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Kh. M. Shaaban
Kh. M. Shaaban
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)
National Mineral Resources University (Mining University)


Application of up-to-date electric exploration technologies in mineral deposits prospecting
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Application of vertical magnetic component in magnetotelluric method to estimate parameters of anomalous objects away from the profile line

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The problem of estimating the effect of anomalous bodies situated away from the profile line occurs in magnetotelluric data interpretation, as well as in other geophysical methods. In this case using of magnetic-variation profiling (MVP) data is important. MVP method can be used together with magnetotelluric sounding (MTS) method. It is done by adding a channel for measuring a vertical magnetic component (Hz). MTS and MVP methods can be applied together due to the use of precise tripods. MTS and MVP methods together increase the possibility of es-timating the effect of anomalous bodies situated away from the profile line. The research target is to determine parameters of an anomalous conductive body situated away from and parallel to the profile line. This work shows how the depth of a 2D conductive body situated away from the station can be determined by tipper frequency responses (on condition the distance between the station and the body is specified). The step-by- step method for determining the depth of an anomalous body has been used in this work. The introduced method allows avoiding gross mis-takes in interpretation, as well as constructing a valid 3D model.

How to cite: Ermolin E.Y., Ingerov A.I., Shaaban K.M. Application of vertical magnetic component in magnetotelluric method to estimate parameters of anomalous objects away from the profile line // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 212. p. 95.
Application of up-to-date electric exploration technologies in mineral deposits prospecting
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Application of the time-domain electromagnetic method for shallow groundwater prospecting IN Itay El-Baroud area, Nile Delta (Egypt)

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The Nile Delta is not only the oldest known ancient delta, but also is the largest and most important depositional complex in the Mediterranean sedimentary basin. Furthermore, it is a unique site in Egypt that is suitable for accumulation and preservation of the Quaternary sediments. There are very few investigations which have been carried out on the Upper Quaternary sediments of the western part of the Nile Delta. The present paper is mainly concerned with the application of the geophysical technique in the form of electromagnetic method to investigate the Quaternary sediments sequence as well as detecting the groundwater aquifer in the area of study. A site of 232 TEM sounding in 43 stations were carried out using a «SIROTEM MK-3» time-domain system. A simple coincident loop configuration, in which the same loop transmits and receives signals, was employed. The loop side length was 25 m. A 1-D modeling technique was applied to estimate the depth and the apparent resistivity of the interpreted geoelectrical data. Based on the interpretation of the acquired geophysical data, four geoelectric cross-sections were constructed. These sections show that the Upper Quaternary sequence consists of three geoelectric layers. The Holocene Nile mud is split into two layers: the agricultural root zone (Layer 1); thick water saturated mud (Layer 2). The Upper Pleistocene sandy aquifer (Layer 3) has very complicated non-linear boundary.

How to cite: Shaaban K.M., Gazala K., Al-Saied E., El-Kadi G. Application of the time-domain electromagnetic method for shallow groundwater prospecting IN Itay El-Baroud area, Nile Delta (Egypt) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2015. Vol. 212. p. 135.