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Vol 170 No 1
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Prospects of electric power assets absorption by LLT Peterburgregregiongaz in the conditions of reforming the electric power industry of the Russian Federation

N. P. Galayda
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  • Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The article represents the investigation in the sphere of diversification of a regional gas company (with the example of «Peterburgregiongas» LLT). This investigation is very actual, because it helps to solve many problems of the organization and to make true one of the strategic initiatives of the company – to create the united energetic holding on the territory of Saint-Petersburg, Leningrad’s region and the Republic of Karelia. In the article on the analysis of processes in the branch of industry the rightness of the decision to diversify into electric energy is proved. The author gives all possible directions of making true the given conception and proves the priority of investment into the production of energy. Also there are found out and analyzed directions of diversification into production and the result of the preliminary finance and investment analysis of energy production enterprises of the region are given with the preliminary recommendation of choosing the direction of mergers and acquisitions with the aim to diversify the business.

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  1. Энергетическая политика России. Обзор 2002 // Paris: Louis-Jean (05003), 2002.

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