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V. I. Ochkurov
V. I. Ochkurov
Санкт-Петербургский государственный горный институт (технический университет)
Санкт-Петербургский государственный горный институт (технический университет)


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Metal pliable support developmentsin an ore file Yakovlevsky mine

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Loading on support is defined by geomechanical, technological and geometrical parametres. At комбайновой technologies of carrying out of developments loading decreases in 1,5-1,6 times. Rigid dependence of size of loading on quality of filling закрепного spaces remains. Bearing ability of arches from СВП-27 and СВП-33 exceeds bearing ability of arches from СВП-22 accordingly on 33 and 76 %. Bearing ability of an arch with the account of plastic deformations of a steel increases on 32-42 % in comparison with elastic calculation.

How to cite: Ochkurov V.I., Ogorodnikov Y.N., Antonov Y.N. Metal pliable support developmentsin an ore file Yakovlevsky mine // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 192.
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Designing support unilateral rectangular interfase of horizontal developments

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The design procedure of loadings on arch support unilateral rectangular interfaces in an ore file of Jakovlevsky deposit КМА is offered. The settlement scheme corresponds rigid and plastic model of deformation of an ore file in a roof of interfaces. A major factor defining size of loading on overlappings of interfaces, emptiness in a roof after filling there are. Low efficiency of flat overlappings of interfaces on chamber frames and advantages of overlappings of interfaces by arches from profile SVP with horizontal couplers from арматурной steels of armature was revealed. Possibility of operative calculation of loadings and a choice of parametres of overlappings on conditions of durability and stability of bearing elements of support in ores of various types is proved.

How to cite: Ogorodnikov Y.N., Ochkurov V.I., Petrov D.N. Designing support unilateral rectangular interfase of horizontal developments // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 190. p. 197.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Geomechanical problems in the forecast of stress-strain state of underground stations of the metro at a great depth

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Forecast of stress and strain state of deep underground metro stations is considered in this article. A complex approach to study of static work of the metro stations including the in situ testing at different stages of their construction and numerical modeling with finite element method is shown.

How to cite: Demenkov P.A., Dolgiy I.E., Ochkurov V.I. Geomechanical problems in the forecast of stress-strain state of underground stations of the metro at a great depth // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 76-80.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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The stress-strain state of the massive of the loose ores in the Yakovlevsky deposit around the minings which were drilled with the combines or with drilling-blast technology

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The article presents the consistent patterns of the changes in stress-strain state of the massive by the minings of the first stage of protective overlapping in the Yakovlevsky deposit. The change of the stress-strain condition of the rock massive, which is weaked by the mining was determined by the method of finite elements. The stresses distribution in the massive, the displacement of the contour of the minings, the size of conditional zones of non-linear deformations has been obtained. For stoping passes at the first stage the cutting with combine and application of fastening with the anchors has been suggested.

How to cite: Ochkurov V.I., Sinegubov V.Y., Streletskiy A.V. The stress-strain state of the massive of the loose ores in the Yakovlevsky deposit around the minings which were drilled with the combines or with drilling-blast technology // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 102-106.
Problems in geomechanics of technologeneous rock mass
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Influence of tectonic stresses and geological disturbances in rock mass on the parameters of stress-strain state around mine workings

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The results of mathematical modeling of formation of stress fields in stratified rock mass under various vertical and horizontal stresses relation are presented. An assessment of influence of the presence and position of a great geological disturbance on a stress state around a mine working is considered.

How to cite: Petrov D.N., Dolgy I.S., Ochkurov V.I. Influence of tectonic stresses and geological disturbances in rock mass on the parameters of stress-strain state around mine workings // Journal of Mining Institute. 2010. Vol. 185. p. 132-135.
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Calculation of the loads on the arch support of the KMP-A3 excavations in the ore massif of the Yakovlevskoye iron ore deposit

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The scheme of vault hypothesis formation and the calculation method of loading on KMP-A3 arch support are presented. The presence of the outcrop contour in the ore massif of the Yakovlevskoye deposit is taken into account. Loads on the support in loose, medium-density and dense ores were determined.

