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V. V. Bazaleva
V. V. Bazaleva
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute
Research assistant
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute


Humanities and fundamental researches
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Influence of nanostructured metal additives on antifriction properties of industrial oil

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Measurements of integrated parameters of friction and their comparative analysis by method of acoustic emission in a ultrasonic range of frequencies (20-300 kHz) for pair friction metal – metal with lubricant in the form of the industrial oil filled by traditional additives (coal) and nanostructured powders on the basis of aluminium are carried out. Influence of firm additives on displacement of a region of dry friction on curve dependences of a parameter of friction from pressure in a zone of contact is estimated. Nanostructured sample on the base of the aluminium powder PAP-2 containing on a surface two-component nanofilm active cationic tensides, which improve antifrictional characteristics of industrial oil I-20 in 4-7 times is revealed. Representations about the mechanism of action of additives on antifrictional properties of oil are developed.

How to cite: Bystrov D.S., Fokin A.S., Pantyushin I.V., Bazaleva V.V., Syrkov A.G. Influence of nanostructured metal additives on antifriction properties of industrial oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 182. p. 227-230.