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Vol 221

Vol 220
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Serpentines of chrysotile – pecoraite series as genesis indicators of nickel deposits in the Urals weathering crusts

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Data are presented on the results of X-Ray structural and thermal analyses, data from chemical and microscopic studies of serpentines of chrysotile Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 – pecoraite Ni3Si2O5(OH)4 series from the silicate nickel deposits in the Urals. Nomenclature is updated of the studied serpentines following the regulations of the International Mineralogic Association. It is demonstrated that the studied minerals are the chief ore minerals in serpentinite zones of nickel fields. Issues are reviewed of formation of serpentines of the chrysotile-pecoraite series in conjunction with hydrothermal processes. It is suggested the two-tier structure of the Ural supergene nickel fields, where supergene upper tier has "roots" in the form of hydrothermal lower tier, which significantly expands the area of the search for new fields and opens great opportunities in this ancient district of ore.

How to cite: Talovina I.V., Khaide G. Serpentines of chrysotile – pecoraite series as genesis indicators of nickel deposits in the Urals weathering crusts // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 629. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.629
Oil and gas
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Investigation of polymer material of the working camera-channel of the magnetic pumps for heavy oil

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The article contains results the study of the basic properties of fluorinated polymers used as matrix in the manufacture of magnetically active elastomers (MAE). MAE belong to the group of so-called smart materials, they can be used in the creation of new techniques and technologies. Environments, which is in contact with an element of the MAE, specifically high viscosity asphaltenic oil impose substantial restrictions on the choice of the polymer matrix for its production, taking into consideration the influence of the material selected to modify the rheological properties of the resultant material. The use of magnetically active materials in the system instead of a roller system, pressing on the tube with the substance, and to push it forward will significantly expand the range of application of such equipment. Additionally, the magnetic treatment reduces the viscosity, the limit shear stress and the activation energy of the viscous flow of oil.

How to cite: Vasileva M.A., Feit S. Investigation of polymer material of the working camera-channel of the magnetic pumps for heavy oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 651. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.651
Oil and gas
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Resistance of rocks to crushing during well drilling

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The paper presents properties of the rocks according to their resistance to drilling. The effects of differential pressure on the rock drillability and changes in rocks strength depending on the depth of their occurrence and crushing conditions are examined. The interlinkage between technological processes for rock crushing at the borehole bottom and breaking stresses has been analyzed. The interlinkage between the breaking loads and deformations of rocks with account of their structural changes and rate of loading has been assessed. The relevance and applicability of identified regularities between stresses, deformations and differential pressure for solving practical tasks of efficient rock crushing in the course of drilling have been assessed. Issues of providing theoretical evidence for the rock breakage with the rock cutting tools in the bottom-hole conditions have been reviewed. It is proven that the rock destruction effect of drilling depends not only on the value of the breaking load but also on the rate of its application.

How to cite: Dolgii I.E., Nikolaev N.I. Resistance of rocks to crushing during well drilling // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 655. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.655
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Forecasting safe conditions for developing coal bed suites under aquifers on the basis of geomechanics of technogenic water conducting fractures

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Studies of the processes of displacement of rock massif layers in the course of their initial underworking indicate that their maximum curvature tends to decrease in the inverse proportion to squared distance to coal bed from the layer in question. It manifests itself in the distribution of vertical extension deformations: these are the largest in the vicinity of the coal bed and decrease towards the surface. Such is the consequence of the mechanism of bending the massive layers: the curvature of underlying layers is higher than that of overlying ones. In the zone of complete underworking the maximum curvature of each layer of the repeatedly underworked bedded formation is equal to the maximum curvature of the surface, that is the curvature of the overlying layer repeats the curvature of the underlying one. Hence, the maximum curvature of any layer  in the massive is inversely proportional to squared depth of the coal bed suite. Note that the distribution of vertical deformations of the massive differs in both its quality and quantity from that of the initially underworked massive: vertical deformations are an order of magnitude fewer and their distribution is presented by alternating deformations of extension and compression. Such is the consequence of the mechanism of layer bending in case the massive is underworked repeatedly and it explains why the height of the zone of water conducting fractures does not grow in such conditions with respect to the one formed during the excavation of the initial layer of the suite. The technique of forecasting the development of zone of water conducting fractures developed  on the basis of such geomechanical processes makes possible safe excavation of coal beds under aquifers.

