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A. K. Nikolaev
A. K. Nikolaev
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Oil and gas
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Substantiation of analytical dependences for hydraulic calculation of high-viscosity oil transportation

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One of the development priorities in oil and gas industry is to maintain gas and oil pipeline networks and develop pipeline-connected gas and oil fields of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, a promising region the resource potential of which will not only meet a significant portion of internal and external demand for various types of raw materials and primary energy carriers, but will also bring great economic benefits to subsoil users and the state. The mineral and raw material centers of the Nadym-Purskiy and Pur-Tazovskskiy oil and gas bearing areas are among the most attractive regions of the Arctic zone. It is necessary to develop a scientifically substantiated approach to improve the methods of oil transportation from the field to the existing pipelines. As it is known, the task of increasing the efficiency of pipeline transportation of high-viscosity oil is inseparably connected with solving problems in the field of thermal and hydraulic calculation of pipeline system. The article presents the substantiation of dependencies for hydraulic calculation of pipelines transporting high-viscosity oil exhibiting complex rheological properties. Based on the laws of hydraulics for non-Newtonian fluids, the formulas for calculating head losses for fluids obeying Ostwald's law are proposed, their relationship to the classical equations of hydraulics is shown. The theoretical substantiation of looping installation for increasing the efficiency of pipeline transportation of high-viscosity oil taking into account the received dependences for power fluid is considered.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.K., Zaripova N.А. Substantiation of analytical dependences for hydraulic calculation of high-viscosity oil transportation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2021. Vol. 252. p. 885-895. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2021.6.10
Oil and gas
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Modelling of fiberglass pipe destruction process

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The article deals with important current issue of oil and gas industry of using tubes made of high-strength composite corrosion resistant materials. In order to improve operational safety of industrial pipes it is feasible to use composite fiberglass tubes. More than half of the accidents at oil and gas sites happen at oil gathering systems due to high corrosiveness of pumped fluid. To reduce number of accidents and improve environmental protection we need to solve the issue of industrial pipes durability. This problem could be solved by using composite materials from fiberglass, which have required physical and mechanical properties for oil pipes. The durability and strength can be monitored by a fiberglass winding method, number of layers in composite material and high corrosion-resistance properties of fiberglass. Usage of high-strength composite materials in oil production is economically feasible; fiberglass pipes production is cheaper than steel pipes. Fiberglass has small volume weight, which simplifies pipe transportation and installation. In order to identify the efficiency of using high-strength composite materials at oil production sites we conducted a research of their physical-mechanical properties and modelled fiber pipe destruction process.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.K., Koeio Velaskes A.L. Modelling of fiberglass pipe destruction process // Journal of Mining Institute. 2017. Vol. 223. p. 93. DOI: 10.18454/PMI.2017.1.93
Oil and gas
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Selection of rational heating temperature for pipeline pumping high-viscosity and high pour point crude oil

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The article deals with the transportation problems of high-viscosity and high pour point crude oil through pipelines. The possibility of a structural oil movement mode development during transportation below the pour point is analyzed. The results of the experiment for unevenness of the heat flux identification in the underground pipeline are given.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.K., Klimko V.I. Selection of rational heating temperature for pipeline pumping high-viscosity and high pour point crude oil // Journal of Mining Institute. 2016. Vol. 217. p. 50.
Geotechnology for development of liquid and gas mining fields
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The way of pipeline construction in areas of high seismic activity

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The way of pipeline construction in areas of high seismic activity. Plates, which located on the ground surface and fixed in the ground by means of four supports, are used to compensate for the seismic loads. On each shoulder by a hinge to rotate in a vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the pipe installed two-arm lever, one arm of which is oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis, and its hinged to tie attached to it, and the second arm is oriented at a right angle to the shoulder is directed along the axis of the pipeline and is pivotally connected to the rod.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.K., Dokukin V.P., Putikov O.F. The way of pipeline construction in areas of high seismic activity // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 354.
Geotechnology for development of liquid and gas mining fields
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Analysis of existing design procedures pumping mode LPG natural gas pipeline

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The paper discusses possible ways of transporting liquefied natural gas (LNG), compares  the estimated capital cost of the projects on marine and pipeline transportation of LNG and argues for the economic efficiency of LNG transfer pipelines. The authors offered the most likely options pipelines and LNG method of calculation of hydraulic parameters.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.K., Dokukin V.P., Voronov V.A. Analysis of existing design procedures pumping mode LPG natural gas pipeline // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 199. p. 357.
Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Belt conveyor with a suspended belt on sliding supports

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The paper presents and analyzes the construction of the movable-belt conveyor on sliding supports developed at the Mining Transport Machine Department, the Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute. Its advantages over the existing analogues including conveyors with magneticcushion supports are substantiated.

How to cite: Vasiliev K.A., Nikolaev A.K. Belt conveyor with a suspended belt on sliding supports // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 35-39.
Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Rheological model of the flow of a high-concentration hydro-mixture

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The experimental research is made in the laboratory of hydrotransport. It includes determination of rheological properties of copper-zinc ore’s high-concentrated hydromixtures. As a result there is a mathematical description of its flow in the pressure head pipeline.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.K., Avksentiev S.Y. Rheological model of the flow of a high-concentration hydro-mixture // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 178. p. 73-76.
Technological machinery and equipment of mining and oil & gas industries
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Specific features of hydrotransport systems operation in winter conditions

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The analysis of operating conditions of above-ground slurry pipelines of mining enterprises in conditions of negative temperatures is carried out. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the heat exchange process in the two-phase flow taking into account the distribution of velocity and concentration of the solid phase across the cross section of the pipe are presented.

How to cite: Nikolaev A.K. Specific features of hydrotransport systems operation in winter conditions // Journal of Mining Institute. 2004. Vol. 157. p. 54-56.
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Распределение концентрации твердой фазы при течении вязкопластичных гидросмесей

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Течение вязкопластичных гидросмесей по трубопрово­дам сопровождается перераспределением концентрации твердой фазы по сечению потока. При структурном режи­ме течения и линейном характере распределения твердой фазы концентрация в ядре потока и в кольцевом про­странстве составляет соответственно 1,6 и 0,8 от ис­ходного содержания твердого.

How to cite: Aleksandrov V.I., Dokukin V.P., Nikolaev A.K. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 142. p. 150.
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Модель течения гидросмеси мягкой серпентинитовой руды

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Существующие запасы окисленных никелевых руд Республики Куба состоят из лимонитовой (железистой) и серпентинитовой (магнезиальной) фракций, при этом серпентиниты составляет примерно одну треть запасов. Технологический процесс переработки серпентинитовых руд на предприятии имени Педро Сото Альба и разница геодезических высот между заводом и месторождением делают более выгодным применение самотечного гидротранспорта обогащенного минера­ла до металлургического завода как наиболее экологически чистого вида транспорта продуктов обогащения и к тому же не требующего снабжения энер­гией. Однако состав твердой фазы пульпы создает определенные трудности для ее движения ...

How to cite: Suares M., Aleksandrov V.I., Dokukin V.P., Nikolaev A.K. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1995. Vol. 141. p. 50.
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Колебания трубопровода при импульсном нагружении

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При сейсмическом воздействии на трубопровод, закрепленный на опорах, колебания слагаются из поперечной и продольной составляющей. Поперечная волна большой амплитуды может явиться причиной аварийного останова гидротранспортной линии ...

How to cite: Isaev P.G., Romanov V.A., Nikolaev A.K. // Journal of Mining Institute. 1987. Vol. 110. p. 124.