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A. S. Fokin
A. S. Fokin
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Manufacturing machinery and equipment
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Residual life assessment gears coarse-grained open transfer of mining machines based on the local changes of their surface hardness

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The effect of local changes in the surface hardness of the end surfaces of teeth of coarse-grained gear transmissions mining machines. Represented by patterns of change of the surface hardness is not the type of reference to the loading. The estimation of the value of destruction of samples. Proposed to assess the remaining amount of coarse-grained gears with consideration of changes in the local surface hardness developed technique.

How to cite: Zvonarev I.E., Ivanov S.L., Fokin A.S., Shibanov D.A. Residual life assessment gears coarse-grained open transfer of mining machines based on the local changes of their surface hardness // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 31.
Manufacturing machinery and equipment
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Improving the strategy of electric rope shovels technical service by entering into the technical service system elements of Total Productivity Maintenance

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To date, there is need to review the existing rigid system of preventive maintenance and the transition to a more progressive system, which provides maintenance and repairs on its actual state, in which the need for repair work is based on a preliminary examination and the results of the diagnosis and monitoring of major nodes excavator. Pays special attention to the concept of TPM (Total Productivity Maintenance) for the maintenance of mining excavators.

How to cite: Shibanov D.A., Ivanov S.L., Fokin A.S., Zvonarev I.E. Improving the strategy of electric rope shovels technical service by entering into the technical service system elements of Total Productivity Maintenance // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 209. p. 109.
Mining electromechanics and mining equipment
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Probabilistic approach to the assessment of energy transmissions of mining machines

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In article the review of methods of a theoretical estimation  of  a resource of elements  of  cars is presented. Perspectivity of the thermodynamic approach is shown at the analysis of an expenditure of a resource by system elements. Presented a probabilistic approach in determining the energy source.

How to cite: Zvonarev I.E., Fokin A.S., Ivanov S.L. Probabilistic approach to the assessment of energy transmissions of mining machines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 195. p. 249.
Automation of technological processes аnd manufactures in mining and processing industries
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Monitoring of condition, forecastingand increasing of residual resource of transmission and supported bearings of tubular furnaces

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The reasons of an emergency stop of tubular furnaces is destruction of bearings in support of the furnace, bearings and cogwheels in mechanical transmission, failure the electric motor, infringement of integrity of the case of the furnace and it brickwork. In article possibilities on forecasting of a residual resource of bearings of support and transmission are considered, principles of construction of a complex from system of monitoring of a condition and automatic systems of greasing of bearings are offered.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L., Fokin A.S., Potapenko V.S., Podkhalyuzin S.P. Monitoring of condition, forecastingand increasing of residual resource of transmission and supported bearings of tubular furnaces // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 192. p. 111.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Comparative assessment of wear intensity of large-modular gears depending on lubrication conditions

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Ways to raise service life of open tooth gearings on an example of a drive of a spherical mill are considered. Results of introduction of automatic system of greasing are resulted and increase ways efficiency of its uses are offered.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L., Fokin A.S., Poddubnaya A.A. Comparative assessment of wear intensity of large-modular gears depending on lubrication conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 129-132.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Influence of nanostructured metal additives on antifriction properties of industrial oil

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Measurements of integrated parameters of friction and their comparative analysis by method of acoustic emission in a ultrasonic range of frequencies (20-300 kHz) for pair friction metal – metal with lubricant in the form of the industrial oil filled by traditional additives (coal) and nanostructured powders on the basis of aluminium are carried out. Influence of firm additives on displacement of a region of dry friction on curve dependences of a parameter of friction from pressure in a zone of contact is estimated. Nanostructured sample on the base of the aluminium powder PAP-2 containing on a surface two-component nanofilm active cationic tensides, which improve antifrictional characteristics of industrial oil I-20 in 4-7 times is revealed. Representations about the mechanism of action of additives on antifrictional properties of oil are developed.

How to cite: Bystrov D.S., Fokin A.S., Pantyushin I.V., Bazaleva V.V., Syrkov A.G. Influence of nanostructured metal additives on antifriction properties of industrial oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 227-230.
Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Estimation of lubricating ability of oils of transmissions of mining machines

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Lubricating value shows loading capacity of transmission oil. Poor lubricating value of friction couples which are used at borderline lubrication ordinary have wear-out areas and these friction couples also fiercely attacked by corrosion. That’s why a decision of choosing oil type have to be substantiated. In this article rapid method of lubricating capacity tests is offered.

