Date submitted2021-04-19
Date accepted2022-05-25
Date published2022-07-13
Development of the technology of stowing the developed space during mining
- Authors:
- Evgenii R. Kovalskii
- Kirill V. Gromtsev
An analysis of the world experience in the development of potash deposits shows that the main problems arising during their development are a high level of mineral losses, an increased risk of flooding of mine workings as a result of water-proof layer discontinuance and the development of emergency water inflows in the mined-out spaces. Reduction of potash ore losses can be achieved by using a long-pillar mining system, but this method is limited by the peculiarities of the geological structure of the potash deposits and the need to preserve the continuity of the water-proof layer during its underworking. The safety of underworking of the water-proof layer can be improved by using the stowing of the developed longwall space. However, the question of the influence of the stowing on the height of the zone of water supply cracks development remains little-studied. The world experience of stowing the developed spaces in the development of layers with long pillars is analyzed and the technology of placing the stowing masses, which can solve these problems, is proposed. The considered technology and the proposed solutions are supported by laboratory tests of stowing materials and mathematical modeling of deformation zones in the overlying rocks.
Date submitted2021-03-16
Date accepted2021-07-27
Date published2021-10-21
Allocation of a deep-lying brine aquifer in the rocks of a chemogenic section based on the data of geophysical well logging and 2D seismic exploration
Advancement in the production of potassium fertilizers is an important strategic task of Russian agricultural industry. Given annually growing production rates, the reserves of discovered potassium-magnesium salt deposits are noticeably decreasing, which creates the need to ensure stable replenishment of the resource base through both the discovery of new deposits and the exploitation of deep-lying production horizons of the deposits that are already under development. In most cases, deposits of potassium-magnesium salts are developed by underground mining. The main problem for any salt deposit is water. Dry salt workings do not require any additional reinforcement and can easily withstand rock pressure, but with an inflow of water they begin to collapse intensively – hence, special attention is paid to mine waterproofing. Determination of spatial location, physical and mechanical properties of the aquifer and water-blocking stratum in the geological section represent an important stage in the exploration of a salt deposit. The results of these studies allow to validate an optimal system of deposit development that will minimize environmental and economic risks. On the territory of Russia, there is a deposit of potassium-magnesium salts with a unique geological structure – its production horizon lies at a considerable depth and is capped by a regional aquifer, which imposes significant limitations on the development process. To estimate parameters of the studied object, we analyzed the data from CDP seismic reflection survey and a suite of methods of radioactive and acoustic well logging, supplemented with high-frequency induction logging isoparametric sounding (VIKIZ) data. As a result of performed analysis, we identified location of the water-bearing stratum, estimated average thickness of the aquifers and possible water-blocking strata. Based on research results, we proposed methods for increasing operational reliability of the main shaft in the designed mine that will minimize the risks of water breakthrough into the mine shaft.
Date submitted2019-07-22
Date accepted2020-01-04
Date published2020-04-24
“Ural-20R” combines loading drives evaluation in two-stage development of the face
The technological features of the use of high-performance Ural-20R combines in the conditions of potash mines in Russia are described. It is shown that when the capacity of the worked potash seams is over 4 m, a two-layer ore extraction is used. The formation of cutting process, implemented by the second course of the combine in the treatment chamber, is carried out by an incomplete section of the executive bodies. The standard control system, display and protection of the Ural-20R combine does not allow monitoring and reliable estimation of the magnitude of dynamic components on the drives of the mining machine loads, as well as tracking the feed rate of the combine to the face. The regulation of the operating parameters and the assessment of the degree of loading of the drives of the excavating machine in real time are assigned to the operator. The fundamentals of the experimental research methodology for assessing the loading of drives of Ural-20R combines with the destruction of the potash mass by an incomplete section of the executive bodies are described. The device and the operating procedure of the “Vatur” software-recording complex, which measures, records and records the electrical parameters of the drive motors of a mining machine, is described. The process studies results of forming loads on drive elements of Ural-20R combines when mining a face with an incomplete section of executive bodies are presented. It is proved that the work of combine harvesters on the undercut of the formation with a high feed rate is accompanied by significant dynamic loads on the drives of planetary organs and an overload of the drives of the Berm organs, which leads to an accelerated consumption of the resource and emergency failures of the gearboxes and motors of the extraction machine.
