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Vol 220

Vol 219
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Rare metal granites in the structures of the Russian sector of Pacific ore belt

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Data are presented on the geology of areas of rare metal granites proliferation in the Russian sector of the Pacific Ore Belt that make one take a fresh look at the East Asian granitoid area to update its metallogeny. History is reviewed of studying rare metal granites of the Russian Far East. As a rule, these are found in the vicinity of major tungsten-stanniferous ore deposits, except much later than discovering the former, at the stages of their assessment and survey. Rare earth granites are usually missed by the geologists during the early stages of regional geological surveys due to their small size, weak eroding and external similarity with earlier granites. Using the examples of the Central Polousny, Badzhal and Kuyviveem-Pyrekakay regions the structural and geological conditions are characterized of localization of rare metal granites. Comparative analysis of geological situations made it possible to formulate the areal character of manifestation of rare metal granites; their confinedness to late Mesozoic orogenic arched uplifts of bogen structures above deep granitoid batholiths; positioning in the areas where longitudinal and transversal deep laying faults cross; gravitation to the environs of pre-Cambrian median masses. Similarity of structural-geological conditions for manifestation of the well-studied ore-containing granites serves to confirm the hypothesis on the joint stage of late Cretaceous rare metal magmatism in the Russian sector of the Pacific Ore Belt and the existence in the region of a magmatic super-province – the Far East belt of rare metal granites that includes the Novosibirsk-Chukotka, the Yana-Kolyma and the Sikhote-Alin rare metal – granite provinces.

How to cite: Alekseev V.I. Rare metal granites in the structures of the Russian sector of Pacific ore belt // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 515. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.515
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New technology of dry benefication of fly ash from coal power plants using applied mineralogy techniques

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The existence of environmental and strategic need to process dumps and slagheaps of coal mining enterprises of Russia and foreign countries results in reviewing the potential of using fly ash as a technogenic mineral resource. Comprehensive studies of substance composition of fly ash from coal power plants make it possible to define rational further ways of utilizing that mineral resource substantiating the scheme of its technological secondary processing. In view of the numerous environmental problems stemming from the techniques of wet benefication and processing of that mineral resource, a technology is suggested of dry cleaning of fly ash from thermal coal power plants. Studies were carried out using a number of samples of fly ash from various power plants. The suggested criteria are used to discriminate the compounds of fly ash and quantitative and qualitative composition of particulate matter is assessed. Studies of substance composition of fly ash samples has demonstrated that the concentration of non-combusted carbon in them varies from 5 to 20 %. The principal technological procedure of cleansing in our studies was a combination of magnetic and electric separation of ash in the state of vibrational pseudo-liquefaction. It enables one to increase the throughput capacity and selectivity of the cleansing process significantly. In the result of such cleansing a stable mineral fraction is produced that contains 0.5-2.5 % of carbon, so that the purified mineral fraction can be used as a construction binding agent. 

How to cite: Arsentev V.A., Kotova E.L. New technology of dry benefication of fly ash from coal power plants using applied mineralogy techniques // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 521. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.521
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Phase transformations in synthesis technologies and sorption properties of zeolites from coal fly ash

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Coal fly ash is generated in the course of combustion of coal at thermal power plants. Environmental problems increase sharply without disposing that industrial waste. Technologies were tested of hydrothermal synthesis of zeolites from fly ash forming during combustion of coal at thermal power plants of the Pechora coal basin and dependences were identified of the experiment conditions on physical and chemical properties of the end product. It is demonstrated that synthesizing zeolites from fly ash is the first stage of forming ceramic materials (ceramic membranes), which defines the fundamental character (importance) of that area of studies. It was for the first time that sorption and structural characteristics and cation-exchange properties of fly ash from the Pechora basin coals were studied with respect to, Ba 2+ and Sr 2+ .

