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Artem V. Zaitsev
Artem V. Zaitsev
Head of the Sector, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Head of the Sector, Ph.D., Dr.Sci.
Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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Oil and gas
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Possibilities for creating Russian high-tech bottomhole assembly

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Development of high-tech well electronic measuring systems is aimed at creating modern equipment: telemetry, well geophysical measurement equipment, the architecture of which is divided into basic (with measurement channels for gamma logging and inductive resistance) and advanced (with radioactive, acoustic, magnetic resonance and thermobarometric measurement channels, including azimuthal methods of investigation). Over-the-bit measurement modules, rotary steerable systems are being developed and channels for transmitting data to the surface are being improved. Vice versa, specialized surface equipment with highly integrated software is being created. Different measurement modules are manufactured by different companies, which creates uncertainties in the possibility of interfacing the manufacturers' measurement modules into a single well measurement system. The article presents an analysis of the readiness of Russian oil service companies to produce well and surface equipment for drilling Russian directional oil and gas wells, meeting modern requirements for accuracy, lifetime and operating conditions. The possibility of creating a fully Russian well high-tech equipment and the required resources, risks and measures to mitigate them when creating a modern well measurement system are considered.

How to cite: Zhdaneev O.V., Zaytsev А.V., Prodan Т.T. Possibilities for creating Russian high-tech bottomhole assembly // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 252. p. 872-884. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.6.9
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Features of the thermal regime formation in the downcast shafts in the cold period of the year

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In the cold period of the year, to ensure the required thermal regime in underground mine workings, the air supplied to the mine is heated using air handling systems. In future, the thermodynamic state of the prepared air flow when it is lowered along the mine shaft changes due to the influence of a number of factors. At the same time, the processes of heat and mass exchange between the incoming air and its environment are of particular interest. These processes directly depend on the initial parameters of the heated air, the downcast shaft depth and the presence of water flows into the mine shaft. Based on the obtained experimental data and theoretical studies, the analysis of the influence of various heat and mass transfer factors on the formation of microclimatic parameters of air in the downcast shafts of the Norilsk industrial district mines is carried out. It is shown that in the presence of external water flows from the flooded rocks behind the shaft lining, the microclimatic parameters of the air in the shaft are determined by the heat transfer from the incoming air flow to the underground water flowing down the downcast shaft lining. The research results made it possible to describe and explain the effect of lowering the air temperature entering the underground workings of deep mines

How to cite: Zaitsev A.V., Semin M.A., Parshakov O.S. Features of the thermal regime formation in the downcast shafts in the cold period of the year // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 250. p. 562-568. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.4.9
Geoeconomics and Management
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Metrological support of equipment for geophysical research

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The article discusses the problems associated with metrological support of equipment for geophysical research, issues of ensuring the uniformity of well measurements, the creation of Russian standards for calibrating well equipment when determining the porosity coefficients and oil, gas, water saturation, determining the parameters of defects during well cementing and technical condition of casing strings and the water-oil-gas flow. The problems of creating full-fledged methods for measuring the parameters of oil and gas fields with conventional and hard-to-recover reserves have been investigated. The key directions of development of the Russian metrological support of geophysical well measurements were determined. The tasks that need to be solved to create metrological support for geophysical well logging as an industry that meet international standards are indicated. The expediency of creating a Russian Geophysical Center for Metrology and Certification, the need to develop a new and update the existing regulatory framework, which will allow Russian geophysics to reach the level of world leaders in the field of geophysical research, are substantiated.

How to cite: Zhdaneev O.V., Zaitsev A.V., Lobankov V.M. Metrological support of equipment for geophysical research // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 246. p. 667-677. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.6.9
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Automated ventilation control in mines. Challenges, state of the art, areas for improvement

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The article is divided into three main parts. The first part provides an overview of the existing literature on theoretical methods for calculating the optimal air distribution in mines according to the criteria of energy efficiency and providing all sections of mines with the required amount of air. It is shown that by the current moment there are many different formulations of the problem of searching the optimal air distribution, many different approaches and methods for optimizing air distribution have been developed. The case of a single (main) fan is most fully investigated, while for many fans a number of issues still remain unresolved. The second part is devoted to the review of existing methods and examples of the automated mine ventilation control systems implementation in Russia and abroad. Two of the most well-known concepts for the development of such systems are automated ventilation control systems (AVCS) in Russia and the CIS countries and Ventilation on demand (VOD) abroad. The main strategies of ventilation management in the framework of the AVCS and VOD concepts are described and also the key differences between them are shown. One of the key differences between AVCS and VOD today is the automatic determination of the operation parameters of fan units and ventilation doors using the optimal control algorithm, which is an integral part of the AVCS. The third part of the article describes the optimal control algorithm developed by the team of the Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the participation of the authors of the article. In this algorithm, the search for optimal air distribution is carried out by the system in a fully automated mode in real time using algorithms programmed into the microcontrollers of fans and ventilation doors. Minimization of energy consumption is achieved due to the most efficient selection of the fan speed and the rate of ventilation doors opening and also due to the air distribution shift control and the partial air recirculation systems introduction. It is noted that currently the available literature poorly covers the issue related to emergency operation modes ventilation systems of mines and also with the adaptation of automated control systems to different mining methods. According to the authors, further development of automated ventilation control systems should be carried out, in particular, in these two areas.

How to cite: Semin M.A., Grishin E.L., Levin L.Y., Zaitsev A.V. Automated ventilation control in mines. Challenges, state of the art, areas for improvement // Journal of Mining Institute. 2020. Vol. 246. p. 623-632. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2020.6.4
Geoecology and occupational health and safety
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Development of energy-saving technologies providing comfortable microclimate conditions for mining

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The paper contains analysis of natural and technogenic factors influencing properties of mine atmosphere, defining level of mining safety and probability of emergencies. Main trends in development of energy-saving technologies providing comfortable microclimate conditions are highlighted. A complex of methods and mathematical models has been developed to carry out aerologic and thermophysical calculations. Main ways of improvement for existing calculation methods of stationary and non-stationary air distribution have been defined: use of ejection draught sources to organize recirculation ventilation; accounting of depression losses at working intersections; inertance impact of  air streams and mined-out spaces for modeling transitory emergency scenarios. Based on the calculation algorithm of airflow rate distribution in the mine network, processing method has been developed for the results of air-depressive surveys under conditions of data shortage. Processes of dust transfer have been modeled in view of its coagulation and settlement, as well as interaction with water drops in case of wet dust prevention. A method to calculate intensity of water evaporation and condensation has been suggested, which allows to forecast time, duration and quantity of precipitation and its migration inside the mine during winter season. Solving the problem of heat exchange between mine airflow and timbering of the ventilation shaft in a conjugation formulation permits to estimate depression value of natural draught and conditions of convective balance between air streams. Normalization of microclimatic parameters for mine atmosphere is forecasted for the use of heat-exchange units either heating or cooling and dehumidifying ventilation air. Algorithms are presented that permit to minimize ventilation energy demands at the stages of mine design and exploitation. 

How to cite: Kazakov B.P., Levin L.Y., Shalimov A.V., Zaitsev A.V. Development of energy-saving technologies providing comfortable microclimate conditions for mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 223. p. 116. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.1.116