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V. A. Artemov
V. A. Artemov


Innovation in designing of mining plants
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Blasting charge diameter influence on the blasting efficiency

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Research carried out proves that blast seismic effect i.e. displacement velocity in a seismic wave and efficiency are the function of specific charge with rock mass contact surface. Dependence of blasting fragmentation coefficient from diameters and charge density variation is given.

How to cite: Vinogradov Y.I., Artemov V.A. Blasting charge diameter influence on the blasting efficiency // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 198. p. 170.
Blasting, explosives and means of mechanization of their application
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Ways to optimize the parameters of drilling and blasting operations during mining of chambers of Maleevsky mine by the method of borehole charges on the basis of consideration of rock mass properties

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In given article the opportunity of use of the data on reaction of the destroyed environment to dynamic influence at the explosive destruction is considered, the parameters of speed and acceleration displacement of environment received by tool measurements and allowing purposefully to correct conditions pressurization depending on properties of a destroyed environment.

How to cite: Artemov V.A., Shcherbich S.V. Ways to optimize the parameters of drilling and blasting operations during mining of chambers of Maleevsky mine by the method of borehole charges on the basis of consideration of rock mass properties // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 180. p. 100-102.
Blasting, explosives and means of mechanization of their application
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Seismic impact of explosion on engineering structures and rock massive

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The paper analyzes the issue of seismic protection of the environment during drilling and blasting of tunnels. On the basis of experimental studies, an estimation of the size of the elastic-plastic deformation zone formed by the explosion is considered. A method for determining the parameters of seismic blast waves and their attenuation coefficients in the near explosion zone is proposed.

How to cite: Egizbaev M.K., Vykhodtsev V.L., Artemov V.A., Vinogradova E.Y., Shcherbich S.V. Seismic impact of explosion on engineering structures and rock massive // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 171. p. 185-188.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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New method of estimation of limit values of building sway at influence on them of seismic and air shock waves

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The subject of the research was the state of safety of buildings of engineering structures and the environment, located in the zone of influence of mining operations, under the influence of seismic and shock air waves from the production of blasting operations. In the research work full-scale measurements of arguments of seismic and shock air waves in the requirements of production of mass explosions and lump crushing at different blasting schemes both on mining and geological and meteorological requirements were carried out. Optimal requirements to the organization and production of blasting operations are proposed.

How to cite: Paramonov G.P., Artemov V.A., Kholodilov A.N., Vinogradov E.Y. New method of estimation of limit values of building sway at influence on them of seismic and air shock waves // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 166. p. 156-159.
Seismic safety, reduction of risks and mitigation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters
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Development of technologies and measures to reduce the impact of seismic and shock air waves on the environment, buildings and structures during blasting operations at mining enterprises

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The object of the research is the state of safety of buildings of engineering structures and the environment, located in the zone of influence of mining operations under the influence of seismic blasting and shock air waves from blasting operations. Full-scale measurements of parameters of seismic blasting and shock air waves during mass blasting and oversize crushing with various blasting schemes in various mining and geological and meteorological conditions have been carried out. Optimal conditions for organization and production of blasting operations are proposed.

How to cite: Paramonov G.P., Artemov V.A., Vinogradov Y.I., Kholodilov A.N. Development of technologies and measures to reduce the impact of seismic and shock air waves on the environment, buildings and structures during blasting operations at mining enterprises // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 158. p. 160-162.
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Assessment of the level of acoustic effect from an open pit explosion

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The intensity of the airborne shock wave (AHW) impact on the structures located in the area of blasting operations, when designing blasting operations, is estimated by the value of excess pressure at the front of the wave. As an admissible level of exposure is usually taken the overpressure at the front of the shockwave 700-800 Pa, at which the destruction of glazing of buildings does not occur. However, the dynamic waves formed during the explosion with a pressure drop of about 1 kPa with low (16-60 Hz) and infra-low frequencies can cause dizziness and headaches in the population.

How to cite: Egorov M.G., Artemov V.A., Mikhailov V.A. Assessment of the level of acoustic effect from an open pit explosion // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. № 2 148. p. 38-40.
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Зависимость интенсивности ударной воздушной волны от длины и материала забойки

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Крупные массовые взрывы и интенсификация отбойки горных пород на действующих карьерах, расположенных вблизи зданий и инженерных сооружений, обуславливают необходимость прогнозирования действия ударных воздушных волн (УВВ), так как они могут, представлять определенную опасность ...

How to cite: Borovikov V.A., Vanyagin I.F., Artemov V.A., Khurtsidze V.K. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1984. Vol. 99. p. 49.