How to cite: Kotova O.B., Shabalin I.L., Kotova E.L. Phase transformations in synthesis technologies and sorption properties of zeolites from coal fly ash // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 526. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.526
Oil and gas
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The specifics of operating minor deposits (as given by the examples of gas condensate deposits of the Northern Caucasus)

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One of the most important directions in upgrading well productivity in the process of mining hydrocarbons consists in fighting with salt formation and salt deposition. Solving that problem becomes especially actual when operating deposits that are in their final stage of exploitation in complex mining and geological conditions accompanied by deposition of salts in the well foot area of oil bed and their sedimentation on the sub-surface and surface equipment. It provokes a drop in well productivity and results in off-schedule repair works. Specifics are considered of exploiting minor gas condensate deposits of the Northern Caucasus that are operated under complicated mining and geological conditions of anomalously high bed pressures, high temperatures, strong depressions on the beds and inflow of mineralized water from water saturated seams. Processes are studied of salt deposition from heavy hydrocarbons in the well foot and the bed area surrounding it. Water sample analyses data from different wells have demonstrated that the main salts carrier is the associated water, and the principal sedimenting agents are corrosion products, as confirmed by the results of microscopic studies. The dynamics is presented of salt deposition in the “well foot – wellhead – separator” system retrieved from the results of studies of reaction products in the well foot zone of oil bed. It is demonstrated that the efficiency of struggling with salt deposition in the course of mining hydrocarbons depends on comprehensive approach to the problem, the principal thrust lying with prevention of such deposition. Possible ways are considered to prevent precipitation of ferric compounds in the course of operating gas condensate wells, a way is suggested to intensify gas inflow.

How to cite: Gasumov R.A. The specifics of operating minor deposits (as given by the examples of gas condensate deposits of the Northern Caucasus) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 556. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.556
Oil and gas
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Nondestructive techniques to control the quality and quantity of oil flows

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The article considers the issue of improving the efficiency of exploiting the acting oil fields and transportation system on the basis of modern hi-tech technologies to control the extracted and transported material. Factors are studied that lower the reliability of oil flow measurements, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the main ambiguities are described of using current systems for metrological account of oil transported through the pipelines. The effect is studied of inclusions in the transported oil flow on measurement efficiency. A technique is suggested for selective measurements of separate phases in the complex multi-phase flows with isotropic radio emission, the principal relationships are presented to describe the intensity of direct and scattered gamma-radiation on flow parameters. Criteria are given for developing a measurement system that would control the actual component composition of the flow with time, hence the amount of oil transported; that would enable organizing a centralized open department to control the quality of oil and transportation conditions, upgrade the level of production and provide high measurement accuracy. Results are presented of testing the technique on an operating oil field; the relative error margin of measuring free gas content was 0.2 %. The range is reviewed of possible applications for the measurement system of multi-phase multi-component flows, developed in the Saint Petersburg Mining University.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Kopteva A.V. Nondestructive techniques to control the quality and quantity of oil flows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 564. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.564
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Improving the retention of minerals in the course of separating monolith from bedrock with the use of gas generator cartridges

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Results are presented on the effect of firing rate on pressure pulse in charge camera and fracture stress during spalling. Results are presented of comparative calculations using the equations of autocatalytic reactions of firing rates and escape of reaction products for the system of sodium chlorate - polythene (propylene) in pipe shape. Dependences are obtained of firing rate on concentration of gas generating mixture, its density, components size distribution and cartridge case size. Experimental and computational data were used to consider the conditions of firing turning into explosion for compositions based on sodium chlorate and hydrocarbons in layered and powdered systems. The relation is retrieved between the technological parameters of mining activities (blast hole to blast hole distance, blast hole diameter, depth of cartridge placement) and specific cartridge consumption along the spalling line with gas generators going off.

