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Vol 228

Vol 227
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Greeting from Chief Editor

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Greetings from the Chief Editor with the release of the jubilee volume in honor of the 110th anniversary of the Journal of the Mining Institute.

How to cite: Litvinenko V.S. Greeting from Chief Editor // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 615. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.615
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Pedagogical experiment of the first rector of the Ural state mining institute P.P. Von Weymarn as an effort to reform the higher education institution in 1917-1920

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Based on sources recently discovered and included in the database of scientific publications, the article analyzes the pedagogical activity of the scientist-chemist, the first rector and founder of the Ural Mining Institute in Ekaterinburg Petr Petrovich von Weymarn, whose name is now almost forgotten. The article shows that this activity can be evaluated as a pedagogical experiment on reformation of the higher education institution system, which could have been adopted in Russia if Bolsheviks lost the Civil War. Pedagogical activity of von Weymarn has a theoretical basis that he developed under the influence of Wilhelm Ostwald, the Nobel Prize winner in chemistry and the idealist philosopher, as well as the example of the Petrograd (Petersburg) Mining Institute, which for von Weymarn was not only an alma mater but an example of a reformist attitudes toward the scientific and pedagogical process in higher education. The article gives a detailed analysis of the currently available philosophical and pedagogical essays of P.P. von Weymarn, known as «Essays on the Energy of Culture», as well as the practical application of these theoretical works on the basis of the Ural Mining Institute in Ekaterinburg and in Vladivostok. With the advent of Soviet power, von Weymarn's pedagogical experiment was forcibly interrupted, and he became «persona non-grata» in the Soviet Union, but now his name is being restored. Unfortunately, he is known either as a chemist or as the founder and first rector of the current Ural State Mining University, but not as a teacher who offered his view of reforming the higher school system. This article fills this gap, revealing not only the work of von Weymarn, but also describing the difficult period of changing the old scientific school system, which could have taken a completely different development path. 

How to cite: Valiev N.G., Shorin A.G. Pedagogical experiment of the first rector of the Ural state mining institute P.P. Von Weymarn as an effort to reform the higher education institution in 1917-1920 // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 616. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.616
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Engineering-geological aspects of negative consequences of contamination of dispersive soils by petroleum products

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The article presents the features of transformation and migration of petroleum products in the underground environment, which are determined by the physical and physicochemical properties of petroleum hydrocarbons (density, viscosity, solubility in water, etc.) and their enclosing soils (sorption capacity, humidity, etc.). The main processes of degradation of oil products in the soil stratum are considered. The influence of oil products on the change in oxidation-reduction and acid-alkaline conditions of the underground space, development of activity of various forms of microorganisms is shown. The change in the composition and properties of dispersive soils of various degrees of water saturation is experimentally studied. The analysis of the causes of the reservoir destruction used for storage of fuel oil is given. It was established that the development of microbial activity at its base led to the transition of sands to quicksands, and moraine loams to quasi-plastic varieties. Intensive gas formation of methane and its homologues, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen in sands was recorded. Based on the analysis of the results of long-term monitoring of the effect of contamination of dispersive soils by oil products, their bearing capacity in the base of the structures has been reduced to 50% of the initial value. The role of microbial activity in the formation of an aggressive environment in relation to building materials is shown.

How to cite: Dashko R.E., Lange I.Y. Engineering-geological aspects of negative consequences of contamination of dispersive soils by petroleum products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 624. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.624
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Complex study of neogenous deposit thickness of pannon basin on the basis of seismostratigraphic approaches with elements of seismofacial analysis

