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Vol 228
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Research of mining and geological conditions for geological exploration in Pre-Caucasian region

R. A. Gasumov1
V. A. Gridin2
V. G. Kopchenkov3
B. F. Galai4
S. A. Dudarev5
About authors
  • 1 — JSC «SevKavNIPIgaz»
  • 2 — Institute of Oil and Gas of North-Caucasus Federal University
  • 3 — Institute of Construction, Transport and Engineering of North-Caucasus Federal University
  • 4 — Engineering Institute of North-Caucasus Federal University
  • 5 — Ltd «SevKavneftegazgeofizika – New technologies»
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Taking into consideration natural depletion of reserves of hydrocarbons in Mesozoic deposits of the majority of operated deposits of North Caucasus and for the purpose of further development of oil and gas producing industry in the region it is necessary to involve a carbonaceous complex of Jura of West Pre-Caucasus with the burial depth of more than 5300 m in the development. When drafting engineering design for a construction of exploratory wells in complex mining and geological conditions driven by anomalously high overburden pressure and temperature, use of thoroughly studied field geological information and taking into consideration the experience of boring similar wells is important. The paper provides analysis of geophysical data, the results of complex studies of reservoir porosity and permeability features of rocks picked out of core-samples of the first exploratory well on Krupskaya zone (porosity, permeability, electrical, acoustic, lithological characteristics), pressure-and-temperature conditions. The information obtained allowed to specify technological parameters of boring and tailing-in and to give recommendations regarding the way of exploratory wells boring and use of borehole equipment. In order to avoid the development of significant hydrodynamic pressure in the borehole which provokes gas showings it is necessary to keep on a certain level of minimal values of mud rheology parameters (dynamic shear stress τ = 70¸135 dPa; plastic viscosity η = 25¸35 mPa·s). For the purpose of real-time keeping of overbalance with anomalously high overburden pressure, control and regulation of calculated head pressure a stripper head should be included into the equipment configuration. Furthermore well head equipment and blowout preventer equipment must be designed for expected gradient of overburden pressure. 

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