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S. A. Sidorenko
S. A. Sidorenko
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
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Improvement of technological schemes of mining of coal seams prone to spontaneous combustion and rock bumps

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On the example of the Alardinskaya mine, the problem of underground mining of seams prone to spontaneous combustion and rock bumps in the conditions of the Kondomsky geological and economic region of the Kuznetsk coal basin is considered. The contradictions in the requirements of regulatory documents for the width of the inter-panel coal pillars in the mining of seams with longwalls in conditions of endogenous fire hazard and in the mining of seams that are dangerous due to geodynamical phenomena are discussed. These contradictions impede the safe mining of seams using traditionally used layouts with the danger of spontaneous combustion of coal and rock bumps. A mining-geomechanical model is presented, which is used for numerical three-dimensional simulation of the stress-strain state of a rock mass with various layouts for longwall panels using the finite element method. The results of the numerical analysis of the stress state of the rock mass immediately before the rock bump are presented, and the main factors that contributed to its occurrence during the mining of the seam are established. A dangerous degree of stress concentration in the coal seam near the leading diagonal entries is shown, especially in conditions of application of abutment pressure from the edge of panels’ gob. The analysis of the features of stress distribution in the inter-panel pillar at different widths is carried out. Recommendations for improving the layout for the development and mining of coal seams that are prone to spontaneous combustion and dangerous in terms of rock bumps in the conditions of Alardiskaya mine have been developed. The need for further studies of the influence of pillars for various purposes, formed during the mining of adjacent seams, on the stress-strain state of previously overmined and undermined seams is shown.

How to cite: Sidorenko A.A., Dmitriev P.N., Alekseev V.Y., Sidorenko S.A. Improvement of technological schemes of mining of coal seams prone to spontaneous combustion and rock bumps // Journal of Mining Institute. 2023. Vol. 264. p. 949-961. EDN SCAFOE
Effective management in mineral resources complex and energy industry: approaches, tools and mechanisms
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Enhancement of efficiency of underground coal mining development of complexity mining-and-geological parameters

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The analysis of a current state of a problem of effective and safe working off of stocks in complexity mining-and-geological parameters is made. Recommendations about ensuring increase of technical and economic indicators of the coal mines which working off high-gas-bearing layers and spontaneous-combustion coal are made.

How to cite: Sidorenko A.A., Sidorenko S.A. Enhancement of efficiency of underground coal mining development of complexity mining-and-geological parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 181.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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The improvement of an assessment of production potential in mining

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The questions of an assessment of production potential are considered here.The defining role of resource potential is given at an assessment of production capacity of mine. Recommendations for determination of rational capacity of mines are given. The necessity of strategic innovative development of coal-mining enterprises is shown.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A. The improvement of an assessment of production potential in mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 255.
Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation development of companies in Russian mineral resources complex
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Improvement of methods of estimation оf relationship between mining-and-geological parameters and technical-and-economic characteristics of coal mines

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Existing techniques of an estimation of degree of complexity of mining-and-geological parameters for the forecast of efficiency of economic  investments at development of new coal-fields are analyzed. The scheme of typification of stocks on complexity of mining-and-geological parameters both economic efficiency of working off and the technique of grouping of deposits and their sites are  offered.

How to cite: Sidorenko A.A., Sidorenko S.A., Kozharskii P.V. Improvement of methods of estimation оf relationship between mining-and-geological parameters and technical-and-economic characteristics of coal mines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 236.
Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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Complex substantiation of ways to maintenan stability of local development excavations

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The complex method of a substantiation of ways maintenan to stability of local development excavations in overworked layers is offered. The mark of expected displacement of breeds contour of section local preparatory developments overworked layers is executed. Recommendations about realization overworked systems of working out in the conditions of mine «Raspadsky-koksovaja» are made. Necessity carrying out of developments of 2nd layer with backlog from a clearing face  of 1st layer is proved. The mark of influence of parameters of an applied way maintenan to stability of developments on level of production costs is executed.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A. Complex substantiation of ways to maintenan stability of local development excavations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 317.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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The modern state and perspectives of underground coal mining development in Kuzbass

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The analysis of the modern state and perspectives of development of underground coal mining in Kuznetsky coal basin has been carried out. Problems of underground mining of coal seams have been determined. The factors which significantly effect the efficiency of coal mines have been reviewed. The conclusion on necessity of improvement of mining methods for coal seams in complex geological conditions have been made.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A. The modern state and perspectives of underground coal mining development in Kuzbass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 188.
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Stabilization of development workings in overworked layers

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Challenges of efficient underground mining of thick flat coal seams are studied. An effective method to secure stability of site development workings in overworked layers is suggested. A conclusion is made on advisability of stress-relief workings construction in preparation of overworked layers. Parameters of slicing mining system and stress-relief workings are justified. Assessment of useful mineral loss enhancement and production cost reduction is made due to introduction of the proposed method. Possible areas are determined for application of this method.