How to cite: Gusev V.N. Forecasting safe conditions for developing coal bed suites under aquifers on the basis of geomechanics of technogenic water conducting fractures // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 638. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.638.
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Foundations for technical solutions in organizing excavation of open ore pits

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To study stochastic mining technical systems of opencast mines, where parallel to clearly defined values random and indefinite factors operate, probabilistic and statistical techniques are mostly used nowadays. Formally, the task of producing a design solution may, under the conditions of indeterminacy be transformed into an equivalent deterministic problem formulated for a risky situation. Uncertainty in the initial mining, geological and technical-economic information available during the design stage may result in changing the principal output characteristics of the opencast mine and undermine its operational efficiency during its exploitation. Lowering the possible economic losses is then possible via designing a stable technological  system. To minimize the degree of indeterminacy one first of all needs to identify the area of potential risk, define the probability of its emergence and assess its potential consequences. In case such consequences may be precluded, a clearer more complete understanding of the problem would promote a better thought through reaction to potential risk in the course of implementing design solutions.

How to cite: Fomin S.I. Foundations for technical solutions in organizing excavation of open ore pits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 644. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.644
Metallurgy and concentration
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Development and manufacturing cycle for potassium nitrate and phosphate producing by conversion method

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Analysis of the Russian market of potash mineral fertilizers in 2014 and forecast for 2015-2019 show [ ] that today the most widespread potash fertilizer is  the potassium chloride. But chloride-free potassium-containing products are in the highest demand at the fertilizer market. One of possible solutions to this problem is recrystallization of the potassium chloride or potassium-containing mineral ores using nitrate-containing or phosphorus-containing salt products. The basis for justifying processing conditions for polymineral potassium-containing salt raw materials and salt mineral ores is the data on phase equilibria in multicomponent water-salt systems. Knowledge of the regularities of phase equilibria in multicomponent salt systems helps to develop optimal conditions for complex processing of polymineral natural and technical raw materials. Below it is present the results of technological calculations for processing potash mineral raw materials with account of the complex nature of its utilization. Based on the analysis of the solubility diagrams of mutual salt systems different cyclic processes for production of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and nitrate and sodium chloride from dihydrogen phosphate and sodium nitrate and potassium chloride by conversion method have been designed, and ways of these processes optimization have been proposed for reducing the cost of certain technical  operations.

How to cite: Alekseev A.I., Dmitrievskii B.A. Development and manufacturing cycle for potassium nitrate and phosphate producing by conversion method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 661. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.661
Metallurgy and concentration
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Processing of low-quality bauxite feedstock by thermochemistry-Bayer method

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The modern production of aluminum which by its global output ranks first among the non-ferrous metals includes three main stages: ore extraction, its processing into alumina and, finally, the production of primary aluminum. Alumina production from bauxites,  being the  primary raw material in the  alumina industry,  is based  on two main methods: the Bayer method and the sintering method developed in Russia under the lead of an academician Nikolay Semenovich Kurnakov. Alumina production by the Bayer’s method is more cost effective,  but  has  higher  requirements to the  quality of the bauxite feedstock.  A great deal  of research has  been carried  out on low quality bauxites focusing firstly on finding ways to enrich the feedstock, secondly on improving the combined sequential Bayer-sintering method and thirdly on developing new hydrometallurgical ways for bauxites processing. Mechanical methods of bauxite enrichment have not yet brought any positive outcome, and a development of new hydrometallurgical high alkaline  autoclave process  faced  significant hardware  difficulties not addressed so far. For efficient processing of such low quality bauxite feedstock it is suggested to use a universal thermochemistry-Bayer method, which was developed in St. Petersburg Mining University under  the lead  of  Nikolay Ivanovich Eremin, allows to process different substandard bauxite feedstock and has a competitive costing as compared to the sintering method and combined methods. The main stages of thermochemistry-Bayer method are thermal activation of feedstock, its further desiliconization with the alkaline solution and leaching of the resultant bauxite product  under Bayer’s method. Despite high energy consumption at  the baking stage,  it  allows to condition the  low quality bauxite feedstock by neutralizing a variety of technologically harmful impurities such as organic matter, sulfide sulfur, carbonates, and at the same time to remove crystalline hydrate and free water. Subsequent desiliconization of thermally activated bauxite with an alkaline solution allows to regrade  it  from low quality bauxites to feedstock suitable for processing by the Bayer  method.