How to cite: Paramonov G.P., Kovalevskii V.N., Mozer P. Improving the retention of minerals in the course of separating monolith from bedrock with the use of gas generator cartridges // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 532. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.532
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Coal-peat compositions for co-combustion in local boilers

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In article results of experiments on creation of coal and peat fuel compositions for burning in solid-fuel boilers are described. The main objective of research consisted in development of combination of coal dust and natural peat without binding additives. The role of peat consists that it increases efficiency of process of granulation, being natural binding. The method of granulation allows to utilize waste of the coal industry. Joint burning of two types of fuel – coal dust and peat reduces emission of sulfur dioxides. The cost of peat raw materials is lower, than artificial binding, applied to briquetting of coal dust. The composition of mix of coal dust and peat varied in the ratio 2:1, 1:1 and 1:2 in volume ratio at humidity of mix before extrusion of 65 %. In the course of preparatory operations of coal raw materials its crushing and sifting through sieve of 24 mesh (0,707 mm) was carried out. Procedure of hashing of samples of coal and peat was carried out before receiving homogeneous mixture. After hashing mix was located in piston press for receiving granules. Coal dust and wet peat pass semifixed extrusion on piston press with formation of cylindrical granules with a diameter of 16 mm. After extrusion of granule are dried to operational humidity of 25 %. Coal and peat fuel granules showed sufficient mechanical strength for transportation and power feed in solid-fuel boilers. Burning of coal and peat fuel granules in vitro at temperature of 800 °C does not lead to ashes agglomeration. The conducted preliminary researches showed prospects of utilization of coal waste by granulation method in mix with natural peat.

How to cite: Mikhailov A.V. Coal-peat compositions for co-combustion in local boilers // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 538. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.538
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The technology of extracting gaseous fuel based on comprehensive in situ gasification and coalbed degassing

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The study considers a comprehensive technology (designed and patented by the authors) of developing coal and methane deposits which combines in situ gasification of lower coalbeds in the suite of rock bump hazardous gassy beds, extraction of coal methane and mechanized mining of coal. The first stage of the technology consists in mining gaseous fuel that enables one to extract up to 15-20 % of total energy from the suite of coalbeds. Geodynamic zoning is used to select positions for boring wells. Using the suggested technology makes it possible to solve a number of tasks simultaneously. First of all that is extracting gaseous fuel from the suite of coalbeds without running any mining works while retaining principal coalbeds in the suite and preparing them for future processing (unloading and degassing). During the first phase the methane-coal deposit works as a gas deposit only, the gas having two sources – extracted methane (which includes its locked forms, absorbed and adsorbed) and the products of partial incineration of thin coalbeds, riders and seams from thee suite. The second stage consists in deep degassing and unloading of coal beds which sharply reduces the hazards of methane explosion and rock bumps, thus increasing the productivity of mechanized coal mining. During the second stage coal is mined in long poles with the account of degassing and unloading of coal beds, plus the data on gas dynamic structure of coal rock massif.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Tsirel S.V., Goncharov E.V., Zubkov V.V. The technology of extracting gaseous fuel based on comprehensive in situ gasification and coalbed degassing // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 545. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.545
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Flow instability in producing well at flash-steam fields

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Theoretical foundations are presented for forecasting operation instability of producing wells at flash-steam fields. The considered topic gains actuality because of the new conditions for developing geothermal power industry which call for solicitous use of the wells fund. Instability mechanism is considered: increased discharge results in the growth of the force generating the flow, which in turn results in still higher discharge. The force grows due to weakening of gravitational component which counteracts the flow in the result of depletion in the density of flash-steam mixture. It is demonstrated that due to the specifics of development of such instability in a geothermal well the reaction of well foot pressure to change in the discharge cannot influence the stability in any effective way, while the reaction of wellhead pressure may work as a stabilizing factor. Principal weaknesses are pointed out of former ideas on flow instability in flash-steam wells. The condition of stable flow should be the positive value of the derivative on discharge of the internal well foot pressure defined as the sum of wellhead and internal pressure drop.

