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V. S. Vasiltsov
V. S. Vasiltsov
Cherepovets State University
Cherepovets State University


Geoeconomics and Management
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The paper justifies the necessity to utilize new methods of strategic planning in oil and gas field exploitation in the Arctic shelf during the implementation of high-technology diversified model of development for oil and gas companies (OGC) based on principles and tools of fractal theory. It has been proved that despite its challenging conditions the Arctic represents not only resource potential of the country and a guarantee of national safety, but also a key driver of market self-identification and self-organization of OGCs. Identified and analyzed problems in institutional procurement of shelf development and utilized methods of strategic planning and project management, both on the levels of state and corporate governance, demonstrate that reductive approach of the fractal theory allows to take into account diversification of heterogeneous multicomponent project models, which can be reduced to a single management decision with inverse iterations of neural network modelling. Suggested approach is relevant for strategic planning not only on the stage of investment portfolio justification, but also for identification and assessment of project risks; ranking of projects according to the order of their implementation; back-and-forth management (monitoring and supervision) and project completion. It has been detected that such basic properties of the fractal as self-similarity, recurrence, fragmentation and correlation between all fractal dimensions allow to systematize chaotically changing values of market parameters in the Arctic shelf development project, which provides an opportunity to forecast market development with minimal prediction errors.

How to cite: Vasiltsov V.S., Vasiltsova V.M. STRATEGIC PLANNING OF ARCTIC SHELF DEVELOPMENT USING FRACTAL THEORY TOOLS // Journal of Mining Institute. 2018. Vol. 234. p. 663. DOI: 10.31897/PMI.2018.6.663
Effective management in mineral resources complex and energy industry: approaches, tools and mechanisms
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Innovative research investment activity (on the example of «Severstal»)

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The most important areas of investment metallurgical enterprises are today is not only the production but also the management of innovation, such as technology management innovation and investment activity of modern industrial enterprise. The article analyzes the nature and practical importance of innovation and investment activity of the example data analysis sustainability OAO«Severstal» in the postcrisis period, examined various components of innovation and investment activity (resource, Scoring and statistics) and their contribution to improving the efficiency of the enterprise in question.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Vasiltsov V.S., Egorushkin A.O. Innovative research investment activity (on the example of «Severstal») // Journal of Mining Institute. 2014. Vol. 208. p. 105.
Organizational and economic problems of innovative development of a mineral and raw complex
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Modernization of production in the conditions of tough competition on the market of refractories

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The refractory industry, not being the main branch of the Russian economy, is crucial to leading industries such as metallurgy, machinery, fuel and energy, military-industrial complex. Analysis of technical and economic state of the industry has identified the problem in continuous increased competition from foreign companies-producers of refractories. Carrying out and an estimation of economic efficiency of modernization of refractory industry is the actual problem which decision will allow to raise efficiency of the enterprises of the refractory industry and to define the further directions for successful development of industry.

How to cite: Andreikovets I.N., Vasiltsov V.S. Modernization of production in the conditions of tough competition on the market of refractories // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 205. p. 148.
Organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation development of companies in Russian mineral resources complex
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Strategy of development of investment and innovative potential of oil-extracting corporations

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In article economic and resource maintenance of growth of efficiency of investments into oil-extracting corporations of Krasnoyarsk region at the expense of development of its innovative potential is analyzed; volume of extraction and look-ahead resources of oil, possibility of at-traction of foreign investments; a condition of an investment climate, possibility of import of oil with the accounting mining used and inclusions in an industrial turn of small deposits.

How to cite: Maslovskii A.P., Vasiltsov V.S. Strategy of development of investment and innovative potential of oil-extracting corporations // Journal of Mining Institute. 2013. Vol. 201. p. 209.
Problems of sustainable development of mineral raw material complex
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Cluster approach to development оf the diamond complex of Russia

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State to initiate the formation of clusters in the diamond complex Russia assumes priority financing of innovation the industry and the simultaneous strengthening of the economic system, mediating diamond complex infrastructure and geographically. But productivity growth due to innovative activity of one branch can lead to a slowdown in other sectors. Indirect support for clusters include the activities of public-private partnership to stimulate competition, demand creation and support of allied industries, export promotion, development of training programs and links to science, infrastructure support of the cluster, antitrust, insurance risks, etc.

How to cite: Belov A.K., Vasiltsov V.S. Cluster approach to development оf the diamond complex of Russia // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 191. p. 93.
Economics and management
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Development of innovative potential of subjects of economic system on the basis of principles klasterization (on the example of the almazno- diamond complex)

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Now the economy of Russia possesses a heredity in the form of the Soviet model of the organization of the industry – territorial industrial complexes which needs updating for conformity to market economy and globalization calls. Today «growth  points» – industrial complexes  as set concerning homogeneous the companies with high innovative potential which simultaneously would act as the base, «nutritious» environment for formation and development of new subjects of economic system are necessary not large, badly operated and разнонаправленные conglomerates, and. Industrial clusters represent one of the most effective forms of the organiza- tion of the industry and all subjects of economic  system.

How to cite: Belov A.K., Vasiltsov V.S. Development of innovative potential of subjects of economic system on the basis of principles klasterization (on the example of the almazno- diamond complex) // Journal of Mining Institute. 2011. Vol. 189. p. 332-335.
Mineral raw materials complex: problems in control under new economical conditions
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Management of competitiveness of the enterprise in crisis

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Feature of anti-recessionary management of the organisation consists in the raised complexity of administrative processes. Financial crisis is shown in shortage of money resources, growth of the delayed creditor debts, falling of sales, discontent of the personnel and other adverse factors. Level of requirements to the heads, making the most important, strategic decisions, increases in a geometrical progression In the conditions of a crisis state most important to reduce one expenses and to increase others which can make the company profitable.

How to cite: Kichigin A.V., Vasiltsov V.S. Management of competitiveness of the enterprise in crisis // Journal of Mining Institute. 2009. Vol. 184. p. 46-49.
Improvement of management at sectoral enterprises
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Increase of competitiveness of metallurgical enterprise

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Increase of competitiveness of the enterprise – one of the pressing questions for modern Russia. Despite of an amplifying attention to this question the ambiguous approach to an estimation of competitiveness of the enterprises till now is kept. To solve complex social and economic problems in conditions of a rigid competition the knowledge and application of tools of new economy – will help essence and the mechanism of action of economic laws, laws of the organization, scientific approaches, principles, methods and models of management. In clause the analysis of the leading metallurgical enterprises of Russia to attributes of competitiveness for the given period of time is spent, actions on increase of competitiveness of Open Society «Severstal», in particular development of the project of formation of effective strategy of development are offered.

How to cite: Kichigin A.V., Vasiltsov V.S. Increase of competitiveness of metallurgical enterprise // Journal of Mining Institute. 2008. Vol. 179. p. 169-172.
Economics and management
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Alternative choice of the unemployed on the labor market

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The article considers the behavioral strategies of unemployed men and women in the conditions of economic reforms. Social, psychological and economic aspects are highlighted. The article identifies the causes of alternative choices in the conditions of unemployment and attempts to extrapolate them to the labor market.

How to cite: Vasiltsova V.M., Vasiltsov V.S., Veter I.V. Alternative choice of the unemployed on the labor market // Journal of Mining Institute. 2007. Vol. № 2 170. p. 207-209.