How to cite: Dubovikov O.A., Yaskelyainen E.E. Processing of low-quality bauxite feedstock by thermochemistry-Bayer method // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 668. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.668
Metallurgy and concentration
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Development of import subtituting technologies for increasing productivity of sintering machines and strength of agglomerates

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A problem of industrial fluxed agglomerates self-destruction in the process of cooling after sintering has been examined. It has been revealed that the main reason of strength degradation is polymorphism of dicalcium silicate Ca2SiO4 (or short designation С2S): β-Ca2SiO4 ® γ-Ca2SiO4. Ways for increasing the  agglomerate  strength by physical and crystal-chemical stabilization of the high temperature modification of C2S have been proposed and tested. Physical stabilization of C2S agglomerate is increased with its structure reinforcement due to thickening of walls between large pores that is achieved by increasing height of the sintered layer through improvement of its gas permeability. The task is addressed by substituting the previously used import sintering ore with the  polydisperse ore from the Yakovlevo field, which improves the charge  pelletizing by 3-4 times and helps to bring the  height of the sintered layer and the strength of the domestic agglomerate up to the international best practice standards, while eliminating a need to purchase import high-vacuum   exhausters. In practice crystal-chemical stabilization of C2S within iron-ore  agglomerate is ensured by adding an  opti- mal multicomponent additive in the form of the    waste product  generated in production  of alumina  from bauxites, i.e. the red mud, to the initial sinter charge. Thus mechanical strength of agglomerates and pellets is increased by 5-10 % and their hot strength improves by 20-40 %. The productivity of sintering machines and blast furnaces improves by 5-10 %. Specific coke consumption reduces by 2-2.5 %. In production of iron-ore pellets red mud is substituting the import  bentonite.

How to cite: Trushko V.L., Utkov V.A. Development of import subtituting technologies for increasing productivity of sintering machines and strength of agglomerates // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 675. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.675
Metallurgy and concentration
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Control systems of sintering processes in rotary tubular kilns with using of thermovisors scanning

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The article considers the role of the lining in the tubular rotary kilns used for heat treatment processes of  raw material in the metallurgical, chemical and other fields of industries. The method of selecting a new design thermal insulation elements, ensuring reduction of heat loss to the environment and  more  accurately to provide  the required thermal  processing mode through simulation can be used with  ANSYS FLUENT software package. A system of monitoring the state of the lining with a thermal imager and control system that provides consistency lining without stopping the  operating kiln  has  been  developed.

How to cite: Sharikov Y.V., Koiranen T.O. Control systems of sintering processes in rotary tubular kilns with using of thermovisors scanning // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 681. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.681
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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On capabilities of thermomechanical treatment in increasing durability of short service life elements of mining аnd processing equipment

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Hadfield steel (110G13L) is the basic material for fast wornout items of mining equipment: beaters, hammers, liners, refractory plates of crushers and mills. By way of example, the effect of cold hardening was specifically analyzed on the rate of wear of mining equipment parts for various types of wear by hard (more than 1100 HV) and soft rock. A unique ability of that steel to resist shock wear is noted. It is shown that this steel exhibits low resistance to abrasive rock wear. Meanwhile wear by rock of hardness lower than steel (less than 1100 HV), may be substantially increased by pre-hardening of samples (up to 10-fold). In case of wear by high hardness rocks, shock impact that should contribute to hardening of the material, fails  to increase abrasive wear resistance of Hadfield steel, and in that parameter it does not differ from the conventional medium carbon steel 45. Also, the authors of this article describe a technique they developed of high-temperature thermomechanical treatment of specimen of Hadfield steel (free forging at 1150-950ºC and subsequent quenching in water) and experiments in their abrasion. The results of tests show that hardness and wear resistance of Hadfield steel to hard abrasive (corundum 25A with aggregate hardness of ~2500 HV) increases with plastic deformation at HTMT. For maximum plastic deformation intensity (deformation magnitude of α = 2.25), reached in the experiments by the authors, wear resistance grew by 70% as compared to undeformed steel. The dependence is presented of wear resistance of steel on hardness, HV, achieved in the result of plastic deformation. Since a similar positive effect was obtained earlier by the authors for 35HGSA steel, also used in mining machinery, they conclude that the HTMT technique may be recommended for treating short lived parts of the mining and mineral processing equipment to increase their service life.

