Distribution of rare earth elements in ores Elov and Buructal supergene nickel deposits
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 4 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 5 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
Weathering processes and infiltration metasomatic processes in the weathering crusts hyperbasite arrays have a positive effect on the accumulation of rare earth elements. The content of rare earth elements is steadily increasing bottom-up on the profile of weathering. Metasomatic upper profile characterized by a high content of rare earth elements, which leads to the appearance of rare earth elements phosphate mineral phase – xenotime found in this laterite for the first time. The composition of the rare earth elements in incorporating their metasomatic and minerals demonstrates chondritic distribution.
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- № 1. P.1-18.
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