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From 2011 to 2017, large-scale seismic surveys were carried out by PJSC Gazprom Neft within the Pannonian Basin (territory of Serbia). Currently, the coverage area of seismic surveys in the modification of MOGT 3D is approaching the stage of regional study and is about 5,600 km 2 . The obtained data signify a new stage in the geological study of the region and represent a rich material for further understanding of the geological structure of the research area. The full-scale introduction of seismic prospecting in the modification of the MOGT 3D has made it possible to use modern approaches to interpretation, such as seismostratigraphic and seismic facies analysis. On the one hand, the results obtained contribute to a more successful geological exploration. On the other hand, the adaptation of seismostratigraphic approaches, sequestration techniques and seismic facies analysis techniques to the regional features of the Pannonian basin makes it possible to develop the methods themselves, since the subject of research, in the opinion of many scientists, is in many senses a natural laboratory. The article describes the main seismostratigraphic complexes, the principles of their isolation, the features of interpretation approaches for seismic facies analysis in each of them, and the results of seismic facies analysis are combined with core studies. Within this region, more than 500 deposits with total reserves of over 1,400 million tons of conventional oil have been discovered. Despite the small size of the vast majority of deposits, they are profitable and further exploration is of great practical interest.

How to cite: Olneva T.V., Zhukovskaya E.A. Complex study of neogenous deposit thickness of pannon basin on the basis of seismostratigraphic approaches with elements of seismofacial analysis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 631. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.631
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Experience of development of porphyry copper type deposits in the Urals

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Russian copper company was the first in Russia to start developing porphyry copper deposits. In 2013 the Mikheevsky mining and processing plant with the annual production capacity of 18 mln t of ore was put into exploitation. The use of innovative approaches regarding choice of the technology, high-performance equipment and organization of construction allowed to bring the enterprise to a full capacity and to achieve expected results within three years. On the basis of the experience obtained during design, construction and exploitation of the Mikheevsky mining and processing plant in 2017 the company has started the construction of a new mining and processing plant in the Tominskoye deposit. The first stage anticipates the enterprise production capacity to be equal to 28 mln t with the possibility of its increase up to 56 mln t. The development of porphyry copper deposits in the Urals will allow to provide copper plants with the raw materials over the next 80-100 years.

How to cite: Altushkin I.A., Levin V.V., Sizikov A.V., Korol Y.A. Experience of development of porphyry copper type deposits in the Urals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 641. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.641
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About rock pressure loads on tunnel linings constructed using trenchless method

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Data contained in requirements documents concerning recommended methods of loads calculation on tunnel linings and results of field studies of stress-strain state of the system «tunnel linings – rock» obtained during geotechnical monitoring when tunnels were constructed in various geological engineering conditions were considered in this paper. Recommendations about using methods of calculation on the basis of roof arch are provided by requirements documents regarding calculation of tunnel linings; at the same time natural stress field and stress-train performance of soil body, which influence to a great extent on stress-strain state of linings and supports are usually not taken into account. According to the results of field studies that were led in the framework of geotechnical monitoring during transport tunnels construction using technologies providing avoidance of tunnel face front and tunnel contour displacements, soil continuity is preserved and thus, a possibility of aching is avoided. Also this concerns water-saturated quaternary deposits during construction of running and escalator tunnels of underground rapid transit system of Saint-Petersburg with the help of hydraulic and earth-pressure balance-tunnel boring machines. In many cases of tunnels construction for different purposes when soil body displacements do not influence on continuity the calculations of linings and supports should be made with the help of continuum mechanics methods. 

How to cite: Bezrodnyi K.P., Lebedev M.O. About rock pressure loads on tunnel linings constructed using trenchless method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 649. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.649
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Research of mining and geological conditions for geological exploration in Pre-Caucasian region

