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Yu. V. Lyubek
Yu. V. Lyubek
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute
G.V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg Mining Institute


Effective management in mineral resources complex and energy industry: approaches, tools and mechanisms
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Systematization of investment projects risks within the framework of the concession agreements in the mining industry

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Systematization of risks of concession projects in mining industry allows to create the basis for development of risk management model in order to decrease their influence on results of investment activity within concession agreements by means of their optimum distribution during which financial stability of the project is reached and the interests of each interested side of the concession agreement are observed.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. Systematization of investment projects risks within the framework of the concession agreements in the mining industry // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 143.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Realization of the mechanism of concession agreements in the Russian Federation

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Needs sustainable, balanced and socially effective development of the Russian economic system necessitated the use of concessions for the operation of State and municipal property. In the world practice the traditional mechanism of concessions is an implementation in the creation, renovation or modernization of production and social infrastructure necessary for the development of the mining industry.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. Realization of the mechanism of concession agreements in the Russian Federation // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 196.
Effective use of mineral resources in Russia: current state, problems, institutions, prospects
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The analysis of development of concession arrangements in the metallurgical industry of Russia

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Implementation of high and steady development rates of metallurgical industry is considerably connected with introduction of the mechanism of public-private partnership in the form of concession agreements. Concessions allow to degrade financial loading from the state by means of redistribution of risks between all participants; to establish rigid enough long-term legally issued connexion that allows participants of agreements to carry out strategic forecasting and planning    of the activity. The concession form of managing is the effective tool of private capital attraction, including foreign in real sector of economy, including in metallurgy without loss of strategic control over the vital systems and objects. The analysis has shown that efficiency of the application of concession business pattern and their contribution to social and economic development of the state is the ultimate under conditions of long-term consecutive planning and the system  approach from the state to management of concession  activity.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. The analysis of development of concession arrangements in the metallurgical industry of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 64.
Economical problems in use of subsurface and development of the mineral resources complex
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To the question of formation and functioning of self-developing territorial economic systems

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One of the directions of stable balanced and socially productive development of russian economy is self-developing territorial systems formation. Self-developing territorial economic systems should provide the expanded reproduction of total regional product at the expense of own resources and incomes potential.

How to cite: Skobelina V.P., Lyubek Y.V. To the question of formation and functioning of self-developing territorial economic systems // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 322.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Condition and tendencies of the world diamond-mining industry development

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The diamond's extraction and diamond's production realization by the diamond-mining companies of the countries in the world is decreasing in the modern conditions. The forecast of world diamond's business development for short-term prospect is connected with working out of development's scenarios and variants. Modern tendencies in the diamond business are directed towards the optimistic scenario.

How to cite: Novozhilova E.V., Lyubek Y.V. Condition and tendencies of the world diamond-mining industry development // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 145.

The financial strategy of the mining enterprise development in the conditions of uncertainty and risk

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Financial strategy of the mining enterprise in the conditions of uncertainty and risk allows to prove sufficiency of financial assets for realization of investment strategy; to estimate solvency and financial stability of the enterprise through the rating indicators and indicators; to prove the limits of rational volume's increase according to the investment strategy. 

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. The financial strategy of the mining enterprise development in the conditions of uncertainty and risk // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 257.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Rating indicators of the financial condition estimation of mining enterprise

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The method of receiving of united factor is considered to be the foundation of system development monitoring factors based on integrations of private factors of financial analysis, that is to say calculation of rating for different variants of investment activity a mining enterprise. Calculation of rating of borrower and rating of financial stability has the most importance while developing the investment strategy of development a mining enterprise. Rating analysis will allow to motivate the possibility for calculating the real investments, defining the value of rational growth of production volumes, motivating the borders of rational increase the volumes of production within the framework of investment activity.

How to cite: Luebeck J.V. Rating indicators of the financial condition estimation of mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 55-61.
Economics and management
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Monitoring analysis of the state of mineral raw material base of mining enterprise

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Well-being of Russia and its economic and research potential are originally dependant on the development of the mineral and primary raw material complex. The mineral market has become more competitive, which requires innovative approaches in management as economic and market criteria are becoming critically important and the need for flexibility is rising. Quite often external conditions force modern mining companies to transform into more complex entities. New methods and procedures which would be meeting both internal and external needs of the mining enterprise are required to secure control over these complexes. The system of monitoring introduce at a mining company is one of such mechanisms. This system helps to carry out regular assessment of the mineral balance of the company, to shape prospects of the company’s development, to develop investment plans for unforeseen complications and to work out strategies to help the company reach its targets and transform potential threats into its advantages.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V., Stolbovskaya N.V. Monitoring analysis of the state of mineral raw material base of mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 181. p. 199-202.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Development of social block in the investment strategy of mining enterprise

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Motivational social strategy of investment formation is based on the comprehensive monitoring analysis of the social situation with the provision of missions and concretization of the entire enterprise. The Strategic purposes of enterprise and results of analysis of social ambience find its reflection when shaping the complex social programs of development of enterprise. Development of projects of social sphere occurs In borders of comprehensive program. The Investment projects depending on purposes of realization will have the different scale of introduction. The Projects of different levels, answering criterion of efficiency, form the investment briefcase of enterprise. For whole planning reasonable to realize group of projects on different factors: on factors of efficiency of investments with provision for social effect, on temporary sign within strategy, as far as possible financial provision. Selected investment projects will form the base of complex social program of development of mountain enterprise.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. Development of social block in the investment strategy of mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 173-176.
Improvement of the system of state management of subsoil use
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Justification of the system of planning of investment activity of a mining enterprise

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Justification of the parameters of investment activity of a mining enterprise within the framework of a comprehensive program of its development is achieved in the process of developing an integrated planning system. Such a system is based on the coordination of strategic, medium-term and current plans of production activities. The system is formed in several stages. At first, a strategic plan is developed, the basis of which is the grouping of investment projects by time factor. Then an implementation calendar is drawn up for medium-term and current projects differentiated by blocks of the investment strategy. The optimal variant of investment projects implementation is justified in the course of analyzing the total cash flow and rating indicators. The final stage involves registration of the final indicators of the enterprise development in the business plan and target integrated program of the mining enterprise.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. Justification of the system of planning of investment activity of a mining enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2005. Vol. 161. p. 22-25.
Economics and management
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The main directions of investment activities of the mining enterprise in the natural and industrial complex

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When planning the investment activity of a mining enterprise within a region, a territorial-industrial complex (TIC), a natural-industrial complex (NIC), it is important to formulate its main guidelines. A mining enterprise carries out comprehensive investment activities as an independent economic entity and within the framework of the development program of the TIC and the region in the following areas: maintenance and development of the mineral resource base, development of production capacity, solution of environmental problems, labor safety problems, solution of social issues. Objectives of investment activity of a mining enterprise are dynamic, so it is necessary to build them in time, so that along with the priorities of long-term action to specify the tasks of individual stages, leading to the achievement of strategic benchmarks. Concretization of tasks on each time interval should take into account real conditions and possibilities of mining enterprise. The latter form competitive advantages, which largely determine the direction of investment activity. Besides, investment activity of mining enterprise is inseparably connected with investment policy in the region and level of economic development of natural-industrial complex. Accordingly, the problem of development of the main directions of investment activity of a mining enterprise should be solved taking into account the requirements and interests of the state, interests in the TIC (TIC) and partially the region, in a clear time frame.

How to cite: Lyubek Y.V. The main directions of investment activities of the mining enterprise in the natural and industrial complex // Journal of Mining Institute. 2002. Vol. № 2 150. p. 148-151.