How to cite: Bolobov V.I., Bochkov V.S. On capabilities of thermomechanical treatment in increasing durability of short service life elements of mining аnd processing equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 688. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.688
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Changes in operating time of modern domestic EKG exсavators in dependence of their functioning conditions

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Domestically produced opencast excavators are shown to be serious competition for foreign hydraulic machinery. It is suggested to estimate the potential of an opencast excavator via its basic operation effectiveness factor equal to the ratio of the scoop payload to the nominal cost of excavator operations under its normal operational conditions. Comparing the theoretical values of standard operations of hydraulic excavators of the third type-and-size group during coal mining with domestically produced EKG-18R on their operation effectiveness factor shows that the excavator exceeds foreign hydraulic models from that group 2.7-3.3 times. Theoretical foundation is provided for a complex of factors that affect the operating time of single scoop open- cast excavators, a structure is offered for the model of comprehensive assessment of operating time for opencast excavators. Complex indicators are substantiated and proposed for supporting operational effectiveness of such excavators. Assessment is offered of operational effectiveness of EKG-18R excavators following the criterion of energy consumption per excavation of a unit of rock mass. Generalization analysis is given of a set of factors that affect the value of operating time for EKG-18R excavators. Proposals are put forward on upgrading the regulations for technical maintenance and repairs of EKG-18R excavators. The task of assessing the technical state of machinery calls for using integral criteria that would enable one to identify the current technical state and the residual resource of machine aggregates, their failure potentially resulting in emergency situations accompanied by considerable property damage. It is feasible to use an integrated indicator of the degree of degradation of s machinery item for such an integrated indicator, retrieved in the course of assessing the current technical state of that item during diagnostic procedures. In its turn, such and integral indicator of the state of an item is defined by the averaged value of diagnostic indicators reduced to their basic values with the account of  their individual weight factors.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L. Changes in operating time of modern domestic EKG exсavators in dependence of their functioning conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 692. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.692
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Development experience and development prospect оf electromechanical technological complexes of movement and positioning of technic shelf development equipment

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From the example of active semisubmersible drilling rigs it is shown characteristics of electromechanical complexes of drill rigs and anchor position control systems on the base of controlled electric drive with directcurrent motors. It is presented suggestions which allow increasing electric power and service reliability criteria through the use of semiconductor converters supplied from power semiconductor converter with active front end in technological drilling systems, propulsion and position control systems of electromechanical systems on the base of noncontact asynchronous motors. It is outlined information about experience of using such kind of electromechanical complexes at the objects of mining industry working in difficult operating conditions. It is presented information about developing of electromechanical complexes of displacement systems, position control systems, technological and technical shelf development equipment and their characteristics. Also it is outlined structures and examples of designing modern high efficiency systems with contactless actuating motors.

How to cite: Kozyaruk A.E. Development experience and development prospect оf electromechanical technological complexes of movement and positioning of technic shelf development equipment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 701. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.701
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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A parallel analysis of hydrolithospheric beds geodata of Narzan mineral water Kislovodsk deposit

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The area of the Caucasus Mineral Waters – an environmental spa - occupies a special place among the other  spa regions of Russia due to richness, diversity, abundance and value of its mineral waters, landscape and climate conditions, and therapeutic muds. Lately the rate increased of developing its mineral water resources for both the local spa use and bottling for retail consumers. The growing number of mineral water bottling enterprises and sanatorium organizations affects significantly the amount of mineral water uptake. Irrational water uptake results in deterioration of underground water quality, change of its chemical composition and temperature. Expansion of the depression crater may eventually result in a collapse of seams roofing and vanishing of many water springs. It refers to all the waters underlying the area of Kavkazskie Mineralnye Vody. Due to that situation there is a potential threat of degradation of these deposits of mineral waters. Therefore, an important task consists in building forecast models of hydro-lithospheric processes in the region while the scope of water uptake changes in various parts of the deposit. it will be based on analyzing aerial photographs taken from board unmanned aerial vehicles. Currently such analysis is conducted using simple linear algorithms. The paper suggests to use the Nvidia CUDA technology for the purpose, adapting the mathematics used to ana- lyze aerial photographs to that technology. The initial data for processing were obtained by aerial photography in the course of remote sensing of the area by unmanned aerial vehicles belonging to OJSC «Narzan», Kislovodsk, an enterprise for mining mineral water. Presented in this paper have their Author’s Certificates issued by the Federal Institute of Industrial Property, the Russian Federation.

