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Vol 190
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Calculation of displacement and deformations of rocks tunnels arising at building taking into account vertical asymmetry in distribution of displacement

E. M. Volokhov1
N. S. Bakh2
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  • 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
  • 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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In work problems application of theoretical methods mechanics continuous environment for calculation of displacement and deformations rocks are considered at a construction of tunnels. The basic attention is given the account in calculations of vertical asymmetry in distribution of displacement in a pedigree file round a tunnel. The short analysis of the reasons display such asymmetry is presented. The way of the account in calculations vertical asymmetry in distribution displacement over and under a tunnel on the basis phenomenological approach taking into account features of functions of distribution of deformations and the given natural supervision is offered.

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