Automatic system of stabilization of sulphur production from waste gases of autogenous generators
2009 K. M. Botviniev
Small speed asymptotic stability study of a speed vector control system for an induction motor that contains in its loop a Gopinath observer
2009 Olimpiu Stoicuta, Nadia Stoicuta, Teodor Pana
Justification of parameters and design of auger loader of tunneling-cleaning combine
2009 D. A. Sidyakin
Reconstruction of vertical shaft of Uzelginsky mine
2009 D. E. Zhurov
Complex of geophysical signs of localization of gold-sulphide type mineralization (Lena gold ore district)
2009 S. V. Sokolov
Economical model for maintenance of electric distribution system
2009 Juha Korpijärvi