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Vol 187
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Numerical modelling of shear strain near to the crack

S. E. Mansurova
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  • Ph.D. associate professor Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
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The behaviour of a material near to a crack is considered at nonlinear shear strain. The plane problem of the nonlinear theory of elasticity in the variation form is solved. Some variants of boundary conditions are used. The numerical results received by a finite element method are presented.

a crack nonlinear shear strain finite element method
Мансурова С.Е. Численное моделирование деформации сдвига вблизи трещины // Записки Горного института. 2010. Т. 187. С. 75-78.
Mansurova S.E. Numerical modelling of shear strain near to the crack // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 187. p. 75-78.
Go to volume 187


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