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R. M. Proskuryakov
R. M. Proskuryakov


Oil and gas
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Nondestructive techniques to control the quality and quantity of oil flows

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The article considers the issue of improving the efficiency of exploiting the acting oil fields and transportation system on the basis of modern hi-tech technologies to control the extracted and transported material. Factors are studied that lower the reliability of oil flow measurements, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the main ambiguities are described of using current systems for metrological account of oil transported through the pipelines. The effect is studied of inclusions in the transported oil flow on measurement efficiency. A technique is suggested for selective measurements of separate phases in the complex multi-phase flows with isotropic radio emission, the principal relationships are presented to describe the intensity of direct and scattered gamma-radiation on flow parameters. Criteria are given for developing a measurement system that would control the actual component composition of the flow with time, hence the amount of oil transported; that would enable organizing a centralized open department to control the quality of oil and transportation conditions, upgrade the level of production and provide high measurement accuracy. Results are presented of testing the technique on an operating oil field; the relative error margin of measuring free gas content was 0.2 %. The range is reviewed of possible applications for the measurement system of multi-phase multi-component flows, developed in the Saint Petersburg Mining University.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Kopteva A.V. Nondestructive techniques to control the quality and quantity of oil flows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 220. p. 564. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2016.4.564
Oil and gas
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The building a system of diagnosing the technical condition of the pipeline on the basis of continuous pulsed magnetic field

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Modern diagnostic systems do not always satisfy the requirements of the oil workers. At the moment, it is impossible to assess the overall technical condition of the pipeline without huge costs on operation diagnostic system. The article deals with the main problems of diagnostics of oil pipelines. The principle of operation of the pipeline system diagnostics using pulsed DC mag-netic field. This system allows you to assess the long section of the pipeline without interfering with the operation of the plant. A large network of pipelines can be controlled by separate sections that are connected to the console controller at a time. These sites can be branched. They must be connected by analogy with the four-pole. For information carrier assumes a constant magnetic field, the range of spread of the ferromagnetic conductor is not limited. The block diagram of the proposed diagnostic system with a brief description of each item is present in the article. The basic calculation power of the magnetic field. Show original signal, and the signal is converted because of the fault of the pipe walls: cracks, cavities, orifices. Walking through these places in the line, the magnetic field at the injury site experienced reflection, refraction, inter-ference, creating extra- that distorts the rectangular modulation constant magnetic field.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Dementev A.S. The building a system of diagnosing the technical condition of the pipeline on the basis of continuous pulsed magnetic field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 218. p. 215.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Automatic adjustment of metrology performance meter random signal transducer analyzer liquid flows

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New way of statistical pulsation measurements by radioisotope technique is described, being alternative to the existing stream control methods and allowing to improve accuracy of measurements. The basic formula fundamental for the method of calibration characteristics correction is shown.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Kopteva A.V., Voityuk I.N. Automatic adjustment of metrology performance meter random signal transducer analyzer liquid flows // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 277.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Automatic compensation of influence of stirring factors on measurement of coal bulk weight from the clearing face

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The radioisotope method of specific weight measurement of the controlled environment is briefly described in article. The technique of creation and the block diagram of servo astatic system of the second order is submitted with the purpose of indemnification of errors due to influence on result of measurements of casual characteristics of a stream.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Voityuk I.N., Kopteva A.V. Automatic compensation of influence of stirring factors on measurement of coal bulk weight from the clearing face // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 281.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Method of integrity control of pipeline hydraulic transportation systems

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The control technique of pipeline hydrotransport systems integrity and definitions of place is developed on the basis of a acoustic signal spectrum analysis in the pipeline.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Malarev V.I., Knyshov N.V. Method of integrity control of pipeline hydraulic transportation systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 139-142.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Intellectualization of information-analytical subsystems of operative management of distributed objects

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The article dedicates to the problem of intellectual information systems of control of objects of control and which can be used white her decidion and intellectual way of formation of expert information, which combinate elements of theory fuzzy set which theory planning experiment. Like a example you can sec system of gas pipeline.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Kadyrov E.D., Ulanova N.Y., Spesivtsev A.V. Intellectualization of information-analytical subsystems of operative management of distributed objects // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 28-31.
Information management systems in mining and processing industries
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Software complex of generalized index of physical state of objects with distributed parameters

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The article dedicates to the problems of operative control of systems with a lot of formation variable. The program complex has been exploited, which is based on modul princip. Many levels hierarchical building of difficult programs let us to limit and localisate on every level components for it. We look throught groups of program, we described the main etaps of work with program complex of informative and analytic system of support of passing operative decisions. And we can see the variety of explosion interface.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Ulanova N.Y., Spesivtsev A.V. Software complex of generalized index of physical state of objects with distributed parameters // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 177. p. 40-43.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Adaptive phasic automatic control system for concentrators

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An adaptive phasic automatic control system designed to stabilize various parameters of technological processes of concentrating plants is considered. The system adapts to unregulated, unaccounted for in the basic calculation changes in technological parameters.