How to cite: Pervukhin D.A., Ilyushin Y.V. A parallel analysis of hydrolithospheric beds geodata of Narzan mineral water Kislovodsk deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 706. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.706
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Measurement of the thickness of the sprayed nickel coatings on large-sized cast iron products

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Modern industries increasingly use automatic spraying of heat-resistant Nickel  coating with a thickness  of      T = 1-3 mm for large-size parts made of cast iron with nodular graphite. The process of coating application is characterized by time-dependent behavior of its relative magnetic permeability, μс , that is a function of relaxation time, which can be as long as 24 hours, and by μс deviation from point to point on the surface. Aspects of eddy-current phase method for measuring the T value are considered. The structure of four- winding eddy current transformer transducers is described and results of calculation and optimization of their parameters are presented. The influence of controlled and interfering parameters is considered. Based  on the above results, a two-channel combined transducer is developed  providing measurement  error  of ΔТ ≤ ±(0.03T + 0.02) mm  in the shop environment in the process of coating application and in the final product check. Results of tests on reference specimens and of application in production processes are presented.

How to cite: Syasko V.A. Measurement of the thickness of the sprayed nickel coatings on large-sized cast iron products // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 712. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.712
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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PNB type loader shoveling arm motion irregularity in dependence of its mass

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Requirements are formulated on motion trajectory of the front edge of the arm of PNB type loader needed to provide the maximum shoveling of bulk mass under the condition of fitting that trajectory into the dimensions of reception plate. Kinematic schemes are analyzed of mechanisms of shoveling arms. Rational parameters are suggested for that mechanism, which provide a 1.5 times increase of single-time shoveling of bulk load resulting in a 30 % increase of theoretical capacity of the machine. A technique is presented of defining the area embraced by the complex motion trajectory of the front edge of the arm. A mathematical model is designed of motion of the shoveling arm with curvilinear tail part using the techniques of vector algebra, second order central differences and triangulation. Geometric parameters of the mechanism of work tool of the loader are described by a linear equation yielding the functional dependence of coordinates of the position of front edge of the arm on the turning angle of the leading joint and the parameters of kinematic scheme. The effect is studied of the total mass of shoveling arm on the irregularity factor of mechanism motion. It is found that redistribution of mass between the work tool and the tail part of the arm within the given total mass of the tool suppresses the motion irregularity factor.

How to cite: Timofeev I.P., Kuzkin A.Y. PNB type loader shoveling arm motion irregularity in dependence of its mass // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 717. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.717
Electromechanics and mechanical engineering
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Plateaus on hardness curves of annealed hypoeutectoid steels at ~0.5 % C as a consequence of the presence оf ~Fe42C interim phase

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The article presents numerous experimental data of different researchers depending on the hardness of annealed steels hypoeutectoid on the percentage of carbon content. In addition to the classical Brinell hardness measurement, data  of Jagar hardness, Shore, the width of lines on sclerometry Martens, weight loss during grinding on sandpaper are   given. Selecting tendentiously experimental data we demonstrate the plateaus on the curves of hardness of annealed hypoeutectoid steels vs. % of C at ~0.5 % С. Similar plateaus were discovered by N.S.Kournakov in the curves of properties around FeAl3, Pb3Na, Cu3Zn, which enables one to follow the analogy and declare a ~ Fe42C phase in the Fe-C system. The anomalies of properties observed in the presence of interim phase at ~ 0.5% С are definitely established (such as magnetic susceptibility, electric resistance, density, ductility, etc.) for melts and austenite. Their derivative is a ferrite-cementite mixture, which – due to the experimentally established metallurgic heritage – may inherit the anomalies of properties of its parent phase. For the three states described (melt, austenite, mixed phase) the anomalies of properties at ~ 0.5 % С should be denoted in some compact way, ascribing them, for example the formula of interim phase of ~ Fe42C. The assumed ~ Fe42С phase has a specific analog in the In-Zn system consisting of eutectic mixture of pure In and Zn, which form an InZn8  phase with their crystal phase, found, similar to ~Fe42С phase under the liquidus bend.