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Taking into consideration natural depletion of reserves of hydrocarbons in Mesozoic deposits of the majority of operated deposits of North Caucasus and for the purpose of further development of oil and gas producing industry in the region it is necessary to involve a carbonaceous complex of Jura of West Pre-Caucasus with the burial depth of more than 5300 m in the development. When drafting engineering design for a construction of exploratory wells in complex mining and geological conditions driven by anomalously high overburden pressure and temperature, use of thoroughly studied field geological information and taking into consideration the experience of boring similar wells is important. The paper provides analysis of geophysical data, the results of complex studies of reservoir porosity and permeability features of rocks picked out of core-samples of the first exploratory well on Krupskaya zone (porosity, permeability, electrical, acoustic, lithological characteristics), pressure-and-temperature conditions. The information obtained allowed to specify technological parameters of boring and tailing-in and to give recommendations regarding the way of exploratory wells boring and use of borehole equipment. In order to avoid the development of significant hydrodynamic pressure in the borehole which provokes gas showings it is necessary to keep on a certain level of minimal values of mud rheology parameters (dynamic shear stress τ = 70¸135 dPa; plastic viscosity η = 25¸35 mPa·s). For the purpose of real-time keeping of overbalance with anomalously high overburden pressure, control and regulation of calculated head pressure a stripper head should be included into the equipment configuration. Furthermore well head equipment and blowout preventer equipment must be designed for expected gradient of overburden pressure. 

How to cite: Gasumov R.A., Gridin V.A., Kopchenkov V.G., Galai B.F., Dudarev S.A. Research of mining and geological conditions for geological exploration in Pre-Caucasian region // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 654. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.654
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Sustainable development of crude ore resources and benefication facilities of JSC «Apatit» based on best engineering solutions

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The article discusses the state and prospects of the development of crude ore resources of JSC «Apatit», the project of improvement of the underground mining of apatite-nepheline ores at the Kirovsk mine due to the construction of a new horizon of +10 m is addressed. Specifics of ensuring the safety of mining operations in the conditions of rock-bump hazard on apatite-nepheline deposits are described. The stages of modernization of the benefication complex and automation of production at the enterprise, measures for the complex extraction of valuable components from mineral raw materials are presented.

How to cite: Gurev A.A. Sustainable development of crude ore resources and benefication facilities of JSC «Apatit» based on best engineering solutions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 662. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.662
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Enhancement of organizational and technical solutions regarding anchoring of completed construction facilities of underground railway system to operating control

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Stages of practical realization of measures prescribed by requirements documents regarding anchoring of capital structures of underground railway system to operating control are considered in the article. On the basis of algorithm structure analysis, which includes obtaining a permit for putting into operation and cadastre works execution a range of solutions was proposed concerning optimization of construction project owner and operating organization activities with the purpose of terms reduction of capital structures handover to operation. The results of work of a commission responsible for completed underground railway system objects acceptance and putting into operation were analyzed. Considering example of object «Second entrance hall area of «Sportivnaya» station the statistical data of revealed snagging items is consolidated and dynamics of corrective actions is provided. Proposed solutions laid the foundation for corrections of requirements documents and were accepted for realization in the process of works acceptance of Saint-Petersburg underground railway system objects. 

How to cite: Kozin E.G. Enhancement of organizational and technical solutions regarding anchoring of completed construction facilities of underground railway system to operating control // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 674. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.674
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Quality improvement of mining specialists tarining on the basis of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg mining university and Orica company

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The analysis of practical solutions for a joint cooperation between the Mining University and the Australian company Orica resulted in the decision of creation a Competence center in the field of mining. The role of mining engineering and vocational education as necessary components of sustainable development of the territories was highlighted. The best Russian and international experience of collaboration between technical universities and main companies-players in the mining area is analyzed; an important role belongs to the involvement of regional executive authorities in a collaboration in the field of industrial safety. The prospects for the creation of a joint integration platform for a university and a company is considered on the example of creation of scientific educational laboratory of blasting technologies and modeling; the laboratory was opened under the agreement between Saint-Petersburg mining university and Orica company with the purpose of improvement of mining engineers training in the field of blasting operations, the development of scientific and research investigation activities, the organization of professional retraining and upgrade qualifications of specialists of mining area. A set of target indicators of the effectiveness of the scientific educational laboratory performance are given, as well as a general evaluation of the cooperation project efficiency.

