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N. I. Slyusarev
N. I. Slyusarev
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Contemporary traditions of training organization at the Mining Institute
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Training of oil and gas specialists at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute

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The issues of Russian education in the field of oil and gas production are considered, the stages of its development at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute are described. The importance of graduates of the Mining Institute - initiators of a number of scientific trends in the development of theory and practice of hydrocarbon field development - is emphasized. The stages of selection and training of specialists in the field of hydrocarbon field development in the conditions of modern society are analyzed. The interrelation of the labor market and the level of education of graduates - young specialists is considered. Training of highly qualified specialists in modern conditions is impossible without close connection of higher educational institution with industrial and scientific associations.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Mozer S.P. Training of oil and gas specialists at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 163. p. 152-153.
Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Improvement of technologies of productive formation penetration to enhance oil recovery

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Improving the efficiency of hydrocarbon recovery from the subsurface largely depends on the development systems, technologies and quality of the productive strata opening. One of the methods for intensification of production and completeness of oil recovery is underbalanced drilling-in using horizontal and horizontal-branch wells. For these conditions the choice of flushing solution and regulation of its structural and rheological properties at a given level is fundamental.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Mozer S.P., Ibraev R.A. Improvement of technologies of productive formation penetration to enhance oil recovery // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 63-66.
Modern problems of geomechanics and geotechnology
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Specific features of well construction in conditions of inelastic deformation of salt deposits

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The issues of drilling and construction of wells under unequal components of rock pressure in saline sediments are considered. The main factors that reduce the stability of the wellbore are given. Reflects the issues associated with the choice of the type of drilling fluid to exclude harmful manifestations of rock pressure.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Mozer S.P., Ibraev R.A. Specific features of well construction in conditions of inelastic deformation of salt deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 156. p. 88-90.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Technological and technical solutions to improve well construction quality and productivity

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The main task of the research was to select formulations of plugging compositions, providing formation of wellbore structures in the productive formation by artificial filters with specified properties. Despite the urgency of the problem, no special plugging materials have been created for this purpose. A polyurethane hydrophilic pre-polymer curing only in the presence of water has been tested as a raw ingredient for the binder. Hydrate-free salts were used as soluble fillers, and building sand served as a filler. The strength characteristics were determined by the compressive stress at a strain of 10%, the ultimate strength and permeability depending on the component composition according to the Gibbs-Rosembaum diagram. It is shown that the permeability of plugging stone increases with the increasing volume of erosible substance, and if the volume of erosible substance is equal, the permeability decreases with the increasing fraction of the filler, but the strength properties do not change much. The carried out researches testify to the technical possibility of creation of face design with the set parameters of strength, permeability and wettability when opening the unstable oil reservoir.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Belyugov K.Y., Usov A.I. Technological and technical solutions to improve well construction quality and productivity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 87-89.
Organizational and managerial solutions to improve oil recovery methods
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Improvement of technological regimes of oil reservoirs and wells operation for the conditions of the Zapadno-Poludennoye field

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The analysis of field data of the West Poludenny field showed that the main reasons of wells abandonment are complications caused by products of oil reservoir destruction, mismatch between electric submersible pump (ESP) unit performance and fluid inflow, as well as pump damage during running in places of curvature set. The impact of all these factors, either in combination or separately, causes deterioration of technical and economic development indicators. Peculiarities of geological structure and growth of well production water content require more detailed substantiation of reservoir and well operation modes. Rather simple and effective method of management of development technology is forecasting and control of optimal parameters of reservoir and well operation with application of analytical methods and computerization of processes. Such solution does not require significant capital investments and expenses, but allows preventing or eliminating premature decommissioning of downhole equipment and wells. In order to improve methods of oil reservoir operation processes control, a program was developed to optimize the mode of the system: layer - well - ESP - collecting reservoir. According to expert estimates the proposed recommendations allow preventing technogenic complications, increasing the average time between failures by more than 1.5 times and the overhaul period by 65-70%.

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Kiyashko T.V., Voronin V.V. Improvement of technological regimes of oil reservoirs and wells operation for the conditions of the Zapadno-Poludennoye field // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 90-93.
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Improvement of prospective technologies for mineral deposit mining

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The results of scientific research of the Department of Underground Mining of Mineral Deposits, carried out in 2000 on problematic issues of underground mining of coal, shale and salt deposits, are presented. The requirements to the technological schemes of reservoir development in areas with limited size when using high-capacity mechanized mining complexes are formulated. Ways of increasing the efficiency of mining thin coal seams with the use of jet installations are proposed and substantiated. The causes of dynamic collapse of the roof rocks in the lower faces of the layered systems of development are investigated. Conclusions are made about the most promising ways of development of technogenic and oil and gas fields. Recommendations on underground coal combustion for steam and power generation have been developed.

How to cite: Zubov V.P., Dyadkin Y.D., Kovalev O.V., Slyusarev N.I., Vasilev S.V. Improvement of prospective technologies for mineral deposit mining // Journal of Mining Institute. 2001. Vol. 147. p. 48-60.
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Исследование тампонажных композиций для искусственных фильтров

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Обустройство фильтровой части скважин на воду существенно влияет на эффективность и длительность работы призабойной зоны ...

How to cite: Strelenya L.S., Slyusarev N.I., Rudometov Y.G. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1993. Vol. 136. p. 114.
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Зависимость реологических свойств и устойчивости пены от температуры и концентрации твердой фазы

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Важнейшие функции пены как промывочного агента при бурении скважины (выносная и удерживающая способность, кольматирующий эффект и др.) тесно связаны с реологическими свойствами и устойчивостью ...

How to cite: Slyusarev N.I., Strelenya L.S., Medzhitov O.V. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1988. Vol. 116. p. 54.
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К расчету рабочего процесса компрессора с жидкостным поршнем для газожидкостных систем

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Для совершенствования технологических процессов бурения в сложных геолого-технических условиях путем применения пенных промывочных систем (ППС) требуется сжатый газ среднего или высокого давления. Новым направ­лением поисков эффективных способов получения ППС явилось использование для этих целей компрессорно-дожимных устройств (УКД), реализуемых на ба­зах буровых насосов ...

How to cite: Vartykyan V.G., Vulisanov N.S., Kirsanov A.I., Slyusarev N.I., Ustyushenkova O.Y. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1985. Vol. 105. p. 34.