How to cite: Sidorenko A.A., Sidorenko S.A., Trushko O.V. Stabilization of development workings in overworked layers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 42.
Mine survey
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Some approaches to evaluate the stability of underground structures subjected to dynamic loads from earthquakes

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The scheme of approach of evaluation of the stability of underground structures with account for seismic activity of rock strata is introduced. Some aspects of estimation of stability of underground structures under dynamic loads are also present. Methods of choosing the safe parameters of underground mining with account for seismic and tectonic activity of rocks are shown.

How to cite: Kovalskii E.R., Mozer S.P., Mikhailenko O.V., Sidorenko S.A. Some approaches to evaluate the stability of underground structures subjected to dynamic loads from earthquakes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 330.
Topical issues in mining of ore and nonmetallic minerals
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Justification of rational parameters of prospective technological schemes of layer mining of thick polohugol beds

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Analysis of perspective flow diagrams of layered mining of high flat coal-seam in the Kuzbass Region is carried out. A conclusion in made on the necessity to consider the influence of the underworked massif of the 2nd layer in determination of the ultimate thickness of the interlayer coal pack. Analytical studies of the stress-and-strain state of the underworked massif have been made. Sizes of weakened coal zones are determined and recommendations are given how to determine the ultimate thickness of the protective pack.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A., Nikishin D.Y. Justification of rational parameters of prospective technological schemes of layer mining of thick polohugol beds // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 51-53.
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Increase of technical and economic indicators of layer mining of thick hollow seams of Kuznetsk coal basin

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The know-how of layer improvement of thick hollow seams in the mines of Kuzbass is analyzed. The conclusion is made about the necessity of subcladding justification of the location of local development workings of layer 2, providing the minimization of costs for their development and maintenance. The influence of mining engineering factors on the stress-strain state of rock massif in the vicinity of layer 2 layer workings has been investigated. Recommendations on the choice of rational location of local development workings are made. The economic benefit from the implementation of the developed recommendations is estimated.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A., Nikishin D.Y. Increase of technical and economic indicators of layer mining of thick hollow seams of Kuznetsk coal basin // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 109-112.
Mining. Ecology
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Development of effective technological schemes of excavation of thick hollow coal seams prone to self-ignition

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The article analyzes the impact of endogenous fire hazard of the development of strata prone to spontaneous combustion, in particular, with the use of modern efficient equipment, on the technical and economic performance of the mine. The conclusion is made about the necessity of differentiated approach in the choice of technology for the development of mined seams. The effective technological scheme of development of strata prone to spontaneous combustion is proposed. The influence of the first layer development on the stress-strain state of the underlying layers is investigated and rational parameters of technological schemes are determined. The economic effect from the introduction of the developed technology is calculated, which is obtained by reducing the number of endogenous fires and minimizing the damage in case of their occurrence.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A. Development of effective technological schemes of excavation of thick hollow coal seams prone to self-ignition // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 128-130.
Mining. Ecology
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Determination of rational location of sectional preparatory excavations at layer systems of development

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The paper analyzes the results of mine observations on the condition of area preparatory workings during layer mining of thick gentle strata of Kuzbass. The conclusion is made about the necessity of additional justification of the location of area preparatory workings of the 2nd layer, providing the reduction of costs for their maintenance. The stress-strain state of the rock massif (STS) "perturbed" by the 1st layer mining was investigated. The nature and degree of influence of the 2nd layer overmining were established. The rational location of the 2nd layer preparatory mine workings was chosen for the sloping mining of layer III of the Tom-Usinsky region of Kuzbass. The economic effect from the implementation of the developed recommendations is calculated, which is obtained by reducing the cost of maintaining the operational condition of the area excavations.

How to cite: Sidorenko S.A., Sidorenko A.A. Determination of rational location of sectional preparatory excavations at layer systems of development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 1 167. p. 103-105.