How to cite: Shaznazarov K.Y., Pryakhin E.I. Plateaus on hardness curves of annealed hypoeutectoid steels at ~0.5 % C as a consequence of the presence оf ~Fe42C interim phase // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 724. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.724
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Creation of a system for industrial environmental monitoring in hydrocarbon producing and transporting companies оf Western Siberia

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The paper provides an assessment of environmental impact made by the companies producing and transporting hydrocarbons in Western Siberia. Dynamics of perennial observations over the environment components in the area where hydrocarbon producing and transporting companies operate have been analyzed and justifications provided for a need in the optimal system for environmental air monitoring at the facilities under examination. Dispersion of air pollutants has been simulated using a licensed software ECOLOG (version 3.00), developed by “INTEGRAL” scientific production association. Based on simulation results the list of priority pollutants has been compiled. A method has been developed to determine the quantity of and optimal locations for fixed environmental moni- toring stations with account of emission parameters, and approaches have been proposed to creation of a system for operational environmental monitoring based on geoinformation software.

How to cite: Pashkevich M.A., Petrova T.A. Creation of a system for industrial environmental monitoring in hydrocarbon producing and transporting companies оf Western Siberia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 737. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.737
Geoeconomics and Management
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Assesment of the tin industry creation prospects in the republic of Kazakhstan

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The modern industrial corporations are deeply integrated which is expressed in a variety of connections and interactions. Key among these are technological connections based on which the commodity and cash flows are generated. The global innovative economy impacts economic activity integration and consolidation parameters, leading to organization of strategic management and value creation chains  in  mesoeconomic network  structures with a single logistic center, intangible assets and a special system of long-term contracts. Product fabrication in the mineral resources sector is primarily associated with the large highly efficient companies.  Meanwhile present  competition in the  global  resource extraction and a need in further  development  and growth  of the  companies, especially in the resource-based economies, become a stimulus  for implementation   of large-scale strategic projects involving exploration of new mineral resources. As a rule, strategic projects  in mineral sector have impact on the population and various business actors, on the development of an industry, a region and a country as a whole. Strategic investment projects in the mining sector are often implemented in complicated organizational, technical and economic setting, including poor infrastructure, harsh natural climatic and geographical conditions,  lack of qualified staff, a need in large-scale funding, a need to mitigate material adverse effect on the environment. Large-scale projects implemented in the frontier regions have significant impact on the development of resource- based economies and cross-border  cooperation. Selection  of a modality for implementation of the mining project and assessment of its effects can be based   on the added value concept, which maximizes the value growth. Value creation pattern depends on a number of production stages, depth of diversification, production capacity, company assets and range of products. Here it is important to consider not only project’s positive NPV, but also emerging additional effects related to project integration and implementation in the value  chain. The purpose of the study is to justify a methodic approach based on the value chain to the assessment of effects of a large-scale mining project, which may have impact on a holding, a region, national economy and cross- border cooperation. The research carried out helped to justify the use of the added value concept for deciding on the type of pro ject for the  field development, the basic and additional effects  of  a large-scale mining project have been revealed  and possible organizational and economic framework for  creation  of tin industry in  the Republic  of  Kazakhstan has been proposed.

How to cite: Ponomarenko T.V., Larichkin F.V., Sidorov D.V. Assesment of the tin industry creation prospects in the republic of Kazakhstan // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 742. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.742
Geoeconomics and Management
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Russia and Germany: new opportunities for cooperation in the primary sector

