Mechanism of artificial well curvature by continuous sliding deviators
About authors
- 1 — Professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
- 2 — Postgraduate student G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
The mechanism of artificial borehole deviation by sliding whipstocks continuous action, based on destruction of a borehole wall during its lateral milling by displacing bit under action of arising rejecting effort. For a smooth set of deviation it is offered to adjust rejecting effort and for achievement of the maximum angle – to adjust frequency of bit rotation.
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- Мочуловский А.М. Снижение неопределенности проектирования процесса искусственного искривления скважин отклонителями непрерывного действия // Методика и техника разведки / ВИТР. СПб, 1999. № 9-10 (147-148). С.224-231.
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