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O. P. Mezentseva
O. P. Mezentseva
Post-graduate student
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)
Post-graduate student
Saint-Petersburg State Mining Institute (Technical University)


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Distribution of rare earth elements in ores Elov and Buructal supergene nickel deposits

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Weathering processes and infiltration metasomatic processes in the weathering crusts hyperbasite arrays have a positive effect  on  the accumulation  of rare earth  elements. The content of rare earth elements is steadily increasing bottom-up on the profile of weathering.  Metasomatic upper profile characterized by a high content  of rare earth  elements, which leads to  the appearance of rare earth elements phosphate mineral phase – xenotime found in this laterite for the first time. The composition of the rare earth elements in incorporating their metasomatic and minerals demonstrates chondritic distribution.

How to cite: Pilyugin A.G., Talovina I.V., Vorontsova N.I., Ryzhkova S.O., Mezentseva O.P. Distribution of rare earth elements in ores Elov and Buructal supergene nickel deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2012. Vol. 196. p. 31.
Current problems in geology and exploration of mineral deposits
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Row of chemical element mobility In rich lizardite-nepouite ores of the Elov supergene Nickel deposit (Northern Urals)

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We have analysed chemical of nepouites. NiO content in then ranges from 13,00 to 35,18 %, MgO from 18,29 to 44,61 %, i.e. the composition of nepouite corresponds to the composition of Mg-nepouite. General row of chemical element mobility in lizardite – nepouite ores of the Elov supergene nickel deposit is the following: (Mo, Sb, Se, W)20-35 > (Sn, As, Ni)10-20 > (Pb, Be, U)3-7 > (Ti, Ga, Mn)1-3 > (Th, Rb, Si)~1  > (Al, V, Co, Tm, Zn, Mg)0,6-0,9  > (Yb, Ca, Cu)0,4-0,5  > (Sc, Cr, Zr, Sr, Ba,  Y, Ta, TR)0,1-0,4 > (Cs, Nb; Ag, Te, Bi, Au)< 0,01-0,1.

How to cite: Mezentseva O.P., Lazarenkov V.G., Talovina I.V., Vorontsova N.I. Row of chemical element mobility In rich lizardite-nepouite ores of the Elov supergene Nickel deposit (Northern Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 91.
Current problems in geology and exploration of mineral deposits
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Geochemical barriers in supergene nickel deposit on the example Buruktal deposit (South Urals)

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The main geochemical barrier in supergene Buruktal nickel deposit is oxygen oxidized barrier in upper ferrous-oxide zone of the deposit. It makes sharp decrease of chemical element migration. Nevertheless, ore mineral concentrations present oft in complex geochemical barriers: absorbed-oxidized, carbonate-reducing and others. Every type of the geochemical barriers is able to concentrate specific association of migrated elements. That reflected on the different values of coefficients of enrichment in different types of Buruktal metasomatites. Oxidized barrier is more effective for elements with different valence (Fe, Mn), and absorbed clay, ferrous-oxide und manganese-oxide barriers are more effective for the main part of microelements.

How to cite: Talovina I.V., Lazarenkov V.G., Vorontsova N.I., Ryzhkova S.O., Mezentseva O.P., Pilyugin A.G. Geochemical barriers in supergene nickel deposit on the example Buruktal deposit (South Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 194. p. 112.
Geology and geophsics
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Distribution of groups of trace elements elements by types metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov nickel deposit

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The article deals with the distribution of groups of trace elements in four selected types of metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov deposit: chamosite metasomatic rocks and ores, which are three mineral species: a – chamosite, в – clinochlore –brendleyit-chamosite, с – clinochlore-talc-chamosite, goethite metasomatic rocks and ores, nepouite-chrysotile-lizardite metasomatic rocks and ores, and lizardite-chrysotile serpentinites. Also calculated the coefficients of accumulation of trace elements and formulated conclusions about elements are accumulation or elements are weathered of the above types of metasomatic rocks and ores of the Elov deposit.

How to cite: Mezentseva O.P., Talovina I.V. Distribution of groups of trace elements elements by types metasomatic rocks and ores in the Elov nickel deposit // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 54-57.
Geology and geophsics
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Value Δ34S in millerite and genesys of clinochlore-brindleyite-chamosite nickel ores in the Elov supergene deposit (North Urals)

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The article deals with genesis of chamosite zone in Elov supergene nickel deposit after the example of clinochlore-brindleyite-chamosite nickel ore. According to obtained data, isotope ratio 34 S/ 32 S in millerite from these ore type varies from –35,5 to –45,6±0,6 ‰. This value corresponds to sedimentary rocks und testifies surface exogenous genesis of chamosite nickel ores.

How to cite: Mezentseva O.P., Talovina I.V. Value Δ34S in millerite and genesys of clinochlore-brindleyite-chamosite nickel ores in the Elov supergene deposit (North Urals) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 58-61.
Geology, search and prospecting of mineral deposits
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Prospects of nickel industry in the Urals in the light of ore field structure study in supergene nickel deposits

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Tectonic fractures of meridian spread, masked by block system of neotectonic breaks, play the leading role in structural control of nickel mineralization in supergene nickel deposits in the Urals. The deposits have long-term genesis and polygenic character. They are characterized by intensive tectonic and hydrothermal workup of Paleozoic substrate and block structure with small amplitude of vertical displacement. All of them have a two-floor structure, where upper supergene floor has a «background» of lower hydrothermal floor. This fact considerably increases the field of geological prospecting and searching of new oxide-silicate nickel deposits in the Uralian region.

How to cite: Vorontsova N.I., Talovina I.V., Lazarenkov V.G., Ryzhkova S.O., Mezentseva O.P. Prospects of nickel industry in the Urals in the light of ore field structure study in supergene nickel deposits // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 183. p. 78-87.