Row of chemical element mobility In rich lizardite-nepouite ores of the Elov supergene Nickel deposit (Northern Urals)
About authors
- 1 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 2 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 3 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
- 4 — Saint Petersburg State Mining University
We have analysed chemical of nepouites. NiO content in then ranges from 13,00 to 35,18 %, MgO from 18,29 to 44,61 %, i.e. the composition of nepouite corresponds to the composition of Mg-nepouite. General row of chemical element mobility in lizardite – nepouite ores of the Elov supergene nickel deposit is the following: (Mo, Sb, Se, W)20-35 > (Sn, As, Ni)10-20 > (Pb, Be, U)3-7 > (Ti, Ga, Mn)1-3 > (Th, Rb, Si)~1 > (Al, V, Co, Tm, Zn, Mg)0,6-0,9 > (Yb, Ca, Cu)0,4-0,5 > (Sc, Cr, Zr, Sr, Ba, Y, Ta, TR)0,1-0,4 > (Cs, Nb; Ag, Te, Bi, Au)< 0,01-0,1.
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