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Vol 170 No 1
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Research article
Mining. Ecology

Development of effective technological schemes of excavation of thick hollow coal seams prone to self-ignition

S. A. Sidorenko1
A. A. Sidorenko2
About authors
  • 1 — Assistant Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article analyzes the impact of endogenous fire hazard of the development of strata prone to spontaneous combustion, in particular, with the use of modern efficient equipment, on the technical and economic performance of the mine. The conclusion is made about the necessity of differentiated approach in the choice of technology for the development of mined seams. The effective technological scheme of development of strata prone to spontaneous combustion is proposed. The influence of the first layer development on the stress-strain state of the underlying layers is investigated and rational parameters of technological schemes are determined. The economic effect from the introduction of the developed technology is calculated, which is obtained by reducing the number of endogenous fires and minimizing the damage in case of their occurrence.

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  1. Фрянов В.Н. Обоснование параметров технологии подготовки отработки мощных пологих пластов / В.Н.Фрянов, А.В.Чубриков. Новокузнецк: Изд-во СибГИУ, 2002. 216 с.
  2. Сидоренко С.А. Определение рационального места расположения участковых подготовительных выработок при слоевых системах разработки / С.А..Сидоренко, А.А.Сидоренко // Записки Горного института. СПб, 2006. Т.167 (1).

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