How to cite: Poddubnaya A.A., Fokin A.S., Ivanov S.L., Kremcheev E.A., Potapenko V.S. Estimation of lubricating ability of oils of transmissions of mining machines // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 86-90.
Electric drive, power supply, automation and control of mining and oil and gas production
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Pilot diagnostics of mining machines transmissions state by parameters of electric drive supply

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For diagnosing transmission of the mountain machine without installation of expensive gauges pilot diagnostics on parameters of a feed of the electric motor, based on the assumption can be used, that the majority of the indignations arising in transmission and influencing at the moment of resistance, overcome by the engine, affects change of instant power consumed by the electric motor.

How to cite: Poddubnaya A.A., Fokin A.S., Ivanov S.L., Ivanov A.S., Semenov M.A. Pilot diagnostics of mining machines transmissions state by parameters of electric drive supply // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 159-161.
Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologie
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The area of existence of involute gear mesh with a given overlap coefficient

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It is shown, that application of the combined displacement while designing toothed gearings considerably allows to expand area of existence of gearing with a non-standard radial backlash. Influence of parameters of the tool on area of existence of gearing is submitted, the technology of realization of tangential displacement by generation of gears is described.

How to cite: Fokin A.S., Poddubnaya A.A., Ivanov S.L., Kremcheev E.A. The area of existence of involute gear mesh with a given overlap coefficient // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 191-194.
Geotechnical engineering, powerengineering and automation
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Experimental evaluation of transmission condition on the stand with closed power flow

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Advanced diagnostic and monitoring devices are required to carry out timely maintenance and repair of mining equipment and to reduce the number of emergency shutdowns. The article presents a comparative analysis of vibration and acoustic emission diagnostic techniques.

How to cite: Fokin A.S., Poddubnaya A.A., Ivanov S.L. Experimental evaluation of transmission condition on the stand with closed power flow // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. 173. p. 119-121.
Mining electromechanics
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Determination of 3D area of existence of spur involute meshing with a given overlapping coefficient

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It is shown that the use of combined displacement in gear design makes it possible to considerably expand the area of existence of meshing with non-standard radial clearance. The influence of parameters of the rack-and-pinion producing contour on the area of existence of the meshing is presented, the technology of realization of the tantan-gential displacement in gear cutting is described.

How to cite: Fokin A.S. Determination of 3D area of existence of spur involute meshing with a given overlapping coefficient // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 1 170. p. 80-83.
Mining engineering technologies. Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologies
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Features of gear design with combined displacement

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Application of the combined displacement when designing gears allows to considerably expand the area of existence of meshing with non-standard radial clearance. The influence of the parameters of the rack-shaped producing contour on the region of the meshing existence is shown, the technology of the tangential displacement realization during gear cutting is described.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L., Kuznetsova N.V., Poddubnaya A.A., Fokin A.S. Features of gear design with combined displacement // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 163-166.
Mining engineering technologies. Diagnostics and control of technical systems and their elements. New technologies
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Experimental evaluation of wear resistance of spur gears

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Extensive opportunities to influence the properties of involute gears are available with combined displacement of tooth profiles - a combination of radial and tangential displacements, including the use of cutting tools with a standard initial contour. In particular, by combined displacement, the bending strength and wear resistance of cylindrical gear teeth can be increased by one and a half to two times, which is commensurate with material replacement.

How to cite: Ivanov S.L., Fokin A.S. Experimental evaluation of wear resistance of spur gears // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 167-170.
Humanities and fundamental researches
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Faculty of Mining and Electrical Engineering. History of formation and current state

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Information is presented about the milestones of the establishment and reforms of the Faculty of Mining and Mechanical, and later of the Faculty of Mining and Electrical Engineering. With the establishment of the Mining School in 1773 seven classes were opened there, including mechanical and drawing. The first subjects, taught in the College, were mine mechanics, theoretical mechanics and hydraulics. The faculty of Mining mechanics as an independent structural unit was founded in the autumn of 1919. Its appearance was connected with the necessity to train specialists in mining engineering, special equipment for mines, dressing mills and mining plants. It was the first in the country mining mechanical faculty. The glory of the faculty consisted of famous scientists A.P. Herman, F.N. Shklarsky, L.B. Levenson, V.V. Chernyavsky, A.A. Shchukin, V.I. Gerontiev. The team of teachers, researchers and graduate students aims at closer cooperation with various mining enterprises and companies, which will undoubtedly have a positive impact on improving the quality of training.

How to cite: Fokin A.S. Faculty of Mining and Electrical Engineering. History of formation and current state // Journal of Mining Institute. 2003. Vol. № 1 155. p. 284-287.