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O. Yu. Lebedeva
O. Yu. Lebedeva
Saint-Petersburg Mining University
Saint-Petersburg Mining University


Geoeconomics and Management
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Russia and Germany: new opportunities for cooperation in the primary sector

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The paper examines modern status and prospects of the Russian-German economic cooperation in the mineral resources sector. It has been revealed that in the recent years the bilateral trade between the two countries is influenced by the foreign affairs and witnesses a downwards trend. Development of economic cooperation in the traditional sphere, i.e. the fuel and energy sector, is hindered by several circumstances. Among these is a significant change in the energy policy of Germany and in the European energy market regulatory framework. A need appears to find alternative areas and forms of cooperation between the two countries. For this reason the major focus is on the problem of providing critical materials the German industry through creation of primary partnerships. Cooperation in this format secures access to the required feedstock for the German companies in exchange for creation of a complete value chain on the basis of the Russian companies. The role of Russia as a potential supplier of certain critical materials has been defined. The need in closer integration between the universities and the businesses for more efficient facilitation of bilateral scientific and technical cooperation has been justified.

How to cite: Sergeev I.B., Lebedeva O.Y. Russia and Germany: new opportunities for cooperation in the primary sector // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 221. p. 749. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.5.749
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Innovative component in investment activity of mining companies

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Innovative activity of Russian mining companies in post-crisis recovery period is low. Investment on maintenance of achieved production levels and modernization of technical base in order to reduce operating costs prevails in the structure of business investment.  Nowadays only large vertically integrated mining companies with investment strategy of innovative type are able to carry out technological innovation with a deep degree of novelty. These companies have joined their forces with research organizations, universities and public institutions by means of technological platform of solid minerals to develop an innovative products and technologies in mining industry.

How to cite: Lebedeva O.Y. Innovative component in investment activity of mining companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 190.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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Analyses of fuel and energy resources production and consumption trends in the world аnd the domestic markets

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The future trends of the world and domestic fuel and energy market are determined by established tendencies in production and consumption of coal, natural gas and oil in past. The dynamics of the world fuel and energy extraction indexes during the period of 2000-2010 is analyzed in the work, as well as the dynamics of the Russian Federation part in the world production and consumption of fuel and energy resources. The results of comparative analyses of the world and domestic fuel and energy resources consumption structure, that is prevailing to date and predicted by experts in the future, are represented.

How to cite: Lebedeva O.Y. Analyses of fuel and energy resources production and consumption trends in the world аnd the domestic markets // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 43.
Economics and management
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Ways of improvement of organizational-economic mechanism of management of enterprises of coal industry

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The article analyzes the current position and role of Russian coal mining companies in both domestic and global markets. Since the conditions and prospects of enterprises producing coking and steam coal are different, it is necessary to propose general directions of the companies' activities taking into account the type of products. It is possible to propose the introduction of alternative methods of accounting for overhead costs at coal mining companies. The comparative calculation of coal mining costs by traditional and alternative methods is carried out. The paper summarizes the main ways to improve the mechanism of economic controlling at coal-mining enterprises. The role of state regulation is indicated.

How to cite: Lebedeva O.Y. Ways of improvement of organizational-economic mechanism of management of enterprises of coal industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 2 167. p. 284-286.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Development of a mechanism for effective state regulation of private coal companies' activities

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The article considers the problems of creating a system of effective state regulation of coal companies in Russia in connection with the end of the period of restructuring of the production potential of the industry and the withdrawal of the state from direct participation in the activities of coal companies. The main tasks and difficulties faced by coal mining companies at the present stage of development are characterized. The directions of improvement of the state regulation of the coal industry are proposed.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Lebedeva O.Y. Development of a mechanism for effective state regulation of private coal companies’ activities // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 43-45.
Economics and management
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Ways to improve the competitiveness of Russian coal companies

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Improvement of competitiveness of enterprises and their products is one of the main tasks of the Russian industry, the solution of which will allow many enterprises to work effectively and stably. The basic directions of increase (for coal industry - achievement) of competitiveness are considered, namely: formation of vertically integrated powerful coal companies, realization of constant dialogue of the state with such companies; orientation of activity of coal enterprises on effective production at the expense of decrease in costs, highly professional management and emphasis on marketing researches.

How to cite: Lebedeva O.Y. Ways to improve the competitiveness of Russian coal companies // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. № 1 159. p. 185-188.
Economics and management
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Socio-economic and environmental challenges of the development of the coal industry in Russia

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The economic, social and environmental issues of the coal industry at the present stage are considered. The economic analysis of the state of coal mining enterprises on the example of OAO Gukovugol - one of the largest anthracite enterprises in Eastern Donbass. The special attention is given to the questions of environmental protection and environmental activity of the association, the level of the negative effect of the enterprises of OAO Gukovugol on the environment, the necessary expenses for environmental measures, the volume and structure of the resource payments are determined. The tasks were formulated, fulfillment of which will contribute to increase of coal competitiveness in the energy market.

How to cite: Soloveva E.A., Lebedeva O.Y. Socio-economic and environmental challenges of the development of the coal industry in Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 256-259.