How to cite: Overchenko M.N., Marinin M.A., Mozer S.P. Quality improvement of mining specialists tarining on the basis of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg mining university and Orica company // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 681. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.681
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The contribution of the representatives of the Siberian (Tomsk) mining and geological school to the developmet of mineral raw material base in Russia and Abroad

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This paper is devoted to the maturation and development of Siberian (Tomsk) mining and geological school - one of the leading schools in Russia, which was created in the first third of the 20 th century in Tomsk Technological Institute by V.A.Obruchev and M.A.Usov known to be outstanding Russian and Soviet geoscientists and members of the Russian Academy of Science. The article touches upon the participation of representatives of Siberian (Tomsk) mining and geological school to the exploration and development of mineral and raw material base of Siberia, Russia’s Far East, Central Asia. The information about the most important geological discoveries made by nurslings of Siberian (Tomsk) mining and geological school is provided.

How to cite: Chubik P.S., Nikiforov S.I. The contribution of the representatives of the Siberian (Tomsk) mining and geological school to the developmet of mineral raw material base in Russia and Abroad // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 688. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.688
Oil and gas
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Research of hard-to-recovery and unconventional oil-bearing formations according to the principle «in-situ reservoir fabric»

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Currently in Russia and the world due to the depletion of old highly productive deposits, the role of hard-to-recover and unconventional hydrocarbons is increasing. Thanks to scientific and technical progress, it became possible to involve in the development very low permeable reservoirs and even synthesize oil and gas in-situ. Today, wells serve not only for the production of hydrocarbons, but also are important elements of stimulation technology, through which the technogenic effect on the formation is carried out in order to intensify inflows. In this context, the reservoir itself can be considered as a raw material for the application of stimulation technologies, and the set of wells through which it is technologically affected is a plant or a fabric whose intermediate product is the stimulated zone of the formation and the final product is reservoir hydrocarbons. Well-established methods for studying hydrocarbon deposits are limited to the definition of standard geological parameters, which are commonly used for reserves calculations (net pay, porosity, permeability, oil and gas saturation coefficient, area), but they are clearly insufficient to characterize the development possibilities using modern stimulation technologies. To study objects that are promising for the production of hydrocarbons, it is necessary to develop fundamentally new approaches that make it possible to assess the availability of resources depending on the technologies used, and to improve the methods for forecasting and evaluating the properties of the stimulated zone of the formation. «In-situ reservoir fabric» is a collective term that combines a combination of technologies, research and methodological approaches aimed at creating and evaluating a stimulated zone of the formation by applying modern methods of technogenic impact on objects containing hard-to-recover and «unconventional» hydrocarbons in order to intensify inflows from them hydrocarbons. In 2015, the company LLS Gazprom Neft adopted a corporate standard regulating a set of studies in the ideology of the «in-situ reservoir fabric» for methodological support of the pilot projects related to development of low-permeability rocks of the Bazhenov formation by creating artificial permeable zones by multi-stage hydraulic fracturing in horizontal wells. In 2016 the first wells were built and put into operation, the results of the works confirmed the expediency of transition to a new methodological basis. After two years, we can state with certainty that the new approaches have proved their effectiveness.

How to cite: Alekseev A.D., Zhukov V.V., Strizhnev K.V., Cherevko S.A. Research of hard-to-recovery and unconventional oil-bearing formations according to the principle «in-situ reservoir fabric» // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 695. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.695
Oil and gas
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Features of mathematical modeling of natural gas production and transport systems in the Russia’s arctic zone

