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Vol 172
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Research article

Calculation of the loads on the arch support of the KMP-A3 excavations in the ore massif of the Yakovlevskoye iron ore deposit

Yu. N. Ogorodnikov1
V. I. Ochkurov2
A. B. Maksimov3
About authors
  • 1 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 2 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
  • 3 — G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
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The scheme of vault hypothesis formation and the calculation method of loading on KMP-A3 arch support are presented. The presence of the outcrop contour in the ore massif of the Yakovlevskoye deposit is taken into account. Loads on the support in loose, medium-density and dense ores were determined.

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  1. Пахалуев В.Ф. Деформации рудного обнажения за крепью КМП-АЗ / В.Ф.Пахалуев, Ю.Н.Огородников, Д.Б.Зыков, А.Б.Максимов // Записки Горного института. 2006. Т.168;
  2. Матвеев А.В. Влияние технологии проведения подготовительных выработок на устойчивость вмещающего рудного массива / А.В.Матвеев, В.И.Очкуров.

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