mining fields
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Gas emission control parameters determination for sublevel caving mining systems at the «Kiselevskaya» coal mine

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The results of the aero- and gas-dynamics processes numerical researches for the sublevel caving mining system with mechanized roof support in conditions of «Kiselevskaya» coal mine are given in the article. It is shown, that reliable and effective panel ventilation is provided with the technological scheme with three entries at the each sublevel. The parameters of the technological scheme are determined.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I., Sidorenko A.A., Sementsov V.V. Gas emission control parameters determination for sublevel caving mining systems at the «Kiselevskaya» coal mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 207. p. 41.
Geotechnology issues
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Features of coal mining influence onto undermined ground area in conditions of «Krasnoyarskaya» mine (SUEK-Kuzbass)

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The analyses of daily surface deformations and destructions as a result of coal seam «Baikaimski» mining into the mine «Krasnoyarskaya» area was executed. The unusual character of subsidence, were surface destructions are observed when the mining depth more than 50 times exceed the seam thickness, is marked. The hypothesis of mechanism of surface destructions is offered.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I., Zelentsov S.N., Meshkov A.A. Features of coal mining influence onto undermined ground area in conditions of «Krasnoyarskaya» mine (SUEK-Kuzbass) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 32.
Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Scientific support of the planning process of intensive coal seams mining technologies

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The main trends of underground coal mining technology development  at  Russian  coal mines are shown on the basis of analyses of intensive coal panel extraction  experience all  over  the world. The estimation of condition of the state rules and instructions for underground coal mining planning is made, it`s disparity with the modern mining practice is underlined. The necessity of the set of coal mining technologies pattern creation is shown with the purpose of increasing the quality of coal mining  projects.

How to cite: Kazanin O.I., Romashkevich A.A. Scientific support of the planning process of intensive coal seams mining technologies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 104.
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Математическое моделирование работы очистных забоев на шахтах производственного объединения "Воркутауголь"

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Приводятся возможные направления решения актуальное для горного производства задачи, касаюшейся получения ответов на вопросы целесообразного развития фронта очистных работ на шах­тах. Предложено использовать принципы регрессионного анализа при построении математических мо­делей указанного процесса, приведены регрессионные уравнения для условий шахтных полей Воркутинского месторождения. Отмечена возможность использования данного принципа при выборе эффек­тивных решений планирования горных работ при выемке оставшихся запасов месторождения с уче­том основных горно-геологических факторов разработки.

How to cite: Kovalev O.V., Kazanin O.I. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1994. Vol. 139. p. 16.