How to cite: Shulyupin A.N. Flow instability in producing well at flash-steam fields // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 551. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.551
Metallurgy and concentration
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Key directions in processing carbonaceous rocks

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Mathematical statistics techniques and the data from laboratory mineral and technological studies of samples were used to identify the most common natural and technological associations of microelements in carbonaceous rocks which could be of industrial value if extracted in the form of commercial products. The discovered structures of spheroidal and ring ferrocarbonaceous clusters are respective formations of the class of metal fullerens with expressed magnetic properties. Such clusters may serve as construction blocks for new magnetic structures since each of them is a separate magnetic domain. Extracting such structures and their practical use opens the way to future technologies. It is expected to employ such results in the future in the course of designing new techniques and technologies for benefication of carbonaceous raw materials while developing comprehensively solid mineral resources in the mining industry regions of Russia. 

How to cite: Aleksandrova T.N. Key directions in processing carbonaceous rocks // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 568. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.568
Metallurgy and concentration
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Studying the dependence of quality of coal fine briquettes on technological parameters of their production

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The study characterizes the role of coal in the fuel and energy balance of the Far East Region and points out the issue of losses of coal fines in the processes of coal mining, transportation and processing. To solve the problem of losses of coal fines, the mined coal is sorted into different size classes and fuel briquettes are produced from coal fines. Physical foundations are presented in short of briquetting solid combustible mineral resources. The dependences and variations of briquette compression strength limit are studied vs. charge humidity and briquetting pressure. Optimal parameters are retrieved for briquetting coal fines. The principal technological scheme is given of the process of briquette production. The developed technological solutions include sorting regular coal and briquetting coal fines, as well as the involvement of technogenic carbon-containing wastes from the hydrolysis production lines, plus residuals from oil refining. 

How to cite: Aleksandrova T.N., Rasskazova A.V. Studying the dependence of quality of coal fine briquettes on technological parameters of their production // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 573. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.573
Metallurgy and concentration
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Changes in thermal plasticity of low grade coals during selective extraction of metals

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As the world oil market tends to be highly volatile, the coal becomes a primary source of organic raw materials for chemical and metallurgical industries. Fossil coals can accumulate high amounts of elements and mixtures quite often reaching commercially valuable concentrations. Reserves of scandium and other rare elements in coal deposits in Siberia alone are sufficient to satisfy the expected global demand for several decades. This study is intended to solve complex tasks associated with extraction of metal oxides using the developed enrichment method to ensure the required thermal plasticity determining the quality and properties of metallurgical coke. Laboratory experiments have been conducted for the enrichment of high-ash coals containing the highest concentrations of metals. Thermal plasticity values have been determined with the help of Gieseler plastometer . Using modern technologies and equipment individual deposits can be turned into profitable production of enriched coking coals with concurrent extraction of rare metals. It has been proven that the highest commercial potential lies with the extraction of scandium and some other rare metals in the form of oxides from the coal.

How to cite: Bazhin V.Y. Changes in thermal plasticity of low grade coals during selective extraction of metals // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 578. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.578
Metallurgy and concentration
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Use of various types of carbon-containing raw materials to produce thermal energy

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Many types of carbon-containing organic compounds and all possible carbon-containing products or wastes in low demand can be used to produce thermal energy. A technology has been developed for producing highly flammable briquettes on the basis of bituminous coal. These briquettes have a special incendiary layer. It is easily ignites from low energy heat sources (e.g. matches), and then flame spreads to the rest of briquette. Use of coal slacks and paper wastes as carbon-containing components playing the role of binders provides an opportunity to get a fuel briquette easy in terms of production and plain in composition while at the same time dispose of coal and paper wastes. Such briquettes may also have a special incendiary layer. Technology for fuel briquettes production from wood and slate wastes employed no binding agents, as wood products acted as binders. Thus technologies have been developed to produce fuel briquettes from various carbon-containing materials in low demand. The briquettes are intended for household boilers, fireplaces, different ovens in order to cook food, heat residential and utility premises, cabins, etc.

