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Vol 173
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Diagnostics of dielectric coatings by electro-static methods

N. S. Pshchelko1
I. I. Pavlikov2
About authors
  • 1 — Associate professor G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — Research assistant G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The basic electric characteristics of dielectric materials and products from them are their electric capacitance and resistance. The purpose of work was development of an express train – technique and the inexpensive, mobile device for measurement of these parameters of highresistance materials on a constant voltage. The principle of work of the device is based on use of transients in connected in sereies elements having electric capacity and resistance. In the electric circuit of the device the MOSFET with high entrance resistance is used. Applications of the device are possible for: estimations of the controllable, specially created porosity of dielectric materials; measurements of humidity of wood, concrete and other porous, loose materials; revealings of impurity in small quantities in especially pure substances; revealing crystal orientations of monocrystals, etc.

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  1. Транзисторы: Справочник / О.П.Григорьев, В.Я.Замятин, Б.В.Кондратьев, С.Л.Пожидаев. М.: Радио и связь, 1989. 272 с.

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