Date submitted2017-10-31
Date accepted2018-01-01
Date published2018-04-24
Peculiarities of formation and growth of nanodispersed intermetallic strengthening inclusions in rapidly-solidified alloys of Al–Mg–Zr–X-system
- Authors:
- D. I. Budelovskii
- S. Yu. Petrovich
- V. A. Lipin
The paper is devoted to the influence of the fourth element on the microstructure of the rapidly-solidified alloys of the Al–Mg–Zr-system. Alloys were additionally doped with high-melting-point metals Ti, Hf, W, and Nb. In the structure of all samples in the immediate area of the cooled surface, uniformly distributed intermetallic inclusions of several nanometers in size were detected. Such a structure can be represented as a dispersion-strengthened composite. A quantitative metallographic analysis was carried out to quantitatively describe the structure of the obtained particles of the cooled melt. The obtained rapidly-solidified alloys can be described as dispersion-strengthened composite materials with the aluminum-magnesium alloy matrix and the intermetallic particles strengthener. Depending on the alloying component, these particles differ in shape (spheres, plates, agglomerates) and in size (from 200 nm when alloying with Hf and W up to 1.2-1.5 μm with Ti and Nb alloying). The X-ray phase analysis (XPA) showed that in the studied alloys of the Al–5Mg–1.2Zr–(0.5÷2.0)X-system, high cooling rates of melts lead to the formation of new intermetallic compounds that are absent in equilibrium systems. The example of an alloy with hafnium additive shows that an increase in the content of the alloying component (from 0.5 to 2 % by mass) leads to an increase in the volume ratio of intermetallic inclusions (from 5 to 12.8 %). At the same time, their shape and average size remain unchanged. The additional alloying component will improve the mechanical characteristics of aluminum alloys by increasing the recrystallization threshold of a rapidly-solidified alloy.
Date submitted2015-12-13
Date accepted2016-02-23
Date published2016-12-23
Properties isotropy of magnesium alloy strip workpieces
- Authors:
- R. Kavalla
- V. Yu. Bazhin
The paper discusses the issue of obtaining high quality cast workpieces of magnesium alloys produced by strip roll-casting. Producing strips of magnesium alloys by combining the processes of casting and rolling when liquid melt is fed continuously to fast rolls is quite promising and economic. In the process of sheet stamping considerable losses of metal occur on festoons formed due to anisotropy of properties of foil workpiece, as defined by the macro- and microstructure and modes of rolling and annealing. The principal causes of anisotropic mechanical properties of metal strips produced by the combined casting and rolling technique are the character of distribution of intermetallic compounds in the strip, orientation of phases of metal defects and the residual tensions. One of the tasks in increasing the output of fit products during stamping operations consists in minimizing the amount of defects. To lower the level of anisotropy in mechanical properties various ways of treating the melt during casting are suggested. Designing the technology of producing strips of magnesium alloys opens a possibility of using them in automobile industry to manufacture light-weight body elements instead of those made of steel.
Date submitted2014-10-15
Date accepted2014-12-14
Date published2015-08-25
Formiing of structure and properties of sheet strips from magnesium alloys in the conditions of twin roll casting process
- Authors:
- R. Kavalla
- V. Yu. Bazhin
In this article the problem of receiving high-quality cast strips from the magnesium alloys received by units of twin roll casting process in the combined methods is discussed. Production of sheets from magnesium alloys combination of casting and rolling at continuous giving of liquid melt to the rotating rolls is perspective and more economic method. Features of crystallization of magnesium alloys of AZ31 and AZ61 in a gap of rolls crystallizers depending on heat exchange conditions at change of technological parameters are considered. Due to impact on melt in forming system it is possible to provide formation of equal fine-grained structure of sheet hire without superficial defects. Development of the production technology of sheets from magnesium alloys creates possibility of their use of automobile branch as the facilitated details of bodies instead of the knots made of steel.