The technics of mutual influenced tunnel’s temporary support stress-strain state prediction with allowance for building technology
About authors
- 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
- 2 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
In the learned article the substantiation of the mutual influenced tunnel’s temporary support elements stress-strain state prediction technics is adduced. The problem is sold in three-dimensional arrangement with allowance for building technology. The analysis of numerical simulation results is adduced. On account of this analysis the main ways of solution for such problem class is spotted.
- Протосеня А.Г. Определение пространственного напряженно-деформированного состояния временной крепи железнодорожного тоннеля с учетом влияния земной поверхности / А.Г.Протосеня, Н.А.Беляков // Известия Тульского государственного университета. Науки о Земле. Вып. 1. Тула, 2011.
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