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The paper examines modern status and prospects of the Russian-German economic cooperation in the mineral resources sector. It has been revealed that in the recent years the bilateral trade between the two countries is influenced by the foreign affairs and witnesses a downwards trend. Development of economic cooperation in the traditional sphere, i.e. the fuel and energy sector, is hindered by several circumstances. Among these is a significant change in the energy policy of Germany and in the European energy market regulatory framework. A need appears to find alternative areas and forms of cooperation between the two countries. For this reason the major focus is on the problem of providing critical materials the German industry through creation of primary partnerships. Cooperation in this format secures access to the required feedstock for the German companies in exchange for creation of a complete value chain on the basis of the Russian companies. The role of Russia as a potential supplier of certain critical materials has been defined. The need in closer integration between the universities and the businesses for more efficient facilitation of bilateral scientific and technical cooperation has been justified.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Lebedeva O.Y. Russia and Germany: new opportunities for cooperation in the primary sector // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 749. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.749
Geoeconomics and Management
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А analysis and classification of resource saving technologies for reproduction of mineral resources оf titanium industry

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At present self-sufficiency in mineral feedstock of the Russian  economy  has  dropped  significantly,  with some types of mineral feedstock becoming extremely scarce after the collapse of the USSR. Analysis of mineral resource base of the companies of titanium-magnesium, chemical, paint and varnish and other sectors of industry, producing titanium products, has shown that these sectors have almost no titanium feed- stock of their own production, even with account of titanium low    consumption. The use of resource saving technologies instigates creation of new forward-looking methods for reproducing mineral resource base of the titanium industry by bringing new, unconventional types of extractable resources into the economic turnover and  is one  of main ways to increase the natural resource potential of the industry. A rational combination  of  modern highly productive machinery and resource saving technologies is the only possible way for the development of a number of valuable extractable resources, including titanium dioxide. The paper gives an overview of key aspects of the modern resource saving technologies for expansion of reproduction in the basic industries. An idea is put forward to recreate the titanium industry resource base in the  Russian Federation based on the modern resource saving technologies. A classification of the modern  resource  saving technologies is  proposed.

How to cite: Fedoseev S.V., Sanneris D., Tochilo M.A. А analysis and classification of resource saving technologies for reproduction of mineral resources оf titanium industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 756. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.756
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On the priority of Saint-Petersburg mining university in the field of nanotechnology science and nanomaterials

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Data are analyzed from dozens of scientific studies by professor P.P.Weimarn in 1910-1915 and reasoning by a whole number of well-known Russian experts which testify that the principal stipulations of the nanotechnological approach were conceptually formulated more than a hundred years back by the said Professor of the Mining Institute in Saint-Petersburg. It is for the first time that the interrelation is reviewed of the studies by P.P.Weimarn who stood  at the cradle of nanotechnology with contemporary studies at the Saint-Petersburg Mining University. An upgraded temporal sequence is proposed (1910-2010) of forming nanotechnological knowledge that is associated with the names of scientists who made the most significant input into the process. Reasons are discussed for the long years of oblivion suffered by the first publications on “dispersoidology”, composed in Russia at the Mining Institute, which are pioneering in nanotechnology and nanomaterials science. Information is provided on the priority designs of the last few years on synthesizing surface nanostructured dispersed metals performed at the Mining University.

How to cite: Syrkov A.G. On the priority of Saint-Petersburg mining university in the field of nanotechnology science and nanomaterials // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 730. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.730
Mining education: traditions and perspectives in the XXI century
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Human, nature, society: synergetic dimension

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The paper gives an overview of the major directions of development in the system ‘human – society – nature’ and their philosophical and scientific contemplation. The fundamental achievements of the society and responsibility of the mankind for its progressive development have been analyzed. The distinctive features of changes in human interactions with nature in the era of globalization and intensive progress in science and technology are presented. It is reported that numerous studies of human intervention in the biosphere processes prove that it can become the most profound anomaly in the development of not only the biosphere but of the entire Earth system, i.e. become a cause of such conditions on the Earth that would be alien to the general biological process in its ontological sense.  The consequence of this is a dissonance in the rate of social evolution (social form of matter) and nature evolution (all pre-social forms of matter), which is translated into the disturbed ‘functional optimum’ of intensive development of the ‘human-society-nature’ system, a threat of environmental crisis and disturbances in the very biological nature  of a human. It is asserted that synergetics today still remains appealing due to a need to find adequate answers to global civilization challenges in the world living through a crisis. According to estimations, human synergetic activities come to the fore in the 21st century, it is especially true for small and large self-organizing groups, which shall not only live in harmony with the nature, but also successfully manage all different-level subsystems. It is shown that synergetics is a new dialogue between human and nature, a new synthesis of the human knowl- edge and wisdom. This is a new approach to gaining insight into the evolution crises, instability and chaos, to mastering complicated systems in the state of volatility.