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Stalskii V.V., Storozhenko S.V. Adaptive phasic automatic control system for concentrators // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 126-130.
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Problems of creating electrical complexes for the mining and oil and gas industry

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In the article, the main directions of the 2000 research in the field of creating electrical complexes for mining oil gas industries are considered. They are: the application of non-contact regulated power drive with control algorithms for mining machines and mechanisms; ensuring higher productivity and energy saving development of electrical technologies and special technical means for mining operations development of automated electrical complexes and systems based on the introduction of microprocessor technology; design, development and implementation of computer technology and automated control of energy consumption and adaptation of new types of electrical equipment, ensuring increased reliability and efficiency of electrical complexes; development and implementation of the concept and algorithms of usage management in oil production complexes; development of automatic control system of multifunctional resonant angle transducers with motion of different frequency and amplitude; application of methods of direct electrotechnology, based on electromechanical transfer of electric field energy in the rock proper to obtain technological effect development of electrical complexes of automatic and automated systems, which can be designed and developed as autonomous systems of different purposes.

How to cite: Abramovich B.N., Kozyaruk A.E., Proskuryakov R.M., Rudakov V.V., Shonin O.B. Problems of creating electrical complexes for the mining and oil and gas industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 112-127.
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Анализ методических погрешностей динамического термовакуумного метода измерения влагосодержания сыпучих материалов

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На основании анализа тепловых процессов в системе проба - кювета - среда предложена математическая модель тепло- и массообмена термовакуумно­го метода измерения влагосодержания ...

How to cite: Malarev V.I., Proskuryakov R.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 141. p. 119.
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Динамическией термовакуумный влагомер "Акватерм"

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Высокие метрологические возможности термовакуумного контроля влажности сыпучих материалов в значительной степени нивелируются рядом без принципиальных недостатков, присущих данному направлению влагометрии ...

How to cite: Malarev V.I., Proskuryakov R.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 141. p. 124.
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Динамическией термовакуумный влагомер "Акватерм"

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Высокие метрологические возможности термовакуумного контроля влажности сыпучих материалов в значительной степени нивелируются рядом без принципиальных недостатков, присущих данному направлению влагометрии ...

How to cite: Malarev V.I., Proskuryakov R.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 141. p. 124.
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Подземная радиотелеметрическая система измерения напряженного состояния массива горных пород

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На ряде шахт и рудников имеется служба контроля сейсмического со­стояния шахтного поля. Сейсмографы непрерывно записывают сейсмические сигналы из разных участков шахта или рудника, характеризующие напряжен­ное состояние горного массива ...

How to cite: Drabkin A.L., Zlatkin V.I., Proskuryakov R.M., Ustavnikov A.A. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1985. Vol. 106. p. 3.
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Оптимизация параметров термовакуумного влагомера

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При измерении влажности термовакуумным методом определяется изменение температуры пробы в процессе десорбции влаги в вакууме. В случае небольшой влажности менее 2-3 % зависимость максимальной величины изменения темпера­туры пробы выражается уравнением регрессии ...

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Volchenko A.G. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1985. Vol. 106. p. 44.
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Первичные преобразователи термовакуумных влагомеров

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В основе действия термовакуумных влагомеров лежит следующее явление: если тонкий слой испытуемого материала поместить в вакуумную камеру и на­чать откачивать из нее воздух, то температура материала начнет понижаться Одновременно возникает конвективный поток тепла от стенок камеры и поверхности материала ...

How to cite: Volchenko A.G., Proskuryakov R.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1978. Vol. 77. p. 64.
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Повышение точности измерения влажности термовакуумным способом

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Опыт применения различных способов изме­рения влажности сложных генеральных удобрений в производственных условиях подтверждает пер­спективность и работоспособность термовакуумной влагометрии ...

How to cite: Bychkov A.I., Goldovskii B.I., Proskuryakov R.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1978. Vol. 77. p. 135.
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Расчет и настройка схем температурной компенсации на варикапах для емкостных высокочастотных влагометрических систем

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При построении схем температурной компенсации в емкостных влаго­метрических системах необходимо у ч и т ы вать, что изменение температур­ного коэффициента емкости (ТКЕ) контролируемого материала может иметь различный характер в зависимости от его влажности ...

How to cite: Proskuryakov R.M., Terekhov V.P. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1975. Vol. № 1 68. p. 40.
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Метод минимизации погрешностей емкостного автокомпенсационного влагомера

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Точность измерений емкостной влагометрической системы сущест­венно зависит от того, в какой мере удается с ее помощью измерять только реактивную составляющую полной проводимости контролируемой пробы  ...

How to cite: Krichevskii E.S., Proskuryakov R.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1975. Vol. № 1 68. p. 84.
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Анализ погрешностей емкостного автокомпенсационного влагомера в установившемся режиме

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Принцип автокомпенсации позволяет добиться повышения точности систем контроля влажности, что может быть показано анализом таких систем с позиции теории информации. Среднее значение негэнтропии — количества информации для полу­чения предельной точности измеряемой величины qo, вычисленной по току датчика, составляет около 7 дес. ед. Однако ток датчика содержит не только полезную информацию о контролируемой влажности, но и по­мехи (шумы) ...

How to cite: Krichevskii E.S., Proskuryakov R.M. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1972. Vol. № 1 62. p. 69.