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The necessity of accounting for real gas properties, thermal interaction with permafrost rocks and the possibility of formation (dissociation) of gas hydrates in these objects for adequate description of the operation of gas wells and main gas pipelines in the regions of the Far North by appropriate mathematical models is shown. Mathematical models that take into account the non-isothermal gas flow within the framework of pipe hydraulics, the change of the area of tube cross-section due to the formation of hydrates and the dependence of the heat transfer coefficient between gas and hydrate layer on the varying flow area over time are proposed. The corresponding conjugate problem of heat exchange between the imperfect gas in the well and the environment (rocks) is reduced to solving differential equations describing the non-isothermal flow of gas in the pipes and the heat transfer equations in rocks with the corresponding conjugation conditions. In the quasi-stationary mathematical model of hydrate formation (dissociation), the dependence of the gas-hydrate transition temperature on the pressure of gas is taken into account. Established that the formation of hydrates in wells, even at low reservoir temperatures and a thick layer of permafrost, takes a fairly long period of time, which allows to quickly prevent the creation of emergency situations in gas supply systems. Some decisions taken in the design of the first section of the main gas pipeline «Power of Siberia» have been analyzed by methods of mathematical modeling. In particular, it is shown that if the gas is not dried sufficiently, the outlet pressure may drop below the allowable limit in about 6-7 hours. At the same time, for completely dry gas, it is possible to reduce the cost of thermal insulation of the pipeline at least two fold.

How to cite: Bondarev E.A., Rozhin I.I., Argunova K.K. Features of mathematical modeling of natural gas production and transport systems in the Russia’s arctic zone // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 705. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.705
Metallurgy and concentration
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Influence of a discrete additive of aluminum oxide on structure and properties of aluminum alloy

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On the basis of the literature review, there were identified the problem and the relevance of the development of the technology for introducing additives of nano-sized fillers into aluminum alloys in order to determine the mechanism for controlling the structurally dependent properties. As such an additive, alumina fibers of 10-20 nm in diameter were selected. The introduction of the additive into the liquid alloy is implemented by means of mechanical mixing. Technological features of the process allowed to solve the problem of overcoming the forces of surface tension and distribution of additives, which are quantitatively small and light in comparison with the main material. Experimental samples were obtained under laboratory conditions using the specially designed equipment. To perform the comparative analysis, samples of the base alloy of the composition AK6 and filled with a discrete additive of 1 % alloy of the same composition were obtained in identical modes. Investigations of the structure and properties of the base alloy and samples obtained by mixing in the base alloy of thin discrete alumina fibers in a volume of 1 % were performed using standard metallographic analysis techniques and a hardness measurement method. As a result of macro- and microscopic studies, a modifying effect was found from the addition of finely dispersed Al 2 O 3 to an aluminum alloy, which manifested as grain refinement. The shape of the hardness distribution curves obtained as a result of the processing of statistical data is identical for the compared samples and has a pronounced shifted extremum, which indicates changes in the properties on the one hand and demonstrates a sufficient level of assimilation of the additives by the liquid alloy, on the other. Consequently, the expediency of using the suggested method of modification for obtaining materials of this group is obvious.

How to cite: Kurganova Y.A., Shcherbakov S.P. Influence of a discrete additive of aluminum oxide on structure and properties of aluminum alloy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 717. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.717
Metallurgy and concentration
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Influence of dispersing additives and blend composition on stability of marine high-viscosity fuels

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The article offers a definition of the stability of marine high-viscosity fuel from the point of view of the colloid-chemical concept of oil dispersed systems. The necessity and importance of the inclusion in the current regulatory requirements of this quality parameter of high-viscosity marine fuel is indicated. The objects of the research are high-viscosity marine fuels, the basic components of which are heavy oil residues: fuel oil that is the atmospheric residue of oil refining and viscosity breaking residue that is the product of light thermal cracking of fuel oil. As a thinning agent or distillate component, a light gas oil was taken from the catalytic cracking unit. The stability of the obtained samples was determined through the xylene equivalent index, which characterizes the stability of marine high-viscosity fuel to lamination during storage, transportation and operation processes. To improve performance, the resulting base compositions of high-viscosity marine fuels were modified by introducing small concentrations (0.05 % by weight) of stabilizing additives based on oxyethylated amines of domestic origin and alkyl naphthalenes of foreign origin.

