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E. M. Volokhov
E. M. Volokhov
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


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Deformations assessment during subway escalator tunnels construction by the method of artificial freezing of soil for the stage of ice wall formation

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The work is devoted to the study of the processes of displacement and deformation of the surface during the escalator tunnels construction of the subway by the method of artificial freezing of soils. The features of the construction and freezing technology, the rocks characteristics in which the escalator tunnels made are considered. The data of specially organized, full-scale surveying observations of deformations on the earth surface are presented. The main factors influencing deformation processes in the frozen strata of a layered inhomogeneous rock mass with inclined tunneling are determined, the complexity of the predictive task and the need to simplify the design scheme are shown. The work is focused on the assessment of the least studied geomechanical processes of soil heaving-uplifts and deformations during the periods of active and passive freezing stages. When studying the displacements processes of the earth surface and rock mass, the finite element method and analysis of the obtained data using field observations of displacements were used. A simplified calculation scheme is proposed for modeling, which allows taking into account the uneven influence of frozen rocks of an inhomogeneous layered rock mass with a large inclined tunneling. The satisfactory convergence of the data of field surveying observations on the earth surface and the results of modeling geomechanical processes for the period of active and passive freezing stages is shown. The proposed calculation scheme is recommended for the prediction of deformation at the stages of underground construction, characterized by the development of the most dangerous tensile deformations of buildings and structures on the surface.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Mukminova D.Z. Deformations assessment during subway escalator tunnels construction by the method of artificial freezing of soil for the stage of ice wall formation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 252. p. 826-839. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.6.5
Mine survey
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Modern monitoring systems of displacements and deformations at building of underground constructions

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In article the information on the modern systems of monitoring intended for control of a deformation condition of rocks and buildings, being in a zone of influence of mountain works is stated. Principles and features of work of some types of gages and systems are stated. Problems with introduction of such systems in Russia are specified. The urgency of carry- ing out special scientific and applied researches for maintenance of introduction of such systems at realization of actions for protection of buildings and constructions is shown.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Novozhenin S.Y., Suan Bak N. Modern monitoring systems of displacements and deformations at building of underground constructions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 253.
Mine survey
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Standard and methodical support of estimation of adverse effect of underground construction and monitoring of deformations for conditions of Saint-Petersburg

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In article problems of methodical maintenance and standards of an estimation of adverse effect of underground construction for conditions of St.-Petersburg are considered. The characteristic of the basic operating standard documents in sphere of maintenance of protection of the buildings developed in the Russian Federation is given. The reasons defining illegitimacy of application of some norms of these documents are  stated. The urgency of creation of documents regulating an estimation of adverse effect of mining works on buildings, and also a technique of supervision for deformations is shown. Variants of maintenance of working on the specified documents for conditions of Saint-Petersburg are  offered.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Zelentsov S.N., Khutskii V.P. Standard and methodical support of estimation of adverse effect of underground construction and monitoring of deformations for conditions of Saint-Petersburg // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 260.
Mine survey
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Methods of the estimation of the condition of hydraulic engineering tunnels according to laser-scanning survey

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Account method of laser-scanning survey of hydraulic engineering tunnels of 2,7 km is stated in the general extent. The visual way of inspection of the tunnels, carried out in parallel with their leveling is resulted. The way of a deformation estimation of a condition of tunnels by the geometrical analysis of 3D-models received according to laser-scanning survey is considered.

How to cite: Gusev V.N., Volokhov E.M., Golovanov V.A., Ivanov I.P., Vasilev M.Y., Nosov V.K., Yushmanov P.I. Methods of the estimation of the condition of hydraulic engineering tunnels according to laser-scanning survey // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 267.
Mine survey
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Calculation of displacement and deformations of rocks tunnels arising at building taking into account vertical asymmetry in distribution of displacement

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In work problems application of theoretical methods mechanics continuous environment for calculation of displacement and deformations rocks are considered at a construction of tunnels. The basic attention is given the account in calculations of vertical asymmetry in distribution of displacement in a pedigree file round a tunnel. The short analysis of the reasons display such asymmetry is presented. The way of the account in calculations vertical asymmetry in distribution displacement over and under a tunnel on the basis phenomenological approach taking into account features of functions of distribution of deformations and the given natural supervision is offered.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Bakh N.S. Calculation of displacement and deformations of rocks tunnels arising at building taking into account vertical asymmetry in distribution of displacement // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 278.
Mine survey
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Mathematical modelling of geomechanical processes at the estimation of influence of building underground constructions in cities on the undermined rock mass

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In work the basic features geomechanical processes of rocks occurring in a file are stated at tunneling and developments of underground constructions. Principles of the organisation mathematical modelling of processes displacement and deformations of rocks for an estimation of harmful influence of underground building on buildings and constructions are resulted. The basic lacks of known approaches to modelling of geomechanical processes are stated, recommendations about the decision of key problems of calculation displacement in a pedigree file are made. The basic results of application of the complex approach to a look-ahead estimation displacement and deformations at maintenance of building of city underground constructions in St.-Petersburg are presented.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Potemkin D.A. Mathematical modelling of geomechanical processes at the estimation of influence of building underground constructions in cities on the undermined rock mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 284.
Mine survey
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Metrological maintenance mine surveying

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Now questions of the metrological control in маркшейдерских works have the uncertain status. The law in force about maintenance is uniform-stva measurements does not include in control sphere маркшейдерские work. Predlaga-etsja to return to practice of independent performance калибровочных works on the certificated ranges.

