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Vol 155 No 1
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Socio-economic and environmental challenges of the development of the coal industry in Russia

E. A. Soloveva1
O. Yu. Lebedeva2
About authors
  • 1 — Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
  • 2 — Student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
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The economic, social and environmental issues of the coal industry at the present stage are considered. The economic analysis of the state of coal mining enterprises on the example of OAO Gukovugol - one of the largest anthracite enterprises in Eastern Donbass. The special attention is given to the questions of environmental protection and environmental activity of the association, the level of the negative effect of the enterprises of OAO Gukovugol on the environment, the necessary expenses for environmental measures, the volume and structure of the resource payments are determined. The tasks were formulated, fulfillment of which will contribute to increase of coal competitiveness in the energy market.

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  2. Шалакин Г. Уголь снова становится «черным золотом» // Российская газета. 2002. 17 сент.
  3. Шувалов Ю.В. Горное дело и окружающая среда: Учеб. пособие / Ю.В.Шувалов, А.Л.Губенко, Д.Я.Аленбкин. Санкт-Петербургский горный ин-т. СПб, 1998.
  4. Энергетическая стратегия России на период до 2020 года. Проблемы и решения // Приложение к «Запискам Горного института». СПб, 2002. № 13. 16 с.

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