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Lyubov S. Kuleshova
Associate Professor, Ph.D.
Branch of Ufa State Oil Technical University in Oktyabrskiy
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Associate Professor, Ph.D.
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Branch of Ufa State Oil Technical University in Oktyabrskiy
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Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Application of resonance functions in estimating the parameters of interwell zones

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It is shown that the use of force resonance leads to the effect of “shaking” the formation, followed by breaking up the film oil and involving it in the further filtration process. For the first time in oilfield geophysics, the concept of passive noise-metering method is justified for monitoring oil and gas deposit development by measuring the quality factor of the contours in the point areas of formation development channels in interwell zones. It is established that determining the depth of modulation for the reactive substitution parameter of the linear FDC chain is crucial not only for determining the parametric excitation in FDC attenuation systems, but also without attenuation in the metrological support for the analysis of petrophysical properties of rock samples from the wells. It is shown that based on the method of complex amplitudes (for formation pressure current, differential flow rates, impedance), different families of resonance curves can be plotted: displacement amplitudes (for differential flow rates on the piezocapacity of the studied formation section), velocities (amplitudes of formation pressure current) and accelerations (amplitudes of differential flow rates on the linear piezoinductivity of the FDC section). The use of predicted permeability and porosity properties of the reservoir with its continuous regulation leads to increased accuracy of isolation in each subsequent sub-cycle of new segment formation in the FDC trajectories, which contributes to a more complete development of productive hydrocarbon deposits and increases the reliability of prediction for development indicators.

How to cite: Batalov S.А., Andreev V.Е., Mukhametshin V.V., Lobankov V.М., Kuleshova L.S. Application of resonance functions in estimating the parameters of interwell zones // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 257. p. 755-763. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.85
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Mathematical model of linear and non-linear proppant concentration increase during hydraulic fracturing – a solution for sequential injection of a number of proppant types

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It is known that much of the technology aimed at intensifying fluid inflow by means of hydraulic fracturing involves the use of proppant. In order to transport and position grains in the fracture, a uniform supply of proppant with a given concentration into the fracturing fluid is ensured. The aim of the operation is to eliminate the occurrence of distortions in the injection program of proppant HF. A mathematically accurate linear increase of concentration under given conditions is possible only if the transient concentration is correctly defined. The proposed approach allows to correctly form a proppant HF work program for both linear and non-linear increase in proppant concentration. The scientific novelty of the work lies in application of a new mathematical model for direct calculation of injection program parameters, previously determined by trial and error method. A mathematical model of linear and non-linear increase of proppant concentration during HF was developed. For the first time, an analytical solution is presented that allows direct calculation of parameters of the main HF stages, including transient concentrations for given masses of the various types of proppant. The application of the mathematical model in formation of a treatment plan allows maintaining correct proppant mass distribution by fractions, which facilitates implementation of information and analytical systems, data transfer directly from a work program into databases. It is suggested to improve spreadsheet forms used in production, which would allow applying mathematical model of work program formation at each HF process without additional labour costs. The obtained mathematical model can be used to improve the software applied in the design, modelling and engineering support of HF processes.

How to cite: Kochetkov A.V., Fattakhov I.G., Mukhametshin V.V., Kuleshova L.S., Mingulov S.G. Mathematical model of linear and non-linear proppant concentration increase during hydraulic fracturing – a solution for sequential injection of a number of proppant types // Journal of Mining Institute. 2022. Vol. 254. p. 210-216. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2022.10
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Influence of hydraulic compression on porosity and permeability properties of reservoirs

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Active development of hard-to-recover oil reserves causes the need for an innovative approach to methods of oil recovery and intensification of its production, based on taking into account the specifics of filtration processes in low-productive reservoirs and complex geological and physical conditions. Pilot works for studying the mechanism of changes in porosity and permeability properties of reservoirs during swabbing of wells are presented. Based on the hydrodynamic investigations performed, the results of the work are analyzed. The method of oil production intensification using hydraulic compression of formation has been developed. It has been shown that when using hydraulic compression technology in the pore space of the formation, the effect of capillary and gravitational forces is strongly reduced. The influence of these forces decreases when significant pressure gradients with changing direction are formed during well swabbing for depression impact on the bottomhole zone of the formation. Hydraulic compression induced an increase in well productivity and flow rate; insights into how how permeability and porosity properties change during well swabbing were clarified. The range of compressive durability (minimum and maximum values) was determined for the Verean deposits of the Melekeskaya Depression and the South Tatar arch. The impact of formation hydraulic compression caused changes in permeability and porosity properties of the reservoir in the bottomhole zone on a qualitative level. Piezo- and hydraulic conductivity increased by 20 %. Experimental work in well 1545 of Keremetyevskoe field showed an increase of piezo- and hydraulic conductivity coefficients, effective formation thickness, change of filtration flows character.

How to cite: Khuzin R.R., Andreev V.E., Mukhametshin V.V., Kuleshova L.S., Dubinskiy G.S., Safiullina А.R. Influence of hydraulic compression on porosity and permeability properties of reservoirs // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 251. p. 688-697. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.5.8
Oil and gas
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Improving the efficiency of using resource base of liquid hydrocarbons in Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia

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Under conditions of the same type of oil deposits with hard-to-recover reserves in Jurassic terrigenous reservoirs of the West Siberian oil and gas province, a study was made about the influence of the geological structure features of objects and water flooding technologies on the response degree of production wells to water injection. Response degree of the wells was determined by analyzing the time series of production rates and injection volumes of injection wells with the calculation of inter-correlation function (ICF) values. It was believed that with ICF values in a given injection period of more than 0.5, production well responds to the injection. Factors that have a prevailing effect on water flooding success have been identified. Among them: effective oil-saturated thickness of the formation in production wells; relative amplitude of the self polarization of the formation in both production and injection wells; grittiness coefficient of the formation in injection wells; monthly volume of water injection and distance between wells. Methodological approach is proposed based on the application of the proposed empirical parameter of water flooding success, which involves the use of indirect data in conditions of limited information about the processes occurring in the formation at justification and selection of production wells for transferring them to injection during focal flooding; drilling of additional production and injection wells – compaction of the well grid; shutdown of injection and production wells; use of a transit wells stock; use of cyclic, non-stationary flooding in order to change the direction of filtration flows; determining the design of dual-purpose L-shaped wells (determining length of the horizontal part); limitation of flow rate in highly flooded wells with a high degree of interaction; determination of decompression zones (without injection of indicators), stagnant zones for drilling sidetracks, improving the location of production and injection wells, transferring wells from other horizons; choosing the purpose of the wells during implementation of the selective water flooding system in order to increase the efficiency of using the resource base of liquid hydrocarbons.

How to cite: Rogachev M.K., Mukhametshin V.V., Kuleshova L.S. Improving the efficiency of using resource base of liquid hydrocarbons in Jurassic deposits of Western Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2019. Vol. 240. p. 711. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2019.6.711