How to cite: Vakhnin N.A. Human, nature, society: synergetic dimension // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 761. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.761
Mining education: traditions and perspectives in the XXI century
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On the role of enlightenment in the modern education

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The paper analyzes notions ‘education’ and ‘enlightenment’, their commonalities and  differences.  It  is  proven that though in ordinary perception these notions are treated as synonyms, from the standpoint of philosophical discourse it is not quite so. It makes sense to understand ‘enlightenment’ as the most profound cultural level   of education, cultural maturity of a person (a society), a high level of personal development (both moral and intellectual), mental development, freedom from ignorance and prejudice. Enlightenment is opposed to ‘the smatterers’   (a term introduced by the  famous writer), which tends to combine superficial awareness with  cultural immaturity  and even moral savagery. The paper presents the author’s reflections on  promotion  of enlightenment in our times  and challenges on this path. Each era brings forth its own Enlightenment,  its own ideas  of education  and ignorance, intelligence and stupidity, and eventually of the good and the evil. Enlightenment principles in very general terms may look the same for the 17-18th  centuries and for modern times (for example, Descartes principle ‘to    doubt everything’), but it is hardly probable that antischolastic, antimedieval nature of this principle  is  highly relevant for the present days. Many ideas of the New European Enlightenment great by their nature did not with- stand the tough test of the 20th century: blatant idealization of man and social relations was erroneous, and emotional and irrational side  of the  human nature, its potential propensity to nihilism and  destructiveness, to the  lust  for power and violence was underestimated. Abilities of the mind, justified in scientific knowledge and technology were not justified in moral, political, social, and ideological sense. The ‘light of mind’ as a basis of any Enlightenment turned out to be too faint to illuminate the paths  of people and enlighten them despite  great  achievements  in science and technology. The spirit of  Enlightenment by the beginning  of the 21st  century has  not  yet defeated  the spirit of violence, fanatism and irrationalism. Apparently New Enlightenment is needed, which will not just illuminate the path of an imperfect man, but will teach him to live with dignity, skillfully using his own ‘lamp of Diogenes’. Everything said about the role of enlightenment in the modern education has direct implications for the educational process at the St. Petersburg Mining University, the goal of which as recently formulated by the Rector in his address to the associates of the Mining University is not only to train highly qualified specialists, but  to raise  ‘real Russian intellectuals, distinguished by their high level of education, high  moral and ethical standards, decency and nobility of the  soul’.

How to cite: Pukshanskii B.Y. On the role of enlightenment in the modern education // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 766. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.766
Mining education: traditions and perspectives in the XXI century
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«Proceedings Of The Mining Institute»: history and modernization (to 110-th anniversary of first publication)

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The paper is dedicated to one of the oldest scientific and technical periodicals in Russia, scientific agent of the Saint-Petersburg Mining University – «Proceedings of the Mining Institute». In 2017 we shall celebrate the 110-th anniversary of the first issue of the magazine coming from the press. That event gains a particular meaning because  of the growing role of periodicals in operative gaining, storing, translating and practically applying scientific information. Modern society is duly called the information society, in which intense and efficient use of one of its main resources – knowledge – is the chief factor of successful development of all the spheres of the society. «Proceedings of the Mining Institute» – is an exceptionally important fragment of that resource, shaped by all of its history. The paper considers the pre-history and historical stages of establishment of the «Proceedings of the Mining Institute». It stresses the high authority of the majority of participants of that process: starting from the initiators of its publication (professors of the Mining Institute) and all the way to its current authors – outstanding scientists of Russia, the near and the far abroad, as well as the well-known political and economic leaders of the country. Reconstruction of the past of the «Proceedings of the Mining Institute» demonstrates that the magazine has rich and valuable history. Being itself a necessary expression of tribute and gratitude to the magazine forerunners, the re- construction is not the only principal purpose of this study, that purpose consisting in identification and substantiation of ways and means of upgrading the magazine, to support its competitive edge in the extremely complex information space, both global and domestic, saturated with information as never before.

How to cite: Rebeshchenkova I.G. «Proceedings Of The Mining Institute»: history and modernization (to 110-th anniversary of first publication) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 773. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.773