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Vol 221
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Development and manufacturing cycle for potassium nitrate and phosphate producing by conversion method

A. I. Alekseev1
B. A. Dmitrievskii2
About authors
  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — NPO «Mineral»
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Analysis of the Russian market of potash mineral fertilizers in 2014 and forecast for 2015-2019 show [ ] that today the most widespread potash fertilizer is  the potassium chloride. But chloride-free potassium-containing products are in the highest demand at the fertilizer market. One of possible solutions to this problem is recrystallization of the potassium chloride or potassium-containing mineral ores using nitrate-containing or phosphorus-containing salt products. The basis for justifying processing conditions for polymineral potassium-containing salt raw materials and salt mineral ores is the data on phase equilibria in multicomponent water-salt systems. Knowledge of the regularities of phase equilibria in multicomponent salt systems helps to develop optimal conditions for complex processing of polymineral natural and technical raw materials. Below it is present the results of technological calculations for processing potash mineral raw materials with account of the complex nature of its utilization. Based on the analysis of the solubility diagrams of mutual salt systems different cyclic processes for production of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and nitrate and sodium chloride from dihydrogen phosphate and sodium nitrate and potassium chloride by conversion method have been designed, and ways of these processes optimization have been proposed for reducing the cost of certain technical  operations.

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