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Vol 212
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Application of vertical magnetic component in magnetotelluric method to estimate parameters of anomalous objects away from the profile line

E. Yu. Ermolin1
A. I. Ingerov2
Kh. M. Shaaban3
About authors
  • 1 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
  • 2 — «Phoenix Geophysics Ltd»
  • 3 — National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
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The problem of estimating the effect of anomalous bodies situated away from the profile line occurs in magnetotelluric data interpretation, as well as in other geophysical methods. In this case using of magnetic-variation profiling (MVP) data is important. MVP method can be used together with magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) method. It is done by adding a channel for measuring a vertical magnetic component (Hz). MTS and MVP methods can be applied together due to the use of precise tripods. MTS and MVP methods together increase the possibility of es-timating the effect of anomalous bodies situated away from the profile line. The research target is to determine parameters of an anomalous conductive body situated away from and parallel to the profile line. This work shows how the depth of a 2D conductive body situated away from the station can be determined by tipper frequency responses (on condition the distance between the station and the body is specified). The step-by- step method for determining the depth of an anomalous body has been used in this work. The introduced method allows avoiding gross mis-takes in interpretation, as well as constructing a valid 3D model.

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  2. Ермолин Е.Ю. Картирование субвертикальных проводящих объектов по данным МВЗ / Е.Ю.Ермолин, О.Ингеров, И.Ингеров // 5-я Всероссийская школа-семинар имени М.Е.Бердичевского и Л.Л.Ваньяна по электромаг-нитным зондированиям Земли. СПб: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2011. Кн.2. С.252-255.
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  4. Рокитянский И.И. Исследование аномалий электропроводности методом магнитовариационного профили-рования. Киев: Наукова думка, 1975. 276 с.
  5. Berdichevsky M.N. Models and methods of magnetotellurics / M.N.Berdichevsky, V.I. Dmitriev. Berlin – Heidel-berg: Springer-Verlag, 2008. 563 p.
  6. Ingerov O. The parameter estimation of 2D conductive isometric bodies by singular points at the tipper frequency characteristic / O.Ingerov, E.Ermolin // Proceedings of 20th Induction Workshop IAGA, Giza, Egypt-2010, September 18-24. 303-306 p.
  7. High sensitivity EM prospecting technique based on measurement of three magnetic components of natural EM field / O.Ingerov, L.Fox, A.Golyashov, I.Ingerov, A.Colin // 19th IAGA WG Workshop on Electromagnetic Induction in the Earth. Beijing, 2008. P.965-970.
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