Selection and calculation of autogenous and semi-autogenous grinding mills
2007 N. V. Nikoleva
Economic evaluation of competitiveness of coal mining company (on the example of OAO Gukovugol)
2007 E. A. Solovieva, O. Yu. Filatova
Methodology of assessment of scale, depth and radicalism of innovations in production of mining enterprises
2007 E. A. Nikolaenkova
Philosophy of marketing in the 21st century
2007 B. Ya. Pukshanskiy, Zh. N. Khabipova
Numerical experiments on investigation of spatial-energetic parameters of low-pressure glow discharges
2007 A. A. Kudryavtsev, A. V. Morin, A. S. Mustafaev
Transformation of organic wastes into artificial oil in lithospheric reactors as a factor of overcoming ecological and mineral crisis
2007 A. E. Vorobyev, A. D. Gladush, T. V. Chekushina