How to cite: Golovanov V.A., Volokhov E.M., Gusev V.N. Metrological maintenance mine surveying // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 289.
Blasting, explosives and means of mechanization of their application
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To the question of evaluation of mutual influence of excavations in calculations of shifts and deformations of rock massif and earth surface over the tunnels under construction

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In the given work the way of an estimation geomechanical effect of additional activization of deformation process in a file of rocks and on a terrestrial surface is stated at a construction of two and more parallel tunnels on the basis theoretical decisions of mechanics the continuous environment. Similar quantitative and quality standard of this effect at calculations stress has received a wide circulation in mechanics of underground constructions and other applied areas. In mine surveying calculations displacement and deformations mainly empirical approaches are traditionally used. The resulted decisions allow to carry out such estimations and to take into account similar geomechanical effects in calculations of displacement and deformations.

How to cite: Trushko V.L., Volokhov E.M. To the question of evaluation of mutual influence of excavations in calculations of shifts and deformations of rock massif and earth surface over the tunnels under construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 191-197.
Mine survey
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Consideration of vertical asymmetry of shear distribution in the rock massif surrounding the tunnel under construction

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In the given work one of ways the account vertical asymmetry of fields displacement in a file of rocks surrounding a passable tunnel is offered on the basis of classical analytical decisions from mechanics of the continuous environment. For the account of such asymmetry it is used functions of displacement and the deformations, received for symmetric settlement circuits, and their transformation in view of the revealed surface of zero displacement and deformations under a tunnel.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M. Consideration of vertical asymmetry of shear distribution in the rock massif surrounding the tunnel under construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 162-166.
Mine survey
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To the issue of selection of the boundary criterion for rock shear muldes in the rock mass above the tunnel under construction

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This paper presents a method for determining the boundary criterion for the rock deformation zone in the rock mass above a tunnel under construction when using two-layer calculation schemes in forecasts of earth surface deformations. The method is applied to the conditions of construction of tunnels of the St. Petersburg subway system.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Gusev V.N., Lir Y.V. To the issue of selection of the boundary criterion for rock shear muldes in the rock mass above the tunnel under construction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 167-171.
Mine survey
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Photoplanimetric survey of vertical technical wells

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The traditional photoplanerometric survey of the main excavation sections using digital photo and video cameras acquires a new meaning. The article considers the method of remote imaging of vertical technical boreholes. The scheme of equipment installation on surfaces and video camera placement in the borehole is given.

How to cite: Golovanov V.A., Gusev V.N., Volokhov E.M. Photoplanimetric survey of vertical technical wells // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 172-174.
Surveying and geodesy
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On the influence of the construction technology of St. Petersburg metro stations on the process of shifting the earth's surface

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The effects of the construction of two column stations of the St. Petersburg subway are considered. Based on the comparison of these effects, as well as on the mathematical modeling of the stages of tunneling works, the analysis of the probable causes of additional subsidence of the ground surface above the stations under construction is given. The possible causes of some specific manifestations of geomechanical processes associated with the application of the new technology of sinking the middle hall of the station column with an advance support are outlined.

How to cite: Dolgikh M.V., Volokhov E.M. On the influence of the construction technology of St. Petersburg metro stations on the process of shifting the earth’s surface // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 186-189.
Without section
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Forecast and assessment of the technogenic impact of mining on the geological environment

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In the article the methods of an estimation of technogenic effect of mining minings on geologic medium, statistical and probabilistic models of distribution of quality for the geographical demarcation of fields are adduced. Are set up to fundamentals of the theory of operation GPS of instrumentation and electronic techeometers at overseeing ground movement of rocks, ergonomics of realisation of these supervision (observations).

How to cite: Gusev V.N., Takranov R.A., Volokhov E.M., Zarukin A.S., Zverevich V.V., Pavlov S.P., Sheremet A.N. Forecast and assessment of the technogenic impact of mining on the geological environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 146. p. 3-8.
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Analytical methods for calculation of basic parameters of the displacement trough in the construction of tunnels in Cambrian clays

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In the article the feasibility of idealized methods to calculation of deformations of a surface is considered at facility of tunnels in simple geological conditions. Among such methods the special attension is given to methods of a mathematical theory of elastic strength, which one will widely be used in mechanics of underground structures (close in the essence to a considered problematics). The applicability (feasibility) of the analytical approach is detected within the framework of the registration of the separate mining-and-geological factors.

How to cite: Volokhov E.M., Pavlov S.P. Analytical methods for calculation of basic parameters of the displacement trough in the construction of tunnels in Cambrian clays // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 146. p. 29-35.