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Vol 233
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Research article

Hydraulic transportation of thickened tailings of iron ore processing at Kachkanarsky GOK based on results of laboratory and pilot tests of hydrotransport system

V. I. Aleksandrov1
M. A. Vasileva2
About authors
  • 1 — Ph.D., Dr.Sci. professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Ph.D. associate professor Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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The object of study is the system of hydrotransport of iron ore processing tailings at JSC «EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK». The aim of the work was to determine the parameters of the hydraulic transport of tailings of the iron ore enrichment at weight concentrations of the solid phase from 30 to 70 % and to develop recommendations for the industrial operation of hydraulic transport systems of highly concentrated slurries of the Tailing Facilities of the Kachkanarsky GOK. Laboratory studies of the parameters of hydrotransport of thickened tail pulps were carried out with the development of a calculation method; pilot tests of the hydrotransport system under the conditions of the Tailing Facilities of the Kachkanarsky GOK. It has been established that using polyurethane coatings on the inner surface of the slurry lines significantly (1.75 times) decrease the specific pressure loss on the hydrotransport of thickened fluids. This allows to significantly increase the range of transportation for placing tailings in the distant parts of the storage zone. The introduction of research results is in the project of reconstruction and development of the tailing facility of the TF of the Kachkanarsky GOK for the period 2018-2020. It is proposed to use the results of work in the project of reconstruction of the hydraulic transport system at the TF of the Kachkanarsky GOK by switching to the hydraulic transport of slurries thickened to weight concentrations of 35-40 % in the slurry pipes with an internal polyurethane coating, which will ensure energy saving in the hydraulic transport process.

hydrotransport thickened slurry tailings pressure loss polyurethane coatings laboratory and pilot tests
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