How to cite: Mitusova T.N., Kondrasheva N.K., Lobashova M.M., Ershov M.A., Rudko V.A. Influence of dispersing additives and blend composition on stability of marine high-viscosity fuels // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 722. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.722
Metallurgy and concentration
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Modern methods of analytical control of industrial gases

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Modern gas analysis requires an integrated approach to ensure the necessary metrological characteristics and achieve high reliability of detection. A new algorithm for multisensor systems based on synthesized domestic materials possessing semiconductor properties has been developed for the analysis of a wide range of gases of metallurgical industries. The use of gas-sensitive elements made of semiconductor material with n-type conductivity allows solving the main task of modern gas analysis – detection of vapors and gases of a wide range with high stability, necessary selectivity and sensitivity. Due to the developed surface structure formed from polycrystals 3-10 nm in size, semiconductor sensors allow to detect various substances in air in a wide range of concentrations: from trace amounts of 10 -6 -10 -5  mg/m 3 to high 500-800 mg/m 3 . Increase of the selectivity of the sensors is facilitated by the introduction of catalysts into the gas-sensitive layer of doping impurities. The formation of multisensory systems increases degrees of freedom, expanding the range of identification of the analytes. In addition to solving the analytical task of forming gas sensitive elements, digital circuit and aerodynamic solutions have been developed that meet the requirements of gas analysis in a wide range of impurity concentrations and application conditions.

How to cite: Cheremisina O.V., El-Salim S.Z. Modern methods of analytical control of industrial gases // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 726. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.726
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Environmental efficiency and legal possibility of mineralized water dispose in the suprasalt sequence of the verkhnekamskoe deposit

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The production of potash fertilizers at PJSC Uralkali is accompanied by the formation of excess solutions/brines, located on the sludge dump, where also comes water from salt brines and tailing piles, clay-salt slimes and atmospheric precipitation. After mechanical purification and reduction of the solutions/brines mineralization in the order of 5 million m 3 /year are emitted into surface waters. The studies carried out by Uralkali in 2000-2006 at the Verkhnekamskoe field, revealed an opportunity of underground disposal of mineralized brines/wastewater in the upper part of the salt-marl layer, directly overlapping the salt deposits and situated at depths not exceeding 300 m. Obtained results are confirmed by the state geological commission of the Federal Agency on Mineral Resources. The location of mineralized solutions in reservoir beds with an almost unlimited capacitive potential does not lead to the change in the hydrodynamic and hydrochemical regime of the underground hydrosphere and lessen the burden on the environment. To implement underground disposal of mineralized process brines/wastewater, it is necessary to amend the «Concerning Subsurface Resources» Federal Law. Proposals of Uralkali to amend the «Concerning Subsurface Resources» Federal Law are supported by the Federal Agency for Mineral Resources and Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

How to cite: Kvitkin S.Y., Kovalskaya V.V. Environmental efficiency and legal possibility of mineralized water dispose in the suprasalt sequence of the verkhnekamskoe deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 731. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.731
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Assessment of widespread air pollution in the megacity using geographic information systems

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Approaches for assessing atmospheric conditions in megacities are proposed using an example of St. Petersburg. An article provides results of field observations on atmospheric air quality conducted with a mobile laboratory of Saint-Petersburg Mining University. Temporal distribution was analysed for concentrations of key pollutants: oxides of nitrogen, ammonia, and carbon; sulphur dioxide; hydrogen sulphide; methane; total hydrocarbons. The given framework for interpreting the data on atmospheric monitoring exploits spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations. The proposed ways for solving the problem of atmospheric pollution in certain megacity districts are based on geographic information systems allowing modelling widespread air contamination.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Petrova T.A. Assessment of widespread air pollution in the megacity using geographic information systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 228. p. 738. DOI: 10.25515/PMI.2017.6.738