How to cite: Ogorodnikov Y.N., Ochkurov V.I., Maksimov A.B. Calculation of the loads on the arch support of the KMP-A3 excavations in the ore massif of the Yakovlevskoye iron ore deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 33-38.
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Rational designs of overlapping of the excavation conjugate support in the massif of iron-mica-martite ores of the Yakovlevskoye Deposit

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The evaluation of the flat slab fasteners used at the Yakovlevsky mine structures is given. Designs and standard sizes of elements, rational zone of action of the support, application interfaces are determined. The expediency of the use of the support with an arched overlap, which has a greater load-bearing capacity and operational reliability, is substantiated.

How to cite: Ogorodnikov Y.N., Ochkurov V.I. Rational designs of overlapping of the excavation conjugate support in the massif of iron-mica-martite ores of the Yakovlevskoye Deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 172. p. 86-91.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Влияние технологии проведения подготовительных выработок на устойчивость вмещающего рудного массива

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Переборы за проектный контур представляют закономерное явление, причины которого заключаются в совокупном влиянии физико-механических свойств руды и сейсмического воздействия на массив взрыва шпуровых зарядов. Размер закрепного пространства хорошо аппроксимируется усеченным нормальным законом распределения. Основные направления совершенствования проходки и повышения устойчивости выработок: выбор эффективного забутовочного материала и способа его укладки в закрепное пространство, поиск рациональных параметров буровзрывных работ, изучение возможности применения комбайновой технологии .

How to cite: Matveev A.V., Ochkurov V.I. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 187-190.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Рациональные параметры поддерживающей крепи горизонтальных выработок

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Для различных горно-геологических и горно-технических условий определены несущие способности крепи КМП-А3, трапециевидной крепи без и с подкосами. На основании полученных зависимостей можно определить эффективную область применения крепи и ее параметры. В массиве рыхлых железно-слюдковых мартитовых руд естественной влажности эксплуатационное состояние выработки сечением в свету 11,2 м 2 может быть обеспечено крепью КМП-А3 из СВП-22 с шагом 1 м. Несущая способность трапециевидной рамы может быть увеличена в три раза введением в конструкцию подкосов. Определены рациональные параметры трапециевидной крепи с подкосами для выработок в осушенном и обводненном рудных массивах.

How to cite: Matveev A.V., Lugovskii Y.N., Ochkurov V.I., Maksimov A.B. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 191-195.
Problems of developing the Yakovlevskoye field
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Деформирование рудного массива вокруг горных выработок

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Характер деформирования рыхлых и плотных железно-слюдковых мартитовых руд вокруг выработки с крепью КМП-А3 различен. В плотной руде процесс смещений характеризуется знакопеременными деформациями руды во времени и вглубь массива. Большая часть смещений реализуется через 10-80 сут. Размеры зоны деформаций рудного массива в лежачем боку (1,2-1,3)R пр , в кровле (1,0-1,1)R пр , в висячем боку (1,3-1,4)R пр . Приконтурная зона размером 0,8-1,5 м склонна к разрушению. Размеры зоны деформаций вмещающего рудного массива в лежачем боку (1,0-1,1)R пр и висячем боку (1,1-1,2)R пр , в кровле (1,1-1,2)R пр . Стабилизации смещений вмещающего рыхлого и плотного рудного массива не зафиксировано.

How to cite: Martemyanov G.A., Ochkurov V.I., Maksimov A.B., Petrov D.N. // Journal of Mining Institute. 2006. Vol. № 3 168. p. 196-202.
Scientific and innovative cooperation
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Problems of developing deep deposits of rich KMA iron ores

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On the example of Mikhailovsky and Yakovlevsky deposits the problems of development of rich iron ores of KMA related to their deep occurrence, taking into account difficult engineering-geological conditions of construction of underground mines and harmful consequences of ore mining by open pit for the natural environment are considered. The results of complex tests of physical-mechanical properties of loose rich ores, which have not been sufficiently studied yet, are presented. Forecast of land alienation and soil contamination caused by an increase in the volume of overburden during further exploitation of Mikhailovsky open pit is given. For the Yakovlevsky mine, the most effective layered systems of development of the ore body with stowing of the mined-out space were studied. The descending order of mining of blocks with the device on the top layer of protective overlap to prevent subsidence of the overlying strata with the formation of channels of hydraulic connection with the coal aquifer is recommended.

How to cite: Protosenya A.G., Ogorodnikov Y.N., Shpanskii O.V., Ochkurov V.I. Problems of developing deep deposits of rich KMA iron ores // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. 151. p. 173-176.