How to cite: Kuskov V.B., Bazhin V.Y. Use of various types of carbon-containing raw materials to produce thermal energy // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 582. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.582
Metallurgy and concentration
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Directions and prospects of using low grade process fuel to produce alumina

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Power consumption across the globe is constantly increasing for a variety of reasons: growing population, industrialization and fast economic growth. The most widespread gaseous fuel – natural gas – has the low production cost. It is 2-3 times cheaper than liquid fuel production and 6-12 times cheaper than coal production. When natural gas is transported to distances from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand km by the pipeline, its cost with account of transportation is 1.5-2 times less than the cost of coal and the fuel storage facilities are not needed. Plants powered by natural gas have the higher efficiency as compared to the plants operating on other types of fuel. They are easier and cheaper to maintain and are relatively simple in automation, thus enhancing safety and improving the production process flow, do not require complicated fuel feeding or ash handling systems. Gas is combusted with a minimum amount of polluting emissions, which adds to better sanitary conditions and environment protection. But due to depletion of major energy resources many experts see the future of the global energy industry in opportunities associated with the use of solid energy carriers. From the environmental perspective solid fuel gasification is a preferred technology. The use of synthetic gas was first offered and then put to mass scale by English mechanical engineer William Murdoch. He discovered a possibility to use gas for illumination by destructive distillation of bituminous coal. After invention of the gas burner by Robert Bunsen, the illumination gas began to be used as a household fuel. The invention of an industrial gas generator by Siemens brothers made it possible to produce a cheaper generator gas which became a fuel for industrial furnaces. As the calorific value of generator gas produced through gasification is relatively low compared to natural gas, the Mining University studied possibilities to use different types of low grade process fuel at the Russian alumina refineries as an alternative to natural gas, access to which is restricted for some of the regions.

How to cite: Dubovikov O.A., Brichkin V.N. Directions and prospects of using low grade process fuel to produce alumina // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 587. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.587
Metallurgy and concentration
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Evaluating possible industrial applications of combustible shales and shale ash wastes

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Today energy consumption is constantly growing while explored reserves of easily accessible oil are depleting, which is a reason why most countries tend to diversify their energy mix, develop non-hydrocarbon energy sources and use domestic types of fuel, including the low grade ones. Thereby interest is raised to such a source of hydrocarbons as combustible shales. Combustible shales appear to be one of the highest-potential types of organic raw materials, which may offset and in future even substitute oil products and gas. The paper is investigating behavior and structure of combustible shales during heat treatment in order to identify their possible industrial applications. A synchronous thermal analysis has been held, chemical composition of combustible shales’ mineral fraction and optimal conditions for shale fines briquetting have been determined.

How to cite: Kondrasheva N.K., Saltykova S.N. Evaluating possible industrial applications of combustible shales and shale ash wastes // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 595. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.595
Metallurgy and concentration
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Regularities of selenium and chromium behavior in redox processes during hydrometallurgic treatment of solid phase products of rhenium extraction

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The main source of selenium is copper anode slime. But during the pyrometallurgical treatment of sulphide polymetallic ores significant amount of selenium along with radiogenic osmium and rhenium is concentrated in the solid-phase products of acid wash extraction and cannot be extracted, as gets lost with discharged chromium-containing solutions of osmium stage. The paper presents results of research into selenium reduction in the chromium-containing sulfuric acid medium by sulfurous gas and sodium sulphite. The use of the above reducers in optimum conditions leads to almost complete recovery of selenium (VI) while selenium (IV) extraction rate is not exceeding 60 %. The chrome (III) present in solutions has no impact on the selenium extraction rate. Chrome (VI) is almost completely reduced to a trivalent state, thus its negative impact on subsequent rhenium sorption from solutions purified from selenium is excluded. In view of a high rate of selenium extraction from chromium-containing sulfuric acid solutions formed in the process of radiogenic osmium production using sulfurous gas and sodium sulphite, choice of a method for selenium reduction is to a great extent dependent on the company’s profile.

