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Vol 218
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The building a system of diagnosing the technical condition of the pipeline on the basis of continuous pulsed magnetic field

R. M. Proskuryakov1
A. S. Dementev2
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  • 1 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
  • 2 — Saint-Petersburg Mining University
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Modern diagnostic systems do not always satisfy the requirements of the oil workers. At the moment, it is impossible to assess the overall technical condition of the pipeline without huge costs on operation diagnostic system. The article deals with the main problems of diagnostics of oil pipelines. The principle of operation of the pipeline system diagnostics using pulsed DC mag-netic field. This system allows you to assess the long section of the pipeline without interfering with the operation of the plant. A large network of pipelines can be controlled by separate sections that are connected to the console controller at a time. These sites can be branched. They must be connected by analogy with the four-pole. For information carrier assumes a constant magnetic field, the range of spread of the ferromagnetic conductor is not limited. The block diagram of the proposed diagnostic system with a brief description of each item is present in the article. The basic calculation power of the magnetic field. Show original signal, and the signal is converted because of the fault of the pipe walls: cracks, cavities, orifices. Walking through these places in the line, the magnetic field at the injury site experienced reflection, refraction, inter-ference, creating extra- that distorts the rectangular modulation constant magnetic field.

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