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Vol 228
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About rock pressure loads on tunnel linings constructed using trenchless method

K. P. Bezrodnyi1
M. O. Lebedev2
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  • 1 — OJSC NIPII «Lenmetrogiprotrans»
  • 2 — OJSC NIPII «Lenmetrogiprotrans»
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Data contained in requirements documents concerning recommended methods of loads calculation on tunnel linings and results of field studies of stress-strain state of the system «tunnel linings – rock» obtained during geotechnical monitoring when tunnels were constructed in various geological engineering conditions were considered in this paper. Recommendations about using methods of calculation on the basis of roof arch are provided by requirements documents regarding calculation of tunnel linings; at the same time natural stress field and stress-train performance of soil body, which influence to a great extent on stress-strain state of linings and supports are usually not taken into account. According to the results of field studies that were led in the framework of geotechnical monitoring during transport tunnels construction using technologies providing avoidance of tunnel face front and tunnel contour displacements, soil continuity is preserved and thus, a possibility of aching is avoided. Also this concerns water-saturated quaternary deposits during construction of running and escalator tunnels of underground rapid transit system of Saint-Petersburg with the help of hydraulic and earth-pressure balance-tunnel boring machines. In many cases of tunnels construction for different purposes when soil body displacements do not influence on continuity the calculations of linings and supports should be made with the help of continuum mechanics methods. 

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