How to cite: Petrov G.V., Kalashnikova M.I., Fokina S.B. Regularities of selenium and chromium behavior in redox processes during hydrometallurgic treatment of solid phase products of rhenium extraction // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 601. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.601
Metallurgy and concentration
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Complex utilization of treatment wastes from thermal power plants

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The paper investigates present-day challenges related to accumulation, processing and disposal of the coal combustion wastes. The analysis of technogenic materials beneficiation practices using gravitation, magnetic and flotation beneficiation methods has been carried out. Quantitative and qualitative microscopic analysis of materials has been conducted. The study target were ash and slag wastes (ASW) from thermal power plant and coal combustion ash. Most metals are contained in coals and coal ashes in fine-dispersed (1-10 μm) mineral form. Various native metals and intermetallic compounds, sulfides, carbonates, sulfates, tungstates, silicates, rare earths phosphates and niobates have been discovered. Each metal may occur in several mineral phases, for instance tungsten may be in the form of wolframite, stolzite, ferberite, scheelite and represented by impurities. Not only composition of compounds is diversified, but also morphology of grains: well-defined and skeleton crystals, aggregates and polycrystalline structures, crystal twins and fragments; druses, globules and microspherules; porous shapes, flocculous and splintery clusters, lumpy aggregations, etc. Based on chemical silicate analysis of main ASW components the petrochemical properties of material have been assessed. Preliminary analyses have shown that concentration of ferrum-bearing components in ASW is around 5-11 %. The magnetic method of technogenic waste beneficiation with the help of high-gradient magnetic separation has been studied. The obtained evidences show that fine ASW are most efficiently separated in separators with high-gradient magnetic system. The studies provided justification of a process flow for complex treatment of technogenic carbon-containing material, including flotation, gravitation separation, magnetic heteroflocculation enrichment and high-gradient magnetic separation. The determined complex utilization ratio has proven the efficiency of complex processing.

How to cite: Shabarov A.N., Nikolaeva N.V. Complex utilization of treatment wastes from thermal power plants // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 607. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.607
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Effect of surface geometry and insolation on temperature profile of green roof in Saint-Petersburg environment

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  The paper addresses an issue of creating an environment favorable for the life in megacities by planting vegetation on the rooftops. It also provides information about rooftop greening practices adopted in other countries. The issues of ‘green roof’ building in climatic conditions of Saint Petersburg and roof vegetation impact on the urban ecosystem are examined. Vegetation composition quality- and quantity-wise has been proposed for the roof under research and a 3D model of this roof reflecting its geometric properties has been developed. A structure of roof covering and substrate qualitative composition is presented. An effect of rooftop geometry on the substrate temperature is explored. The annual substrate temperature and moisture content in different parts of the roof have been analyzed. Results of thermal imaging monitoring and insolation modelling for different parts of green roof surface are presented.

How to cite: Ignatev S.A., Kessel D.S. Effect of surface geometry and insolation on temperature profile of green roof in Saint-Petersburg environment // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 622. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.622
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Spatial distribution of energy release during propagation of fast electron beam in the air

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The paper focuses on development of the analytical theory to assess spatial distribution of energy released during propagation of the fast electron beam in a gas, in particular in the air at electron energies of 1-100 keV. An approach adopted by authors [2, 3] to study inelastic deceleration of electrons in the air is further developed here. As the inelastic interaction in most cases leads to energy relaxation while elastic interaction causes distribution isotropization over directions, the first task solved in the paper is finding the electron distribution function including only elastic collisions. In the final part of this paper an analytical solution to this task is presented with account of both types of electron deceleration in the air. The calculations show that when elastic collisions are taken into account this leads to increased spatial density of energy release and to narrowing of the primary energy release region of the fast electrons, as compared to calculations accounting for only inelastic deceleration.

How to cite: Sukhomlinov V.S., Mustafaev A.S. Spatial distribution of energy release during propagation of fast electron beam in the air // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 611. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.611